30 Days of Final Fantasy!! (2018)


Pro Adventurer
I don't know if people consider it a death (I do, it's actually worse), and it technically happens before we get there, but Seto. I'm not gonna front like I wasn't moved by Aeris, but as a kid playing through it for the first time, that sequence was the one that got me misty-eyed. Especially Red's reaction.


Hmmm I don't super care about her as a character, but I think Aerith's death had the biggest impact on me cos the first time I saw it was around the time my grandad died and I hadn't really processed what that meant and then I was thinking about the things Cloud and co say directly afterwards, the finality of it all, how she'll never laugh/do anything again, and that really got to me in terms of I realised that meant the same for my grandad, so that feeling's kinda stayed with me a bit.

Deleted member 546

Beatrix! Blow-drying those waves with the metal visor is some bold shit. :lol: I'd like to cosplay her at some point.

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
Day 20: The Cleyrans/Burmecians I couldn't save. Especially if it was possible to.

Day 21: Edea? I dunno.

Sorry, I should have rightly specified! anyway, I was referring to Caius.

Makes sense

I've known hundreds of Yeuls, and all of them were unique!

was a powerful moment.

So, which games are the above spoilers from re deaths? Ideally I don't want to look at XV.


So, which games are the above spoilers from re deaths? Ideally I don't want to look at XV.

For the deaths, (I’m also naming things that weren’t under tags in case anyone else reading this post scrolled past it).
Ghost’s answer is from FF9
Mage = FF7 + Something safe to read.
Blade = FF13
B = FF6
Minato = Gotcha covered
Ergo Proxy = FF9
leadmyskeptic = FF7
CrashOuch = FF7


Rude was sorta a joke post :rudeball:

It’s a toss up between
, and
(specifically the AC rendition).

Lulu and Lightning's looks similar I guess. Like me a long side fringe/bang on wimmenz. And Aeris is just cute! Her whole aesthetic is just generally lovely.
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Pro Adventurer
Day 20:
Biggs, Wedge and Jessie. Although isn't tragic (it depends) like others, their death has always had a big impact on me.

Day 21: Lulu, Fran, Vayne and Iuseawholebottleofshampoo Sephiroth


Does AC count?
if it does, that bit in AC where Reno tells Cloud he's really heavy cos ofc Rude wanted to carry Tifa and then Cloud and Tifa have a lil domestic while Reno and Rude have one of their own in the background cos it's awkward as hell and Reno wants to leave. That bit always makes me snigger.

Ghost X

I'm sure there are probably funnier moments, but I can't think of 'em at the moment. The one that comes to mind immediately for me is the Don Corneo scene where the trio are describing the violent actions they'd do to his genitalia, iirc.


Pro Adventurer
Stumbling across what I'm convinced is an NPC masturbating while admiring the sector 7 pillar.

I just can't imagine what else he's doing with that bit of looped animation, and his extremely startled reaction when you talk to him.


Double Growth
He could just be relieving himself and admiring the pillar is just an excuse he comes up with when you approach him, but who knows. There's a guy in a bed over one of the shops in Junon that always struck me much more as jerkin' it.


Laguna's awful initial attempt at woeing Julia. Also his throwing his teammates of a cliff against their will at one point. Laguna was good value, in general.


Hahaha reading through these answers, that’s probably been my favourite question so far. ANYWAY!

Day 23! :cloudball:

What’s your favourite version of the chocobo?
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