Harry Potter Romance discussion thread (Split from LTD)


wangxian married
See also- the Harmony shippers and their view of Ginny and Ron.

you don't need to be a harmony shipper to realize these are terrible characters

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Ginny is a legit shit character. Ron is better than yo mothah!
I am actually fine with Ron, but Ginny really was pretty much just randomly changed so Rowling could be like HURR HURR SEE SHES A WAAAAAAAY COOLER GIRLFRIEND THAN CHO HA HA HA

if she had actually kept her original personality intact and had shown her actually doing badass things, i would have liked her better

or if the last fucking book had switched the PoV to her, Neville and Luna rebelling in Hogwarts



Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Eh, the books hinted that Ginny wasn't actually much the way she was depicted when she wasn't around Harry. The books are told from Harry's perspective so we never really got to see her act in any other manner, but it's believable that someone would be significantly shyer around someone they'd had a gigantic crush on for most of their lives. So while her personality seems to change from out of nowhere, it's believable that her gaining more confidence would lead to her acting differently around Harry. Which is basically what happens. So in other words, it's a limitation of the way the books are told, but I don't think it's necessarily unrealistic.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Нестор Махно;301379 said:
Eh, the books hinted that Ginny wasn't actually much the way she was depicted when she wasn't around Harry. The books are told from Harry's perspective so we never really got to see her act in any other manner, but it's believable that someone would be significantly shyer around someone they'd had a gigantic crush on for most of their lives. So while her personality seems to change from out of nowhere, it's believable that her gaining more confidence would lead to her acting differently around Harry. Which is basically what happens. So in other words, it's a limitation of the way the books are told, but I don't think it's necessarily unrealistic.
but we still get Snape's talk with Narcissa and Bellatrix as well as either Voldy or Snape torturing the Muggle Studies teacher and other bullshit like that.

So basically JKR couldn't be assed to actually come up with convincing hints of her liking Quidditch(she cringed and was uncomfortable with the violence in book 4) and whatnot, so she just had it dropped on us by having random other characters in Book 6 tell us how pretty and cool and good at hexes and awesome at Quidditch she was.

I am sorry bro but this is just straight up lazy fucking writing.


The thing with Ginny is we're constantly TOLD how amazing and god-like she is. WWe're never SHOWN her bein awesome.

That being said, WTF Harmony shippers. It was obvious as hale she was gonna get with Ron

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
ugh I did not even like Hermione/Ron until book 7 since they spent all their fucking time fighting like they were seven year olds who liked each other until that book.

I mean I was fairly certain that throwing shit at the guy you like because you're mad at him stopped being acceptable once you hit the age of ten.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
but we still get Snape's talk with Narcissa and Bellatrix as well as either Voldy or Snape torturing the Muggle Studies teacher and other bullshit like that.

So basically JKR couldn't be assed to actually come up with convincing hints of her liking Quidditch(she cringed and was uncomfortable with the violence in book 4) and whatnot, so she just had it dropped on us by having random other characters in Book 6 tell us how pretty and cool and good at hexes and awesome at Quidditch she was.

I am sorry bro but this is just straight up lazy fucking writing.

I don't disagree that it's lazy writing; I'm just saying that it isn't unrealistic for her to change that drastically since we only ever see her from Harry's perspective.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Fuck you guys Harmony is the best ship THE ONLY SHIP

But I do love Sokka Xander Ron!
Harry/Luna is so obvious his actor ships is

blam, you all got a taste of the bitch puddin'


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
you don't need to be a harmony shipper to realize these are terrible characters

Ginny is a legit shit character. Ron is better than yo mothah!

Shit or not, you at least recognize them on their own merits of lack thereof.
Harmonians keep making shit up. The Multi tiered love potion theorem, natch.

ugh I did not even like Hermione/Ron until book 7 since they spent all their fucking time fighting like they were seven year olds who liked each other until that book.

I mean I was fairly certain that throwing shit at the guy you like because you're mad at him stopped being acceptable once you hit the age of ten.

Oh, the entire wizarding world exists in a perpetually childish state, so par for the course there.

Fuck you guys Harmony is the best ship THE ONLY SHIP

But I do love Sokka Xander Ron!

I'm not sure which character to be offended for here. Not Ron, of course.

Harry/Luna is only viable in the movies, IMO, partly because of the slightly altered canon, but mostly because of the excellent chemistry that the two actors have together that make them a lot more believable than the canon H/G.

Celes Chere

Fuck you guys Harmony is the best ship THE ONLY SHIP



Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Harry/Luna is only viable in the movies, IMO, partly because of the slightly altered canon, but mostly because of the excellent chemistry that the two actors have together that make them a lot more believable than the canon H/G.
wat u talkin bout

i found the sirius talk in book 5 moving and i liked how luna recognized polyjuiced harry and then when another character was weirded out by luna he was like 'well that's luna' with a smile.

moreover i have not watched any movies past 5 because bonnie wright is a terrible actress to portray both 'dowdy-but-sweet!ginny' and 'super-smoking-hot-piece-of-ass!ginny'

so no u :awesome:


wangxian married
What Ryu meant to say said:
Harry/Hermione is only viable in the movies, IMO, partly because of the slightly altered canon, but mostly because of the excellent chemistry that the two actors have together that make them a lot more believable than the canon H/G.


Harry and Luna's relationship was far better developed than H/G, even if it was a friendship. And it would have made more sense to go in that direction tbqh, half the time it's like Ginny what the fuck are you even doing here.


We have come to terms
The final Harry/Luna scene in order of the Phoenix.

Fuckin' right I said it.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
wat u talkin bout

i found the sirius talk in book 5 moving and i liked how luna recognized polyjuiced harry and then when another character was weirded out by luna he was like 'well that's luna' with a smile.

moreover i have not watched any movies past 5 because bonnie wright is a terrible actress to portray both 'dowdy-but-sweet!ginny' and 'super-smoking-hot-piece-of-ass!ginny'

so no u :awesome:

If I had made any point which applied to yourself, or applied in any way to me, that 'no u' might have worked. As is, it's a complete non sequitur.

I stand by that the romantic angle of the two's interactions is not well supported in or even tenable in the books, mostly because of the sledgehammery way Rowling went about beating H/G over our heads in said books. Only in the films does it take off, since the films are not blatantly laden with textual facehammers and the lack on onscreen chemistry between H and G really contrasts with the excellent chemistry of H and L.

In short, in the books, I see H/L as far too much of a textual stretch- a ship solely for the sake of shipping, and basically arguing from the same grounds, though not the same lunacy, as the H/Hr ship- but come the movies, I can see where folks get the idea, acanon though it may be.

Zee, Daniel and Emma have as much on screen chemistry with each other as they do with Rupert. Certainly, that's far more than Daniel really has with Gingin, but far less than with Luna's actress, whose name escapes me because I really CBA to give a rat's ass.

Oh, and Drake, your drawing and quartering is Friday. Try and be in the office by 10 am at the latest.
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Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum

I do rather like Luna, especially since the movies.
yeah, he said so around when he was filming book 5 that they had a special relationship


and oh my god ryu you get so offended over every little thing.

everyone knows that no u is the ultimate argument in a debate. it is in no way actually related to you. stop bawwwing and grow a pair bro

Elisa Maza

I entered the HP books blissfully unaware of its fandom. And I pat myself on the back for keeping away.

I never saw anything between Harry and Hermione, since their relationship is more like siblings. Plus, at some times, they couldn't stand each other and it wasn't the obvious I-banter-with-you-but-I-so-want-you type Ron and Hermione had. Plus, it was obvious that Hermione wasn't the heroine, but the female sidekick, like Ron was the male one. HP had no heroine, only a hero (THANK GOD). So, I didn't see anything of what shippers were INSISTING that existed. I remember going to the LJ after the last book and I was "WTF?" at what I was reading. O_O

As for Ginny, she is a badass. So is Luna. And I loooooooved hating Umbridge.

P.S. IS CloTi still canon and the one everybody hates because OMG, TEEFA HAZ HORRIBLE TASTE IN MEN? Yeah, I thought so.

Χαίρεται! :)
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Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
everyone hates cloti? i was not aware of this considering almost everyone in the thread ships it

but w/e

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
moreover i have not watched any movies past 5 because bonnie wright is a terrible actress to portray both 'dowdy-but-sweet!ginny' and 'super-smoking-hot-piece-of-ass!ginny'

You should really watch 7-part-1, Ginny only has one scene in the whole thing and it's better than all of her shit combined in HBP. And if you really can't stand her just close your eyes for the 60 seconds or so she appears and just enjoy the rest of teh awesome that is that movie.

I didn't mind book Ginny, tbh, but like other people have said I really wish we had more chances to see her being the badass hot chick that the books claim she is. As it is her character is rather flat and two-dimensional, which is unfortunate.

harry/luna is the shit, btw. Harmony is weird for me - the second fanfic I ever wrote was a retardedly angst harmony character death oneshot (I WAS 15 DON'T JUDGE ME), but I've never honestly shipped them, always been a R/H fan. After seeing DH1 I thought I'd try reading a fic or two but couldn't get past the first paragraph of the first one I clicked.

Anyways, it's all moot, because Grangersnape is the best pairing ever and that's that. :awesome:

oh and on topic blah blah cloti clerith canon wat

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
I'm talking about these boards...

*has just returned from a LJ community*
everyone hates cloti? i was not aware of this considering almost everyone in the thread ships it

but w/e
also me on my lj said:
cloti- Cloud/Tifa, my OTP for flippin' ever. I will probably get old and senile and the only thing about my childhood I will remember is this pairing.
You should really watch 7-part-1, Ginny only has one scene in the whole thing and it's better than all of her shit combined in HBP. And if you really can't stand her just close your eyes for the 60 seconds or so she appears and just enjoy the rest of teh awesome that is that movie.
I am more just concerned if extras in the movie were like 'OH THAT GINNY GIRL IS HOT STUFF' or if we actually see her do something cool and badass. because if it's the latter, I'm fine with it and that sounds awesome enough to rent from netflix.


Fire and Blood
TBH, even though I saw H/G since book 5 - even though I didn't ship anything in HP - I think the pairing sucks because it exists in some way in Rowling's head and she is NOT describing how awesome it is in her head, but rather skips what can make it interesting.

As for Ron and Hermione, obvious pair was obvious, and may I add, actually very akin to how stupid teenagers in love are - the whole "I love you me neither" is a prime example.

I still say the most interesting thing in HP was the world, some characters and the plot. But it always looked to me that the "love" aspect of the plot felt forced and thus, not interesting.
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