30 Days of Final Fantasy!! (2018)

Ghost X

- I'd like to see FFVIII's world fleshed out with a prequel set in the distant past.
- I'd like to see another Ivalice title, centred around whatever the catastrophe was.
- Would be nice if the FFVII story was finished. Maybe I should just forget that Gackt grabbed Weiss and flew away.
- I suspect I won't like an FF game again, but it'd be nice if FFXVI had the charm of FFIX, with Nomura nowhere to be found. Rather Amano or Ivalice's look and feel... and an amazing story to match.


Pro Adventurer
Orrrrr a spin off balthier story where he and Fran first meet and how they came to be sky pirates together.

Okay I'd play the shit out of a spin-off centred around Fran and Balthier so I want this too.

Do DLCs count for this question? For FFVIIR, it'd be great (if it won't be expanded on in-game already) if we could get a DLC of some sort exploring more of Tifa's backstory, particularly between the time she was taken to Midgar by Zangan and the time we meet her in-game. Maybe an explanation to what happened to him and how Tifa met Barrett et al.
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Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
Platonic Pairing: FF8 Wedge/Biggs, Dirge Vincent/Reeve

Romantic Pairing: Beatrix/Steiner. Built on mutual respect and long association, I love the battle based romance, not keen on the love letter bit.

Day 19: I want to see more of FF13's setting, either before Cocoon's Crystalisation, or in the immediate aftermath of it. The leads cannot time travel.

Deleted member 546


The other answers don't seem as important. :monster:


- FFXVI, set on an all-new medieval world, Akihiko Yoshida as lead artist.
- An FFVI remake in the pipeline after VII, not a hyper-realistic artstyle like VII Remake, Dissidia NT or XV, but rather something you'd see on a modern Nintendo console.
- A Ivalice Alliance Tactics game for another handheld console
- A VII prequel set in Vincent's early Turk days when Shinra was still a weapon manufacturing company, and there were warring countries on the Planet that Shinra exploited and took out one by one.


HA! I think we technically have threads/sub-forums for every question I (or Flare) post here really. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Just put all that shit you wrote there in a nutshell, yo! Or wait like 6 more hours for question 19 lmao.


Pro Adventurer
Favorite romantic pairings: Biggs x Johnny

Favorite Platonic Pairing: Lulu/Wakka before X-2 forced them together.


Pro Adventurer
I am that one guy that Final Fantasy XII just did not impress.

I just can't get behind large open worlds, and I especially couldn't get into the ...Nonchalant pacing of battles. You enter you set your characters up, they whack the enemies like it's a slight annoyance, maybe sling a spell that is about as unimpressive as any other MMO game. Rinse...repeat....What was I doing again? Why am I doing this? Who are these people? I don't really know, and I still don't as I usually fall out of the game by the time I reach the sand prison.

I respect XII. It has amazing graphics, and the outline of the story I've read is pretty deep. The gambit system is a gaming marvel. It's well loved, and I would not wish XII out of existence. But it'll probably be the ONE FF I'll never complete. I just cannot get into the zone with that game. It's ultimately a Watch The Grass Grow experience for someone like me.

Ghost X

After playing FFVII, FFVIII, and FFIX, the linearity of FFX grinded my gears. Was excited about FFXIII with the initial trailer, with Lightning dancing around inside a train, but then the negative reviews came in for that, so I didn't even bother buying it :P.


Pro Adventurer
It would have to be FFVIII for me. The main characters didn't appeal to me, the junctioning system was a nightmare, I found that stupid card game tedious and the fact that all the monsters levelled up relative to my party's levels and I couldn't grind for hours and then obliterate everything in my path was the most frustrating of all.


FFXIII, the linearity, the way you don't understand what the hell people are talking about without reading the datalogs, the hours it takes for them to make the battlesystem available to you, the unlikability of Hope's character, compounded by the fact that he is not selectable for combat for good stretch of the early game.
FFXV. Mainly because I was really enjoying it at first, but the longer it went on, the more I realized that's all there was. For example, the world felt very small. Late in the game, I'm still doing missions in the opening area, and spending min doing nothing but watching the scenery go by as I travel there (Or watch a loading screen). I felt the story was a mess, and while I enjoy the main group well enough, their designs are too similar, and there's only 4 of them.
Also, it makes me worried about the FFVII remake. They're obviously going to take peoples responses from this and incorporate them into the remake. It's already pretty similar based on the gameplay trailer we've gotten, and some of the later sections of XV may as well BE parts of VII.

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
XIII-2. I loved 13, I think the storytelling and characters are among the best in the series.

I also loved the setting, and wanted to see more of it, and the way 13 ended perfectly set up a new game where the exiled Cocoon people have to rebuild their fallen world...and then they skipped forward in time without addressing any of it.


Pro Adventurer
FFXIII trilogy. The whole trilogy was a nice idea with a great setting, good characters and one of the best "villain" in the series but that has not been exploited properly. The linearity and the narration managed in a non-direct way killed what could be one of the best numbered games of the series. Same thing FFXV.

However, both remain great games.

Deleted member 546

I wanted to like FFVIII, I looked forward to it feverishly, I read every bit of every gaming mag that had any relevant news about its release......and it was fuck boring. I got so pissed off I've never made any real progress in the game. Junctioning was shit, the characters are hard to like (always had a soft spot for Quistis and moombas though) and I've never bothered completing it. I'll get round to bashing through it now I've started the series in order of release but it'll be a long while yet.


Day 20!! T_T

Which FF character death has been the saddest/most tragic/shook you up the most?*

*Haha, be considerate and use spoiler tags, obviously. :monster:

Ghost X

All other more tragic deaths I mentioned aside, I thought I might add another to the list. Perhaps controversial, but
Kuja. I think he was genuinely remorseful in the end for what he did. Unfortunately what he did was destroy an entire planet and almost existence itself :wacky:.

Deleted member 546

Okay Aeris is a big deal but I need to say that Gremio set the benchmark for proper twanging on the feels deaths and despite not being FF, it's always in my mind when a character dies so every single one gets compared to that and only Aeris has come close.


That Man
Just to be different, I felt sorry when Jihl Nabaat died and was revived in the Arbiter's Arena. That's a kind of hell you don't want to wake up to.

(Lol DLC Aerith)


Pro Adventurer
Oh bruh,
when General Leo tried to stop Kefka from setting fire to Thamasa and Kefka the evil turd SLAYS HIM. It was insanity, I was like "But they were on the same side!!!!" and all shook over 8-bit graphics.


Killing Vossler might be the most tragic/impactful for me.
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