Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster [PS3/PS4/Vita]

Alex Strife

I wasn't going to get it but... I have 2 Vita games.

Apparently not many interesting games coming out in the future. So I should, I guess, as I want to give the console a proper use! (Replaying Gravity Rush now).


Higher Further Faster
And I actually liked X-2, unlike many others. WHAT SHOULD I DO.

I liked it as well.

However the plot is not the reason why I enjoyed it, maybe that's why. :P

Wait, first I wanna know if they fix the horrible lip-synching.

haha, This would be nice. :)

But I always felt that the terrible lip syncing was rather charming. :P


Pro Adventurer
I have to say I'm really excited to see X-2 in HD since when I was younger I had a massive girl crush on Paine and thought that she was ridiculous pretty so I can't imagine what she'll look like in HD :aah:


I guess we're all coming out of the woodwork here - I'm also excited about the X-2 HD release. I didn't actually finish the game when I started playing it, but now I'll have the perfect excuse to give it another go :)


Pro Adventurer
This is me coming out of the woodwork: I don't like FFX-2, I never have done, and I doubt that will change even with an HD version. The battle system is fun but everything else about it annoys me too much to play it. I am looking forward to playing X again though.

Alex Strife

The battle system was quite solid, if you ask me! Would've been fun to see a main game using the job system in a similar way, I believe.


Pro Adventurer
@Flint: This I really don't understand. The battle system is one of the things I least like in FFX-2, because I feel it's too fast, so I end up not using any of the special moves because I don't have the time to think about what I should do. So I mainly use attack. :/ Otherwise it's pretty fun with the outfits and the upgrading.

And here I was afraid that I'm the only one who likes X2! :D Of course there are things that I dislike as well, but overall I think it's really fun. And FFX is really my favourite FF game, so I'm really looking forward to the release.


Double Growth
FF10-2's combat is the best in the series, bar none. And for that reason I will always forgive all of its shortcomings as it is an absolute blast to play.


I'm really looking forward to playing X-2 again, I played it maybe 3 times start to finish back when I got it and since then it's remained in its case, forgotten. It's basically the light-hearted version of X. Yes, it has a ridiculous plot, but the rest of it is pretty awesome IMO.


Short interview about dev stuff. I like the whole thing:

Yoshinori Kitase and Hideki Imaizumi, producer and associate producer for the new PlayStation 3 and PS Vita HD remakes of Final Fantasy X and X-2, sat down with Famitsu magazine this week to discuss the project's progress. Here are some of the highlights from the interview:

Discussion about kicking off this remaster project began in 2011, according to Imaizumi. "[Character designer] Tetsuya Nomura and I were recording voices for Final Fantasy Type-0," he recalled, "and one of the actors there also worked on the first FFX. We realized it was just about a decade since we last met, and while we didn't have much free time, we all agreed it'd be nice if we could all do something to celebrate the game. A few days later, Nomura started negotiating with assorted people, and then it was like 'Okay, let's do it!'. Most of our team was busy on FFXIII by that point, though, so we couldn't get to work on the remaster immediately."

"We didn't make the 10th anniversary of FFX," Kitase chimed in, "but 2013 is the 10th birthday of FFX-2, so I guess we lucked out!"

For both remakes, the development team is rebuilding many of the character models from the ground up. "All the controllable characters have been reworked," Imaizumi said. "For the other characters and monsters, we've largely stuck with rearranging textures to improve the quality on them. For the 16:9 support, we've adjusted the camera to have the visuals work in 3D scenes, but the pre-rendered background scenes required quite a lot of redrawing and adding on to get them to look correct."

"Even with the 3D scenes," Kitase added, "if you just extended the image to 16:9, you'd have things like people visible on the sides in story cutscenes, waiting for their 'cue' to enter the scene. I imagine we'll have to work on quashing little things like that right up to the end of development."

When asked about other challenges these remasters present to the team, Kitase brought up a veritable laundry list. "Recreating the original gameplay was surprisingly tough," he replied. 'We have to adjust the gameplay to match with the 2013 HD remaster's visuals, of course, but we're also taking pains to ensure the impression you get while playing is that it's the same; it hasn't gone all different. A lot of people have a lot of emotions tied up with FFX, and satisfying those emotions presents some really high hurdles. There's also the fact that we don't have all of the data from the original development project left. We're working with an external development studio and an internal staff for this project, and our internal programmers are the one handling data salvage and repair. In some ways, it'd be easier to just rebuild some of the stuff from scratch."

Was it always the intention to release the X-2 remaster alongside the original FFX? Yes, according to Imaizumi. "We figured that gamers would like it more if we released both games," he explained. "On a personal level, I'd like to have gamers experience the story of Tidus and Yuna in a complete package. The PS Vita versions of FFX and FFX-2 are being released separately purely for storage capacity reasons."

Square Enix hasn't announced a firm release date for the remasters yet, and Kitase wasn't giving one out to Famitsu, either. "I think we'd like to get it out there as soon as possible," he said. "Final Fantasy had its 25th birthday in December 2012 and now we're kicking off the next quarter-century, so I'd like to keep things exciting. Work on Lightning Returns is proceeding along steadily as well, too."


The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
It's sad how surreal it is to see them actually talking about development progress on anything these days. I genuinely expect good things from this.


That Man
All I want is a screenshot comparison between PS3 and PS2 versions.

That will help me decide if it's worth it.


I've just realised this is our next community playthrough. Yes/yes? I say this because I can cannonball my own personal runs on PS3 and use my Vita for the community playthroughs. I am so excited about this game coming out again it's not even funny. I'll finally have a proper FF to play in HD in all its shiny shiny glory.

Also, something important I noticed from the trailer: Those CG clips from the opening sequence - they're in true 16:9? How is that possible if the original was rendered in 4:3? They're not stretched or cut, there's literally extra parts on the sides as far as I can tell. Either they were originally rendered in widescreen (unlikely) or they added to them? (still not likely). Someone help me out here.


Consumed By Darkness
Trophies Trophies Trophies trophies TROPHIES!

So yeah that and just general cum in my pants excitement for this game, and a community playthrough must be done.






Pro Adventurer
I personally wouldn't bother with this one. I'd rather have my good memories of playing the original than to overwrite them (Am I the only one with this opinion, btw?). Same reason I'd not replay FFV after a few years, unless they make a complete revamp for next generation standards, not just higher textures...that way it feels like a completely different game.


I'm going to be honest, I don't really understand that viewpoint. I'm not saying I don't think your opinion is valid, I just treasured the original experience and I expect playing an essentially upgraded version will actually intensify those feelings, rather than diminish my memories of the original.

Then again, I'm a bit of a mutant. I replay FF games constantly and somehow don't get bored :monster:

Alex Strife

Wait. Can you get bored by replaying FF games?

I don't do this that often simply because I do not have time, but ah if I did have time!! I used to do it very, very often.
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