The Shera was built by Cid...and wasn't?

Frontpage version of the article draft that this post holds. Open spoiler tag for initial draft.

Confusion surrounds the canon origin of the Shera airship, due to conflicting and vague statements. This thread lists the timeline of those statements, to enlighten everybody on the Shera's canon history and to hopefully shed some light on whether the Shera was built by Cid or not.



To start off, there is no question that the Shera has been stated as being a ship from a lost civilization (at least in the English game). This is supported by the WRO NPC in the Shera's engine room.

WRO Member: While the airship is named after
Cid's wife, construction of the
vessel wasn't performed by the
captain at all. >
Our team of loyal scientists
here at the World Regenesis
Organization or those criminals
at Shinra weren't involved, either. >
To tell you the truth, the ship
is not even from this era. It is
a relic from a lost civilization. >
Most of the machinery in the
engine room is boxed up in
black casing, so we don't even
know what half of it does. >
There's no need to worry. Even
though we cannot reproduce the
technology, we can still put it
to good use. >
I can almost guarantee
there will be no problems. >


Further support is given by another NPC, this time on the main deck. Here only the "mysterious ancient power" is mentioned.
WRO Member: Mr. Valentine! It's me! >
Don't you remember?
I was one of the Highwind crew! >
That bird was a beauty,
but this ship's just as sweet. >
And you won't believe this,
but she runs on some
mysterious ancient power. >
But you don't have to worry.
You'll be safe in my hands. >
Wait a minute...
Where did this button come from? >
Oh, no, you didn't hear anything. >
Approaching destination! >


Albeit not directly stated, this fits like a glove with the idea that FFX and FFVII are connected, with Spirans having settled on the planet thousands of years before. We are led to assume that the Shera is a remnant of Spiran technology. If only because of the collective agreement that Cetrans were "nature hippies born with the power to commune with nature and therefore were not technologically advanced", the Spiran connection makes more sense.

Viewed through the lens of Dirge of Cerberus alone, both the shell and the technology of the Shera was not made by Cid.

Let's see what happens when we take the bigger picture of the Compilation into account.



2005: Advent Children

After Cid descends to Edge and fight off Shadow Creepers, he turns to Tifa and says
Cid: She’s a beaut! My Shera, the latest model!
Thanks to Morella for English Script
Japanese line transcribed by Squall_of_SeeD :
「新型だー! シエラ号」

Retranslation by Squall_of_SeeD :
"The new model! The Shera"

In Advent Children Complete the bit with Cid fighting off Shadow Creepers was edited out, but his line remained the same.

Both the official English line and the retranslation are very curious. Calling something a "new model", implies that the appearance was conceived and/or made by Cid. If it was an ancient ship that had been found, it would simply have been a "new ship" not a "new model".



May 2006: The Reunion Files

Here is where things get messy. Keep in mind that the original Japanese version of Dirge of Cerberus was released in January 2006, with the North American release happening in August the same year.

Page 46 of the Reunion Files:
After the battle two years ago, Cid
returned to Rocket Town and devoted
himself to developing a new airship
capable of functioning without mako
as a power source. After a bumpy
road of trial and error, Cid's new
airship - the Shera - was completed.
But not much later, Cid got word of
Cloud and the others being in danger.
So along with his newly built airship,
he traveled to Midgar to join the
- Scan for reference

This directly goes against the statements made in Dirge of Cerberus, which was released in Japan four months before the Reunion Files. Here the Shera was built by Cid. No alternative power source is specified, aside from Cid aiming for the ship to function without mako. The quote seems to say that Cid reached his goal of making the ship function with a different power source (otherwise the ship could not qualify as having been completed?).

Unfortunately this summary of Cid's time between the original game and Advent Children does not provide the name of who wrote this summary. Every character page in fact begins with this type of "OG -> AC" summary, without telling who the author of the passage is.

Moving ahead to a quote on page 86 of the same book. The first half of this quote has already been extensively debated in the argument about how magic and materia works. Now we move our attention to the second half of the quote.
What do they use for fuel in this time period?

"Cloud and the gang certainly aren't using mako anymore, because it drains the life of the planet. That means they don't use Materia, either. Yuffie collects them, but that's just because she lives to collect things (laughs). I guess the airship must be running on some mysterious ancient power source." (Nomura)
- Scan for reference

This quote and the Dirge of Cerberus NPC script are the only instances where this "mysterious ancient power source" is mentioned. In the Reunion Files it is brought up by Tetsuya Nomura as though he came up with it on the spot. Even if the idea wasn't conceived during the interview from where this quote hails, the "I guess" part does give the vibe of an idea that is still an unexplored after-thought.

What do we make of all this? Taking only the Reunion Files book into consideration, the two quotes in it do not have to contradict each other. We can assume that while Cid did build the Shera, he somehow tapped into a "mysterious ancient power source". In order for it to justifiably be dubbed "ancient", he must have used some ancient device as a blueprint and then reverse engineered it. If the blueprints were entirely his own, the power source would be "mysterious and new" not "mysterious and ancient".

This all collapses with Dirge of Cerberus. The technology of the Shera is said to be something that can't be reproduced. The tapestry is inconsistent.

Although Dirge of Cerberus was originally released before the Reunion Files it is relevant to remember that the re-release, Dirge of Cerberus: International, came out in November 2008 in Japan. If the script of the original game and the International version are the same (THIS IS YET TO BE CONFIRMED), then the rule of "most recent entry is canon" can be applied if one wishes.

The Reunion Files does contain its share of outdated info, after all. The plot summary for Yuffie, on page 50, reads as follows:
Formerly on a quest for materia, Yuffie returned to her father's dojo where she grew up in Wutai, to live a happy, relatively normal life. That is, until
Kadaj's evil reached Wutai, and the children of that town where* kidnapped. Word of this incident sent Yuffie straight to Midgar in search of the children.
*Book's typo, not mine
- Scan for reference

With the release of Episode:Yuffie in the On the Way to a Smile novel in 2009, the summary in the Reunion Files does not apply at all. Her life was not "happy, relatively normal" and she did eventually go on a quest to find a materia that might cure Geostigma.

If we discard the Reunion Files as being outdated and retconned by Dirge of Cerberus:International, the origin of the Shera is clear. Still, both the Shera-related quotes in said book does leave an odd taste in one's mind...



2007 & 2009: FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania

In Cid's character profile on page 72-75 (page 74-77 in the 2009 release) we see that a compromise was made between the "ancient airship" and "built by Cid" origins.

In Advent Children

Aboard a new airship,
The master of the skies returns to aid his friends!

Age: 34

When the city of Edge is in danger, Cid comes to the rescue in the newly completed Shera, and battles with the monster hoards roaming the city. After fighting off Bahamut SHIN with the friends he once saved the planet with, he takes the team aboard his airship as they watch over Cloud from the skies.

Compilation Check

Cid’s beloved vehicles and the origins of their names


New-type Airship: Shera
Features in AC and DC. Said to use the legacy of an ancient civilization to power it, and it still has many black box areas yet to be fully understood. The ship is christened after Shera, Cid’s partner.

This retcons what the WRO NPC in the Shera engine room stated in Dirge of Cerberus, as far as the English localization goes. The statement there was that the entire ship was not of Cid's construction. But in the 10th Anniversary Ultimania, it is clear that primarily the engine (at the very least) is the legacy of an ancient civilization. Most of it was built by Cid and his team.

It is not clear if this "legacy of an ancient civilization" is restricted to the engine, or if the "mysterious ancient power source" is still part of canon. The statement in the book is not extensive enough to read how much has been retconned from Dirge of Cerberus.



Without the 10th Anniversary Ultimania, the On the Way to a Smile chapters would be very confusing. In Episode:Barret, Cid and his team are building a new airship, a new engine (one that Cid alone works on, with much frustration) and working on the oil refinement process in order to turn it into jet fuel. The airship is never named, so if we only took the NPC lines from Dirge of Cerberus into account, we'd be forced to conclude that this airship was not the Shera. Going by the 10th Anniversary Ultimania, it looks very much like the airship in OtWtaS is the Shera.

By Episode:Yuffie and Episode:Nanaki, the new airship is taken on a successful test flight, but with limited fuel.

From Episode:Yuffie, when Yuffie is near Corel and Cid arrives on his new airship.
“Hey, Yuffie!”

Cid caught up with them. He looked exhausted. Or maybe he’s grown thinner.

“Is that a new model?”

“Damn right it is! I completed it somehow. We’re in the middle of a test flight.”

“Looks like it’s going well.”

“You could say that. But there ain’t much fuel left. Just enough to go round half the planet.”

“It doesn’t look like it’s going well.”

“I’m just going to have to place my hopes on that rush-headed Barret. He’s out looking for another place where there’s oil. I already have all the materials and the staff ready to go when he calls but, where on the planet could he be, eh?”

While it is clear now that the shell of the Shera was built by Cid and his team we are still in the dark about the engine and its power source. Does the ship simply use jet fuel with higher efficiency than the airships that don't use the 'legacy of an ancient civilization' or does it run on a mysterious ancient power source as was stated in Dirge of Cerberus? Was the Shera's engine originally of Cid's making, but later replaced either before AC or between AC & DC? Is the engine Cid works on in Episode:Barret an ancient engine that he found and managed to get working through a process of trial and error?

The main question has been answered but many details remain unclear.
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Japanese transcriptions and retranslations I would like to see:

- Cid's first line in Advent Children *Provided by Tres
- The two aforementioned WRO NPCs on the Shera, both in the original Japanese version of DC and in DC:International. *Original Japanese version script provided by Tres
- 10th Anniversary Ultimania statements

Something completely different: Will anyone object if I edited the instances of "Sierra" to "Shera" in our translation of Cid's character profile? "Shera" is the only localization that has been used in official material, to my knowledge.
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Japanese transcriptions and retranslations I would like to see:

- Cid's first line in Advent Children

「新型だー! シエラ号」

"The new model! The Shera"

Shademp said:
- The two aforementioned WRO NPCs on the Shera, both in the original Japanese version of DC and in DC:International.

I can't find Let's Plays of the entire International version, but I doubt there's any differences anyway.

Here's the guy in the engine room (all his dialogue):

And the guy on the bridge (up to where he says the line translated as "But you don't have to worry. You'll be safe in my hands"):

And here's the video I got them from:

Shademp said:
Something completely different: Will anyone object if I edited the instances of "Sierra" to "Shera" in our translation of Cid's character profile? "Shera" is the only localization that has been used in official material, to my knowledge.

I have no objection, though I feel I should point out that "Sierra" was used on the packaging for the toy/model. Still, "Shera" seems to be the chosen localization for English-speaking markets (e.g. the official English translations of Episode:Barret and Dirge).
Many thanks, Tres. You spoil me.

I finally bothered to get a niconico account, so I can watch the video. They must have changed the site because I don't remember it having this much English text last I visited.

Edit: While I do suspect as well that there are no major script differences between DC JORG and International, I still find it curious that the release date for DC:International was a whopping 2 1/2 after original release (2 years after American and European releases). Why would it take so long? That leaves a lot of time for random edits to be made, even for voice-overs to be redone. I wonder if the September 2008 release is false though...

Edit #2: Btw I think you got the transcription wrong in one spot.
should be

At least according to my eyes, when re-checking the video.
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Many thanks, Tres. You spoil me.

True. :awesome:

Shademp said:
I finally bothered to get a niconico account, so I can watch the video.

'Bout time. :monster:

Shademp said:
That leaves a lot of time for random edits to be made, even for voice-overs to be redone.

Well, it does have English voice-overs instead of Japanese. =P

Shademp said:
I wonder if the September 2008 release is false though...

It's correct. I assume it took so long because they didn't anticipate it selling like hotcakes quite like most International releases.

Shademp said:
Edit #2: Btw I think you got the transcription wrong in one spot.
should be

At least according to my eyes, when re-checking the video.

You're correct, yes. Thank you.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Wasn't it said that the Shera being built by a lost civilization was a nod that Final Fantasy X is the past of Final Fantasy VII?
As far as I know, Square has never confirmed that the Shera (or as ultimately seems to be the case, its engine/operation system) is a remnant of the technologically advanced civilization that travelled from the FFX world to the FFVII one. It is however usually deemed the most natural conclusion to draw. I certainly feel a lot more apprehensive assuming that Cetrans created such technology, or that Cetran descendants (with no relation to Spiran settlers) after Jenova's outbreak created the ship engine and then somehow faded into obscurity.
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Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
As far as I know, Square has never confirmed that the Shera (or as ultimately seems to be the case, its engine/operation system) is a remnant if the technologically advanced civilization that travelled from the FFX world to the FFVII one. It is however usually deemed the most natural conclusion to draw. I certainly feel a lot more apprehensive assuming that Cetrans created such technology, or that Cetran descendants (with no relation to Spiran settlers) after Jenova's outbreak created the ship engine and then somehow faded into obscurity.

Although I do wonder what a nomadic people would need with that kind of stuff.
I should probably turn the first post into a frontpage article sooner rather than later. Transcriptions and screenshots can always be filled in later (I still have no way to record Dirge of Cerberus footage because I couldn't get the Elgato Game Capture to work properly).

This topic is the second time recently that the FFX-FFVII connection has been raised. Some people are still confused by this part of obscure canon. I actually feel that TLS is missing something by not hosting its own article version of the FFX-FFVII connection as explained in Tres's GameFAQs FFVII Plot Analysis guide. Yes it is mentioned and brought up in Tres's "Guide to FFVII Canon" article here on TLS, but I'd like a separate article in the Canon of FFVII section.

The site linked to (within the GameFAQs guide) which has photos of the relevant interviews is an archived web page, which feels silly for something important such as this. The archive doesn't have full-size images and the recorded interview is gone as well.

The person who used to host this stuff is still active on GameFAQs. If we contact her we might even retrieve the interview recording and get permission to host the translations on our site?

I just feel that the possibility should be explored. I'm willing to be the driving force behind TLS hosting its own "FFX-FFVII Connection Explained" article. Tres will barely have to do anything. I imagine that the first post of this thread would be a separate mini-article, titled "Origins of the Shera".
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
If it's alright with you, I'd like to do my own translation of the interviews related to this (the one from the FFX Ultimania Omega and the one from the X-2 Ultimania) for this. I think I already have one of them translated, so I just need to do the other.
I am 95% finished with the "Origins of the Shera" article.

I have two quote transcriptions that only need a few checks before completion.

Reunion Files Page 40 quote


Not sure if...
1) 力 should be just that, or if it is カ (the smaller version).
2) 一 is correct or if it should be ー.
3) Is シ correct or should it be ツ?

Reunion Files Page 86 quote



Should it be 力 or カ?

(Not including the Yuffie Page 50 quote in the final article because it's superfluous)


AI Researcher
I am 95% finished with the "Origins of the Shera" article.

I have two quote transcriptions that only need a few checks before completion.

Reunion Files Page 40 quote


Not sure if...
1) 力 should be just that, or if it is カ (the smaller version).
2) 一 is correct or if it should be ー.
3) Is シ correct or should it be ツ?
1) 力 (the kanji), as it's part of the word 動力源
2) 一 (the kanji), as it's part of the word 一路 and you can't words with ー (which is used to make the vowel sound before it longer)
3) シド = shi [shido/Cid], シエラ = shi [shiera/Shera/Sierra], ミッドガル = small tsu [middogaru/Midgar]

Reunion Files Page 86 quote



Should it be 力 or カ?

(Not including the Yuffie Page 50 quote in the final article because it's superfluous)
力 (the kanji), as it's the word 'chikara' here. カ (katakana) wouldn't make sense unless you were saying it's flying using 'ancient unknown mosquito' (which is sometimes written as カ instead of 蚊).
I won't receive my extra copy of FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania until a month from now. Because of this I can't scan pages (I only do that when I have at least two of the same book so I can treat one of them how badly I want to). OCR, Optical Character Recognition, only works well for scanned pages so currently I can't generate Japanese transcriptions of these myself.

If somebody wants to transcribe the stuff manually, here are photos of the relevant sections in Cid's character profile which will be used for the article.

- Advent Children Check 01
- Advent Children Check 02
- Advent Children Check 03

- Vehicles Compilation Check <--only the Shera bit is important

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Just going to point out here that there's no reason the Cetra couldn't be "nomads via airship" as opposed to "nomads via land".
I am honestly not sure how to tackle the Cetrans vs Spirans shebackle.

When I explore the info there are on the Cetrans, no part specifically states that they weren't technologically advanced. The game's theming is mostly to blame. Modern humans are detached from the planet and use technology (mako reactors) in a bad way. Cetrans were deeply connected to the planet and cultivated it. You get sort of the "technology is bad" therefore "Cetrans didn't use technology" impression. But the Cetrans' mystical devices in the Forgotten City and the Ancient Temple may still be defined as technology, albeit a magical/mystical technology. So it's not impossible that the Cetrans built airships and powered them with "mystical power sources".

In conclusion I do think that headcanon has clouded my mind quite a bit. I need to figure out how this will affect the commentary in the final article.

EDIT: In the light of the most recent canon however, the question ceases to be if it's an airship by the Cetrans or Spirans. The final question is if the engine was made by Cetrans/Spirans/Goa'uld and if it uses a "mysterious ancient power source". The ancient engine wasn't necessarily used for aircrafts.
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AI Researcher
I won't receive my extra copy of FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania until a month from now. Because of this I can't scan pages (I only do that when I have at least two of the same book so I can treat one of them how badly I want to). OCR, Optical Character Recognition, only works well for scanned pages so currently I can't generate Japanese transcriptions of these myself.

If somebody wants to transcribe the stuff manually, here are photos of the relevant sections in Cid's character profile which will be used for the article.

- Advent Children Check 01
- Advent Children Check 02
- Advent Children Check 03

- Vehicles Compilation Check <--only the Shera bit is important






this one does support the idea that they're using ancient tech as a power source, rather than the airship itself being ancient tech (&#26087;&#19990;&#20195;&#25991;&#26126;&#12398;&#36986;&#29987;&#12434;&#21205;&#21147;&#12392;&#12375;&#12390;&#12356;&#12427;&#12425;&#12375;&#12356;)

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
The point is made in the original game that the Cetra didn't even build shelters like the ones modern humans build. If that's not enough to tell us they wouldn't have built something like the Shera, I don't know what is. :monster:


Double Growth
The ancient power source is better than the whole airship, and it does work better with the impression that Cid did build the thing. But what about all of Barret's oil?
I have now made the "Origins of the Shera" article public. I think we can postpone a newspost about it though. The new TLS podcast is coming up and that should receive some attention. Both the "Origins of the Shera" and the new version of the "FFX-FFVII Connections" article might be highlighted in one newspost as a double feature, instead. In fact I'm leavning a segment in my Shera article unfinished, with the note "*link to &#8220;FFX-FFVII Connection&#8221; article*.

Feel free to read this new version of the article and point out any stuff that should be changed.

But what about all of Barret's oil?
Might be that only the engine itself is ancient, with a higher energy efficiency than other engines. The oil is still used.

That is, if the "mysterious ancient power source" has been retconned as well. If not, then we can conclude that the engine used in On the Way to a Smile is not from a lost civilization, because it clearly uses oil. At any point between Episode:Yuffie and DC, the normal engine was swapped for the ancient one.

Way too many questions and possibilities. We just don't know for sure when the "legacy of the ancient civilization" became implemented and how it works.
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Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
The ancient power source is better than the whole airship, and it does work better with the impression that Cid did build the thing. But what about all of Barret's oil?
Well... they're definitely going to need a substitute for mako to power all the normal electronics their world has. Until they find something else, oil is going to work pretty well as a power source.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
If it's alright with you, I'd like to do my own translation of the interviews related to this (the one from the FFX Ultimania Omega and the one from the X-2 Ultimania) for this. I think I already have one of them translated, so I just need to do the other.

So, yeah, I thought I had one of them done, but apparently I lost the file that was in. Oh well.

I started over.

Here's the relevant portions of the interview from the FFX-2 Ultimania (p. 723-724):


Shinra is a good kid ...
&#8213;Would you say "being connected" is one of the key words in this story?
Watanabe: "I personally like the word 'connected,' and there are places it fits with well."
Nojima: "I try to give various connections to the vague things in the games."

&#8213;Is there a connection, for example, with Shinra's name, which of course reminds one of FFVII? The "last mission" line and Rin's "I am not alone in my thinking" line from "Detective Rin" have strong implications.
Nojima: "As a matter of fact, yes. Shinra quits the Gullwings, receives enormous financial assistance from Rin and uses Vegnagun to extract mako energy from the Farplane. However, he can't complete the system to utilize the energy in a single generation, and the Shin-Ra Company is built on another planet in the future once travel to distant planets is possible, and stuff like that ... Those things happen about 1000 years after this story, though."

&#8213;So the story of FFVII is after that?
Nojima: "I guess you could say those are the feelings I have about it. When I think about the characters, those are the images I already see. Shinra is a good kid, and yet his descendants are going to be like the President. (laughs)
Watanabe: "Speaking of VII, after being told about the Shinra scenario, one of the staff members said he arranged the camera work for the first time you see the Bevelle Underground to 'feel like something you've seen before.'"
Toriyama: "That's right, it looks like the opening shot of Midgar in FFVII."

EDIT: Bonus relevant screenshot from X-2 --

Paine will say that after the following conversation with Shinra:


"What are you looking at?"

"Farplane data."

"The more I study it, the more fascinating it gets. There's limitless energy swirling around in there."

"Limitless energy?"

"The life force that flows through our planet...I think. With a little work, we could probably extract the energy in a usable form."


"Of course, that'd take generations."

"That's no fun!"

"Well, still, it is something worth shooting for."

"Think how much Spira would change if we ever got it to work! Maybe one day we could build a city full of light, one that never sleeps!"

"No doubt about it."

"Just imagine! But I'll never get to see it...will I...

::Shinra shakes his head::

"Shinra! Don't make Yuna sad!"

"Right. My bad."
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Okay, here's that other interview (from p. 191 of the FFX Ultimania Omega; my thanks go to hito for helping me with a sentence I struggled with):

&#8213;&#21069;&#22238;&#12398;&#12300;FFX SCENARIO ULTIMANIA&#12301;&#12391;&#12418;&#12356;&#12429;&#12356;&#12429;&#12392;&#12362;&#35441;&#12434;&#12358;&#12363;&#12364;&#12356;&#12414;&#12375;&#12383;&#12369;&#12393;&#12289;&#12354;&#12428;&#12363;&#12425;&#21322;&#24180;&#36817;&#12367;&#32076;&#36942;&#12375;&#12390;&#12289;&#12302;FFX&#12303;&#12395;&#23550;&#12377;&#12427;&#20309;&#12363;&#26032;&#12375;&#12356;&#24605;&#12356;&#12415;&#12383;&#12356;&#12394;&#12418;&#12398;&#12364;&#29983;&#12414;&#12428;&#12390;&#12383;&#12426;&#12375;&#12414;&#12377;&#12363;&#65311;

FFVII and FFX are connected?!
&#8213;Last time, for the FFX Scenario Ultimania, we asked about the story and various other things, but with almost half a year going by since then, have any new thoughts regarding FFX come to life?
Kitase: "They have ... This time we've included some stuff with the flavor of a sequel in FFX International, although thinking about another story in that world is surprisingly hard to do. It was too perfect, and it's difficult to expand on it. Upon reflection, the work that we did came together splendidly as it already was."
Nojima: "With VII, it was relatively low pressure adding things like Zack's episode for the International edition. However, with X, where the original story was resolved and completed, inserting this new episode is going to break the world. Is it saying too much?"
Kitase: "Speaking of which, there was that time where Nojima-san said he was trying to make it be a sequel to VII."

&#8213;It's a sequel to VII?!!
Kitase: "No, that was halfway a joke. However, in FFVII's ending, Holy was supposed to settle things, then it's suddenly '500 years later,' and there's been nothing like a sequel for it. There's room to fill in that gap. There's room for imagination. Since Nojima-san and Toriyama-san have worked together since then, talk that it could be possible with those staff members built up for a moment."

&#8213;So, how did talk of it as a sequel to VII come up?
Nojima: "I felt that VII and X had a relatively connected feeling, that VII has an essence there."

&#8213;Ehh, so VII and X *are* connected?
Nojima: "No, there isn't much to it. For example, what happens when people die is fundamentally the same in my mind. I wrote both stories following the same idea. At times, other thoughts pop up, though. Pyreflies are green here and there, and other colors besides."

&#8213;When you speak of dying and becoming green colors, could that possibly be ...?
Nojima: "Yes. In my mind, pyreflies are an example of the Lifestream of FFVII."
Kitase: "Also, when planning for this later development of FFX International, such 'reincarnation ideas' from Nojima-san have come up as prospects. I've thought they sound somewhat like VII."
Nojima: "That's right. As long as there's a Lifestream, there's stuff like that ..."

&#8213;Reincarnation ... Who is your rebirth idea about?
Nojima: "That's ... a secret." (laughs)
Kitase: "We've talked about someone unexpected going to the Farplane."
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Reading back over that, "There's been nothing sequel-like for it" and "Is it saying too much?" make me laugh. When was the last time anyone asked that question? =P
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