30 Days of FF Themes [Music]

Celes Chere

14. Saddest song

15. Happiest and/or Silliest song

16. Most powerful song

^Nothing comes close to this to me.

17. Best obscure/overlooked song

The version of Theme of Love that has singing:

18. Best lyrical song

19. Best staff roll (credits song)
I agree with this:

Of course I was still sobbing over Zack during the credits, maybe that made it more emotional. :awesome:

20. Best airship theme

fuck yeah

21. Best game over theme

22. Best "area" theme (not dungeons, not towns)
I agree with The Veldt

23. Best ending theme

24. Favorite miscellaneous tracks (any themes that don't really fit into these categories)

25. Best orchestral arrangement

I edited and added the Cleyra dance song. c:
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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
26. Best piano arrangement

also X-2's deserve a special mention for arguably being way more interesting than the original versions

the latter reminds me a lot of George Winston

Celes Chere

26 - Best Piano Arrangement

I have always loved this:

^Don't really like the original version of the this, but the piano version is lovely. ♥

Celes Chere

I meant the version with lyrics. I don't like that one as much. xD Uh... maybe 'original' is not the word I should have used?


Waiting for something
Day 26: Best piano arrangement

Its probably one of the most well known but I think its my favourite at any rate.

Its not really an actually arrangement, well it sorta is but Crisis core had so many arrangements of a similar theme i.e Under the Apple Tree, Price of Freedom etc that I think its only fair to include this plus I love this track.

This also, I really like it plus it is after all the actual piano arrangement of Eyes on Me in the game so it definitely deserves a spot here.



Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
27. Best Black Mages/Earthbound Papas version

it's probably not surprising that I'm gonna go with

also special honourable mention to
which is way more interesting than the original

I am disappoint that we still haven't gotten a version of Dark Messenger. I mean if one song other than OWA and Dancing Mad in Nobuo's catalogue was begging for a Black Mages song it's Dark Messenger. Tyran Castle from Chrono Trigger would also benefit nicely from this sort of treatment.


Double Growth
I agree with Aaron, Dancing Mad is their best song. And I prefer it even to Distant Worlds' version of the song. Their Neo-Exdeath is also very good.


Waiting for something
Day 27: Best Black mages/Earthbound Papas version.

This is one of the categories I've been most looking forward to putting my answers up to but its also very hard as I actually love all of TBM versions and if I could I'd put every song on all three albums down but here's my top ten favourites in no particular order.

(this version is fantastic, makes me smile when I hear it)


I'm sorry but this category is just too hard for me to even pick a top 5 their songs are just amazing.

Special mention also goes to this its not an FF track but it is by TBM and I defy anyone not to think of an FF final battle when listening to it.

Enjoy :monster:

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
23. Best ending theme

Honestly I don't have a particular favourite for this category. VI and VIIs are both pretty good I guess.

24. Favorite miscellaneous tracks (any themes that don't really fit into these categories)

oh god far too many i'll try not to repeat any already mentioned (ie vamo'alla flamenco hnnnggghh)

Opening Bombing Mission (how do we not have a Best Opening Theme btw?)

Johnny C Bad

Daddy's Got The Blues

Jesters of the Moon

Rufus' Welcoming Ceremony

The amazing thing about this song is it popped into my head three years after I played FF7 for the first time and single-handedly made me play the game again. I was just standing in my kitchen munching some oreos and BAM started humming it.

...I'm not sure why I remember that so vividly but yeah. xD

25. Best orchestral arrangement

I just love the sheer amount of variation in this, it's a wonderful orchestration of the original opera and I could listen to it forever.

Very, very closely followed by the Distant Worlds version of Don't Be Afraid.

26. Best piano arrangement

Strangely enough I'm actually going to give this to a OCRemix rather than one of the many (extremely awesome) piano collections.

Absolutely beautiful jazz improvisation of The Great Warrior that never fails to make me want to cry. And it has such a wonderful flow to it that it just sweeps you along.

27. Best Black Mages/Earthbound Papas version

Gonna have to agree with Clash on the Big Bridge.

28. Best fan remix/performance

Bigger Board with Bigger Nails by Armcannon is my favourite cover of Those Who Fight Further.

The rest of these are all from the FF7 OCRemix which, now that I think about it, is strangely the only OCRemix album I've ever listened to. Should probably remedy that. ANYWAYS:

Daydreaming Again (Words Drowned by Fireworks)

Frozen Landscape (Buried in the Snow) - the chill dubstep totally fits the song and the original setting in the game.

Golden Ivories of Gaia - an absolutely amazing medley arrangement

Ahead on Our Rave - oh my lol eurotechno. Fantastic song to listen to when you're feeling hyper.

Chasing the Storm

Black Wing Metamorphosis - You know any song that starts of with 8bit OWA is going to be fucking epic.


Waiting for something
Day 27: Best fan arrangement, I actually don't have one mainly because I've never really listened to any of the fan arrangements, although the ones I've heard here actually aren't half bad at all.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Does this count? :awesome:

Best ever

omg this reminds me of

there's no youtube link for it but you can find it here. Track 6 - Don Corneo interlude. It's got a deliberate terribadness to it.

Some may SAY that I'm a sexual DEEEEviant but I would say that I am rather LEEEEnient.

From the same album:
Probably one of the better video game raps I've heard.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
This counts, doesn't it?

'Cuz yeah.



Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Nah, perfectly serious. The only other thing I can think of that deserves to be listed here is a fan remix of Dancing Mad I heard awhile ago, but I lost the link to it and don't remember enough about it to find it again.


That's really cool, YACCBS. I enjoyed the whole thing. The transitions are seamless it reminds me a little of The Beatles LOVE album.

I missed out by confining my music fannery to OSTs. I'm digging into all the different arrangements and remixes you guys are posting.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Day 29: Best song

Four tracks more or less tied with each other. I already listed justifications for three of these under my response for "Most powerful", so for those I'll just repeat what I said there:


Rather than reinvent the wheel I shall simply reiterate what I said about it from the previous thread:
I should add that the reason the opera is my favourite piece of music is because it is by far the most emotionally evocative marriage of music to gameplay and storyline that I have ever encountered in a game. Sure the graphics accompanying it are only 16-bit and they had to use a synthesizer for the voice in the OST, both of which kind of detract from the in-game effect, but it doesn't matter. Nothing like that had even been attempted before, as far as I'm aware, and I'm not aware of anything like it that's been attempted since either. The fact that you're actually put into the opera as a character and have to participate in a small way by selecting lines only adds to the experience; somehow it reminds me of when I actually used to perform for an audience, even though it's pretty basic stuff. Sure, there are much more interactive music games now, but as far as I'm aware none of them have a story matching anything like FFVI's. It was just a magical section of gameplay merged with music that hasn't ever been equalled.

This piece, which contains spoilers, does a better job dissecting it than I would. It is not only the best piece of final boss music from the series but one of the best pieces of any nature. (Interesting piece of trivia: The Japanese title of this piece translates along the lines of "Ominous Star Mad Dance." Tell me that isn't even more awesome than the official title.) See here for slightly more commentary from me on the piece.

It does not hurt that it is played during one of the most emotional moments of any Final Fantasy game (which I won't spoil for those who still haven't played it, but if you haven't played it, what are you waiting for?), but on its own merits it would nonetheless be one of Uematsu's most superb compositions in any case.


Of all of Uematsu's character themes, this is probably the best of them. The emotional range of this composition is astounding - it manages to go from despair to hope and back again, without ever once seeming forced. The vocal version on Pray just manages to add another layer of depth to an already amazing composition, although it emphasizes the despair more than the hope.

So yeah, those are probably the four best compositions in the Final Fantasy series. There are a ton of pieces I could list as runners-up, but I don't really feel up to it right now. I may add them later.

Celes Chere

If I had a top five best songs I guess it would be...

1. Aria di Mezzo Carattere
2. You're Not Alone
3. Dancing Mad
4. Rose of May
5. Um and this


Waiting for something
Day 29(Can't believe there's only one more day and then its over, I've really enjoyed this topic :()..anyways yeah Best Song.

So, so hard as I have a very large collection of FF songs on my iPod so picking from them.....well its not easy so I'm apologising in advance for the sheer amount I'm about to post, most of them I'm only listing now because I wanted to save them for this category :)

. I did post this before but it deserves it's place here. Ever since hearing this on the PS and PSP version I feel its one of the most underrated and hauntingly beautiful FF songs Nobuo Uematsu ever came up with. I liked the original version at any rate but it just got better when they re-released the game.

You Are Not alone is in this list but as Aaron beat me to it I won't post it, but I will post Terra's theme as the original World Map version is not posted.

Just to make things even more confusing here's another
, this time from FFIX which I think is an absolutely beautiful track but like I said I wanted to save for the Best Song category.

I've posted the FFX ending theme numerous times, so I won't post it.

Honestly I didn't think they could make the opening theme any better from the first game but this was fantastic and it is one of my favourite ever FF tracks.

This song absolutely highlights every emotion the player should feel for Aerith during the times it plays.

....and I'll stop right there. There are so many more I'd love to list but if I do that there'll be none left for anyone else to post up. I'm not joking though, every single one of these songs is on my ipod and interestingly the very first song (Chaos Shrine) I listed (and the list isn't in any order) has been played the most times on my ipod out of all my FF songs on there according to my itunes:monster:
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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
30. Best overall soundtrack

I'm starting this a couple of hours early because I'm going to bed in about four minutes, thanks to working at 8am every morning now. dealwithit.gif

Best would have to be Final Fantasy VI. There are 61 tracks on the OST and only a few of them are less than consistently amazing. I can't think of any other game with that ratio of amazing tracks outside the Chrono series.

After that, Final Fantasy IX. Not as consistently amazing track for track, but its high points are easily up there with FFVI's high points, and many of the best songs in the series are in FFIX's soundtrack.

Apart from that, FFVII and FFV probably tie for third. FFV gets pretty frequently overlooked, and honestly, I have to say I've overlooked it in this thread a lot myself. There are a lot of amazing tracks in FFV's soundtrack and I haven't even mentioned a lot of them, while several of the others were only mentioned once or twice. I don't think I need to go on about FFVII's soundtrack; I'm sure nearly everyone here has heard every song on it dozens of times at least, and knows why so much of it is magical.

Honestly though, I have yet to encounter a Final Fantasy game where the soundtrack wasn't one of the most memorable parts of the game, so I could be listing runners-up for some time. Can't be bothered. This thread wouldn't have gotten around 9 posts per day (and that's with several people combining their responses for several days) if people didn't love the music, so I think that speaks for itself.

Beyond that I will probably buck the rules further and list runners-up for day 29 tomorrow. Way too tired to do that right now though. G'nite :monster:
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