30 Days of FF Themes [Music]


Double Growth
26. Best piano arrangement

Agreed on this, I love that version of Great Warrior. The way it picks up at the end is great.

I already said Dancing Mad for Day 27.

Day 28: Best fan remix/performance

This one is hard for me. Yacc said VotL is the only ocremix album you got, it's actually one of my least favorites (still great though). I recommend Project Chaos (Sonic 3 & Knuckles) and Hedgehog Heaven (Sonic 2).

I've frequented OCremix for years and I have a lot of favorites.

The Black Mages would be lucky to do a rendition of Terra's Theme this good. :monster:

Some porno Kefka music followed up by the Veldt and copious amounts of cowbell, what more could you possibly ask for?

I won't post them again, but Ascension to Cosmo Canyon and The Twelfth Commandment are probably my favorite OCremixes ever.

lol. An acoustic guitar, a nokia cell phone, and FFIX. Wow.

You probably won't find a more rocking FF Battle medley.

A beautiful orchestral/oriental remix of FF5's theme.

And lastly:

A remix of the Silence Before the Storm is pretty unexpected anyway. But the jazzy/rocky performance is so clean and cool. A great song to just listen to. Nice ending too :)

Hopefully that's a good summary for people who don't frequent OCRemix. Those are just my favorite FF tracks :P

Day 29: Best song

As said in the other thread, Terra's Theme. It's flawless. Oh, and since it's been posted a million times, and in keeping with the spirit of day 28, I give you this:

This was submitted to OCRemix by Jeremy Soule. That's right, the professional composer (known for Morrowind and Oblivion especially) out of support for what OCRemix does and love of Uematsu and Terra's Theme. How freaking badass is that?

Day 30: Best Overall Soundtrack

I could not agree more with Aaron's assessment. First goes to Final Fantasy VI, second to Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasies VII and V are tied for third. For all the reasons he expressed :monster:
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Celes Chere

30... best soundtrack? Definitely FFIX. Every single song on it is good... if not good, amazing. Then I would say VI.

and so on


Best Song:

"Terra's Theme" and "You're Not Alone" have already been said. They occasionally pop into my head even after a couple years of not playing the games. Someone said (Force?) that "Terra's Theme" seems more like the main song of VI. I'd say "You're Not Alone" captures IX's mood about as well.

Also, "Main Theme of Final Fantasy VII" is nearly as good. It's biggest flaw is that it takes too long to get to the good part (at about 1:59), whereas the other two start out strong.

Best Soundtrack:

I agree with Desmond Miles. IX, Uematsu's Opus, then VI. Then VII. This exercise has been interesting, though, since I probably would have put IX third if I hadn't thought about it for the past thirty days.


Waiting for something
Can't believe its the end of this, I've really enjoyed posting on this topic.

Day 30: Best Soundtrack

For me its a tie between FFIV, IX and VII.

With FFIV I just adore the soundtrack and how well the songs fit in to what's happening in the game, from the comedic moments and the dramatic moments to the romantic bits with Cecil and Rosa, it all just fits so well, plus its got the Fat Chocobo music, you can't really go wrong there:monster: I'd like to all add that there's also a really great version of the FFIV soundtrack called Celtic Moon, its got a very folk/Celtic/Irish sound to it but its fantastic all the same and if anyone does love the FFIV soundtrack it really is worth having a listen to.

What I love about FFIX is there's some very memorable short tracks played during the FMV's as well as some great songs in general I.E. Gargan Roo, Terra. Its' soundtrack is quite fun too which adds to the whole nostalgic feel the game brings, I think that's another reason why I love it so much.

FFVII: It's just has a fantastic range of tracks available to convey the different emotions a gamer could feel while playing. I still find it extremely hard not to get a lump in my throat when Aerith's theme plays during the game, whereas tracks like Yuffie's theme give you a sense of cheerfulness and mischievousness, plus as I posted before it contains my favourite ever version of the chocobo theme. You know I never posted it during this topic but "Who Am I?" was a great track to sum up Cloud's feelings of confusion and torment, it just had that perfect level of distress in it to go with the scene.

I also agree with Aaron, I think FFV is a very underrated soundtrack and there are some really great pieces of music in there, playing FFV recently on the PSP made me realise how awesome that soundtrack really is. It's the same with FFVI, while it just missed the cut with me for Best Soundtrack, there are some extremely memorable and beautiful tracks on it (I think Awakening is probably my favourite from it)

Finally I've really enjoyed finding out everyone else's opinion's on their favourite songs and I think this topic has just made me realised how amazing the FF soundtracks really are :)

...awww it's all over now :(
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