Besides, how many stories have heroines that suck?
Because most writers don't know what to do with females. But, there are prime examples of stories were women are really awesome. See, oh well, *points at sig and avatar* ASOIAF that has women playing on par with men.
It's not the only example, and I think in Fantasy genre it's easier to have better women because where they lack in strength, they make up with magic, etc. However, its not the only genre were women can be awesome. See also science fiction.
Also, french definition for "hero" (amongst half-gods and other things):
Principal personnage d'une œuvre d'imagination, et par affaiblissement, personnage quelconque d'une œuvre de fiction. Ulysse est le héros de l'« Odyssée ». Les héros des chansons de geste, du théâtre classique. Rastignac, le père Goriot, Eugénie Grandet sont des héros de Balzac. Le héros du film. Le type du héros romantique. Un héros de comédie. Fig. Un héros de roman, un personnage dont l'allure et les exploits parlent fortement à l'imagination
(thanks to the French Academy)
Basically, the main character of a story.