30 Days of Final Fantasy!! (2018)

The G'randiest' Daddy

Teh Bunneh of Doom
Fuck, okay, now I have to think about it.

I'm tempted to say that damn Vincent/Cloud get-up from Kingdom Hearts, but I know I'd be lying if I said that...

I'd actually have to go to XIII-2 again, and say Noel's spacetime guardian outfit.


Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and saviour "Paladin Garb" from Lightning Returns?

I'm torn between that and standard Kain Highwind style dragoon armour.


Joe, Arcana
In spite of never playing FFII, Firion's garb and design is what drew me to playing him most in Dissidia. I really enjoy wearing the outfit in FFXIV too.




Pro Adventurer
I've always been weirdly drawn to Shelke from DoC (Compilation titles count, right?). She starts out as an enemy, eventually becomes an ally, and had gone through so much prior to meeting her and then AFTER meeting her that it's had not to sympathize with her.


She was such a dick about Shalua though. Interesting character at least, I liked the idea of her character.

Well, to be fair, she was kind of stunted, both physically and emotionally. I think her attitude towards Shalua is simply the result of the abusive training and conditioning she endured.

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
No strong feelings, but Seifer's outfit has the benefit of actually looking like clothes while being wearable combat gear, and is very knightly besides.


Pro Adventurer
Not any particular, but I've always enjoyed the asymetrical style of Nomura's character designs. On more than one occasion I've worn shirts, scarves, or even pinned hankerchief on one hip to emulate it.


Day 3!!

Which Final Fantasy game are you planning/have a desire to play next (old or new)?

Deleted member 546

Was thinking about DLing the old games for my phone, starting at the start and depending on availability (since my phone is older than Moses).


Pro Adventurer
I think this summer I want to finally knock out the first 5 games. I have a very strong aversion to all the maintainence those games require, but i feel like I gotta get past that someday.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Day 2: I like a lot of FFVIII's character designs. On the whole, they feel very functional and a lot more grounded in a way most of the other game's characters don't.

I really like a lot of FFXIV's Artifact (Job-specific) armor. A lot of it calls back to either characters who have the job (Kain, Vivi) or other job portrayals from previous games (FFV, Tactic). It's nice to see a lot of those in a 3-D game. Some faves are ARR Dragoon, ARR Black Mage, HW White Mage, HW Astrologian, ARR Summoner, SB Warrior, SB Ninja, SB Bard, SB Black Mage, SB Summoner.

Day 3: Started playing FFXII: Zodiac Age and I'm not too far into that one yet, so I think that counts.
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I'd like to go back, and actually play all the way through IX. I bought it back when it came out on ps4, but I mainly got it for the ps4 theme. It wasn't my favorite when it was first released, maybe it'll hit me this time.

The G'randiest' Daddy

Teh Bunneh of Doom
Oh god, which don't I want to play? Okay that's an exaggeration, but I replay FFTA about twice or three times a year, and I still have playthroughs of both X and XII waiting for me, and I want to replay VII with different main crew picks.


Joe, Arcana
Still sporadically playing XIV but I'd like to play through VI soon.


Yeah, I decided to move this thread to Sub-Final Fantasy cuz it fits better here, nah? lmao.

Anyway, answers to me questions.

Lol, to everyone surprise I'm sure, it's Miss Lockhart largely for the reasons already stated. I think I could actually fucks with her if she were to exist in this actual world, haha, as I see some traits of my closest friends in her. I love the whole 'big sis' vibe she gives off to me. There's a sincerity, genuineness, and sweetness about her that the Compilation as a whole has been able to translate well methinks. I reckon that's part of the reason why she's beloved as she is. And she's a total badass, I mean, hello??????????

That being said, I think Lulu was my first girl crush of all FF titles because badabooooom.

Basic af but I always liked the red mage outfit from III!!!

Game I wanna play: I need to fucking finish III lmfao. If I still can't manage in a months time, I'll start VI like I've been meaning to.


Double Growth
Currently playing through that New Threat FF7 mod, and I also have an FF6 mod called Woolsey Uncensored, which fixes the spellings, updates spell names, uses all the original Japanese scenes and enemy designs, but keeps most of the flavorful original localization :)


Pro Adventurer
Day 2 - No surprise when I say Terra <3 it's the leggings and that cape! Always loved and wanted to wear Rinoa's outfit too.

Day 3 - Restarted playing FFXV again just the other day. Finally got past Chapter 6, yay! However I'm now procrastinating on Chapter 8, boo! FFVIII has been on my mind lately too but I'm sure I'll only fall back into the Triple Triad trap :monster:
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