Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster [PS3/PS4/Vita]


Double Growth
I'm going to be honest, I don't really understand that viewpoint. I'm not saying I don't think your opinion is valid, I just treasured the original experience and I expect playing an essentially upgraded version will actually intensify those feelings, rather than diminish my memories of the original.

Right. Or, at worst, will have no affect on my original experience whatsoever. It's my same outlook to those who say a poorly done FF7 remake will "ruin" the original for them, that doesn't compute for me. (And I'm not trying to start that discussion again, so don't, anyone :monster:)


Pro Adventurer
I'm going to be honest, I don't really understand that viewpoint. I'm not saying I don't think your opinion is valid, I just treasured the original experience and I expect playing an essentially upgraded version will actually intensify those feelings, rather than diminish my memories of the original.

Then again, I'm a bit of a mutant. I replay FF games constantly and somehow don't get bored :monster:
I think it's contextual in my case. I've been through hours with FF X and VII when I was a kid. At those ages the experience was intensive, especially emotionally, and also more enjoyable because of free time :excited:
But maybe as you hinted, it's a trivial matter. This is just theory, I've never replayed the games past my teenage years....if I really wanted to play them again, I might....but for now I'd rather keep the nostalgic image of these games I've so treasured.


The thing I've found is that replaying the games at an older age is still an emotional experience, but like anything its a bit diminished because you actually know what's going to happen - story wise.

Gameplay wise, FF games actually become more interesting as you replay IMO, because you can strategise. I've found that with age what attracts me to the games is more the gameplay and strategy behind it rather than just the story.

In this case, it's going to be even better than the original all round. It's in HD, they might fix the lip synching, it won't run at 5/6th the speed in Europe, North America is getting the extra bits we got originally etc. It's just going to (hopefully) be a better version of an already amazing game.

Alex Strife

Exactly. New games do not change old games.

Case in point: I am a huge Lufia fan. I had always dreamt of what Square could do with Lufia, since I knew they had control over Taito, and I thought they'd do a great job (I was a younger me who was rather naive, so sue me). When it was announced that Square would remake Lufia II, I was overjoyed!!

In the end, they did many, many changes in the wrong direction. Gameplay is weak, storyline became weaker than the original and they removed one cool element, which was the huge amount of subplots during the original game. You would visit 20+ different towns, each with its own subplot, sometimes even two or three! And the remake was lowered to 5 towns and all the story happens there (and the dungeons of course). Besides, they did not release it in Europe.

Was it a disappointment? HELL YES IT WAS. Did it change anything about the original game? Not at all. It's still one of my favourite games + huge nostalgia (first RPG game for me). So... "if you don't like it, don't buy it". Or, in a more generic way, "live and let live".

I know it sounded harsh; it was not my intention. It's just that reading "ohnoesnewgamewillwuintheexperience" gets tiring, at some point. :P

Oh, Lufia remake on the DS did have one good thing. The remastered OST :lol: :D (still prefer the original but hey).


Consumed By Darkness
There is a few things that they will change that I am not looking forward to such as the kid at Kilika who "wants to be a blitzball when he grows up" they will more than likely pick up on that translation fault. Whilst its nothing huge its something that made the original version unique, small errors like that.

All that aside I still can't wait for this game it's the first FF game I fell completely in live with and I will always have the original version for those minor errors that I like.


There is a few things that they will change that I am not looking forward to such as the kid at Kilika who "wants to be a blitzball when he grows up" they will more than likely pick up on that translation fault.

That wasn't a translation error, it's literally what he says. It's just a stupid kid. :P





"Let's bitch about the stupid awkward scene that was written to be intentionally stupid and awkward!"
To be honest I can only complain about the Japanese version of that scene.

...because having my ears raped by a crow that tries to impersonate a human is not my idea of fun. :monster: I get the intended atmosphere in the English dub, but here I just feel lost.

So yeah, I don't get the hate. This is coming from somebody who enjoyed FFX very moderately.


Ha, wow, I don't know that I've heard the Japanese version, of if I have, it's been a while...that was...painful. Your description of a crow was spot on, though :monster:


Double Growth
And people like to use it as an example why dubbing is a bad thing, lol. If you wanna bemoan voice acting in general that's one thing, otherwise it's very ironic.


That Man
Gonna be honest here:

FFX was never my favorite FF to begin with.

Only reason I 'tolerated' it was because it was one of PS2's early FFs.

"Talking head models" look absolutely NOTHING like the in-battle models (which are even worse by comparison, and used more often in FFX-2). Heck, the Dissidia models which are closer to Kingdom Hearts Style were better-served than these (both old AND current).

Tidus' face always looked chubby to me in FFX until you actually used him in-battle, then it slimmed up on the polygon count. Most FFX models were 'over-shaded' anyway. They only started looking brighter in FFX-2.

At least Dissidia was consistent for most cutscenes (up until the hi-rez ones).

This is why I will always and forevermore prefer Ivalice FF games (Tactics, FFXII, Vagrant Story).


Higher Further Faster
I have to admit, I never finished Dissidia because I thought it was boring. idk :P

I suppose it did look rather nice, but eh...


^You know I'm kinda the same tbh. I use my PSP for one thing - the pleasure of emulating old games on a portable device. This includes every Sega and Nintendo game I liked pre 2001 pretty much, you can get them all on there. But the actual games themselves never really keep me too interested.

The Vita is a different story though. I think it's because of the extra functionality and the nicer screen, it's all bit more unique and not just "you're playing games and are able to walk around".


Consumed By Darkness
So the games are up on the PlayStation Europe store, albeit it still has a place holder date and no new information is on there that we don't already know but it must mean something right?


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Just seen these before, they're beautiful.
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