Why did Hojo never tell Sephiroth he was his father?


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
I don't think the game ever tells us why Hojo ever witheld that knowledge.Was it because he wanted his son to grow up thinking he was an orphan until the time he would finally meet Jenova?I can see a big reason why he would lie about Jenova being his mother mainly because in a way she is because he was injected with her cells.I can also see it setting up another lie for Sephiroth that he was solely created from Jenova and had no father at all.

In a way this shows Hojo never really was interested in being a father but just an extension of his occupation as a scientist.In fact most of his decisions concerning Sephiroth had to do with science and proving his reunion theory.


Double Growth
Who knows. Though I would wager that Hojo simply didn't care and, as someone completely sociopathic with no concept of empathy, probably wouldn't understand why it would be important to Sephiroth either.

Sephiroth was just an experiment, a petri dish, to see if they could create a being that had the abilities of the Cetra. No more, no less. It didn't have to be a well-adjusted person - although that may well have served the purposes of the experiment, as has been made abundantly clear, Hojo wasn't a particularly good scientist.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Probably didn't tell him because Hojo had no interest in being a father. When Sephiroth died in Nibelheim, Hojo wasn't even phased emotionally -- just thought it was very interesting that Cloud had beaten him, and moved on to his next experiment.

There's also the likelihood that he viewed Seph as just an experiment for satisfying his own curiosities. What benefit would it have to the experiment to let it know its father was always there?


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Probably didn't tell him because Hojo had no interest in being a father. When Sephiroth died in Nibelheim, Hojo wasn't even phased emotionally -- just thought it was very interesting that Cloud had beaten him, and moved on to his next experiment.

There's also the likelihood that he viewed Seph as just an experiment for satisfying his own curiosities. What benefit would it have to the experiment to let it know its father was always there?

The only time he actually had any psuedo sorta of twisted fatherly concern for his son is when he powered the Sister Ray to strengthen his son's power when he was going to destroy the world with Meteor.Although you can say that couldn't be even called fatherly concern because at the basis he wanted to see his research bloom.And in Dirge Of Cerebrus he just wanted his son to help wake up Omega so he can possess it.


Double Growth
Yeah, in what he would label as scientific curiosity, he wanted to see the result of Sephiroth obtaining all the power he wanted. He didn't give a crap that he was Sephiroth's father.


The only time he actually had any psuedo sorta of twisted fatherly concern for his son is when he powered the Sister Ray to strengthen his son's power when he was going to destroy the world with Meteor.Although you can say that couldn't be even called fatherly concern because at the basis he wanted to see his research bloom.And in Dirge Of Cerebrus he just wanted his son to help wake up Omega so he can possess it.

To be honest, even reading the words "his son" in this paragraph feels wrong, because Hojo never thought of him as "son", just an experiment.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Hojo's sick reason is to be the best scientist :monster:

Yes,his true love is science next to sadism and apathy.Now that I think about I don't think he even would have become a father unless he could have used his child for scientific purposes.Lucrecia what were you thinking when you married Hojo.I know that you felt guilt for accidentally killing Vincent's father but Hojo is just the worst person to ever get involved with.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Married or no, Lucrecia was an absolute moron. I've yet to read a satisfactory explanation for her actions. Occams razor suggests shes just got a bunch of dryer lint and pencil shavings in place of a brain.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Why not? Why would she have turned down Vincent otherwise?

Yeah,I mean picking Dr.Evilstein over Vincent is just insane.

It just makes you think that in the real world that Dr.Hojo would get the life sentence for his zero skills as a parent and for illegaly experimenting on his own child.


Double Growth
Because she was just as obsessed as Hojo was. Maybe not QUITE as evil, but she developed a conscience a day late and dollar short. And even then only for what seem like maternal instincts.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
This also got me thinking that Hojo really thought so little of Lucrecia that he actually erased any files of her so he could pass off Jenova as Sephiroth's mother.Lucrecia was just a surrogate in Hojo's mind while Jenova was the true mother of his greatiest experiment.I actually think that from day one Hojo wanted to pound the belief into his son that he was Jenova's son.

I also think that Hojo expected Lucrecia to actually relinquish any rights as a mother.Becuase mainly she did experiment on her unborn child so he expected that she wouldn't mind just not being in the boy's life.So,I think it would be another reason why he did erase her existance because of the fact she wanted to be apart of her son's life instead of treating Sephiroth like a sciencie experiment to observe.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Hojo thinks nothing of anyone, save himself. Period.

Hojo = evil, sneaky, creepy, greasy, cocky, disturbing, inhuman, cold, heartless, insane, demented, twisted, unstomachable....

and those are his best traits.

I always had a feeling that Sephiroth might have had a sneaking suspicion that Hojo was his father but really squashed the idea because of the fact that he would have hated the idea of that walking mass of complexes being his father


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Lets not forget Vincent was no angel either, he was after all a Turk. My guess is maybe Hojo could further her career and ol Vinnie couldn't :monster:


Double Growth
And clearly Lucrecia didn't have a ton of compunctions herself about breaking ethical standards. Octo is absolutely right, Hojo was a powerful man in the science department. It could get her a lot of resources. And I don't think that's the ONLY reason Lucrecia when along with it. Look, maybe they happened to get along in the lab. I know actually loving him is probably impossible. But she may well have idolized his work and experiments. Vincent was a bodyguard. (And as Octo also pointed out, he was Turk, and we've seen their handywork, they're not exactly pious themselves)


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
And clearly Lucrecia didn't have a ton of compunctions herself about breaking ethical standards. Octo is absolutely right, Hojo was a powerful man in the science department. It could get her a lot of resources. And I don't think that's the ONLY reason Lucrecia when along with it. Look, maybe they happened to get along in the lab. I know actually loving him is probably impossible. But she may well have idolized his work and experiments. Vincent was a bodyguard. (And as Octo also pointed out, he was Turk, and we've seen their handywork, they're not exactly pious themselves)

If I remember in Dirge of Cerebrus she was trying to prove her thesis on Chaos but was laughed by the Shinra Science Department.I was thinking that maybe she also started a relationship with Hojo so he can help prove it right.

I think mainly why Vincent got concerned is because Lucrecia was getting involved with stuff that could have harmed her and her unbron child.He might be a Turk and has probably done some dirty deeds he probably also would have thought a parent would be concerned over their child's well being.
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