30 Days of Final Fantasy (2019)


Eyes of the Lord
Day 22: Yojimbo (FF10)

Summons that have intant kill abilities become useless during boss fights, with their ability being replaced with a high damage attack but as far as I'm aware Yojimbo is the only one that can completely ignore that and go full on "Fuck You" and one shot any boss with his Zanmato overdrive. Bonus point: on his boss fight as a Dark Eon, Zanmato can kill your party and cause game over even if you have Auto-Life (auto-revive spell when 0 HP), so badass.

Day 23: Squall and Eclair's gunblade, it's sword AND a gun, two awesome weapons in one :monster:

Day 24: I think I like Dragoons the most, jumping to the sky and falling with piercing attack is such a badass imagery.
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Plenty of super bosses I decided not to bother with, but I dunno if any of them pissed my off that much. I think Dark Elf and Demon Wall actually pissed young Roger off way back when. Oh and Great Crystal, what dungeons are concerned. No, thank you!


Day 25. Great Crystal in FFXII. Took a wrong turn and got lost in there for HOURS. Hours and HOURS. This was back when we had super limited time to play games while my dad was out and not hogging the telly so he came home and wanted to turn it off and I was sweating and raging but it was so so long til we could find a save crystal. He nearly banned us from playing again for a while.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Pitioss Dungeon
Pitioss Dungeon
Pitioss Dungeon
Pitioss Dungeon

Because suddenly, Noctis inexplicably finds himself in a 3D platforming puzzle game with absolutely no training, or specifically refined controls or tools to tackle such a challenge.

But fuck it, do it anyways, scrub. Or else Gladiolus is gonna laugh at you.

The prize wasn't even worth it. I just was doing it for the challenge and completionist's sake. That took like 5 hours or more and I'll never do it again.

Ghost X

Day 25. *Tries to recall traumatic FF experiences*. Nothing really comes to mind. I think I recollect more the situations where I'm grinding for experience or rare item drops and trying to return to a save point and die. Lots of dungeons qualify there, particularly in FFXII, iirc.
Final Fantasy X
Dungeon: Omega Ruins

I went too far into the dungeon and then had hours of progress destroyed by being killed by a Great Malboro.

My initial impression of FFX was that I really didn't like it (and in many aspects I don't) but I did enjoy the battle system and the endgame content allowed you to truly revel in it. I was considering to go really, really far with the endgame content but the Omega Ruins put a stop to that. I had already gotten a Game Over screen so many times from a Great Malboro in the early regions of the dungeon. It was exhilarating when in one run I actually managed to make it quite far and even defeated the first boss. But on my way back, hoping to save my hours of progress, I got a Game Over and I just couldn't deal with that frustration anymore. I put FFX down and haven't touched it since.
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Castiel Strife

Pro Adventurer
Ruby and Emerald weapon in FF7. My first time beating Emerald, I had accidentally sold the underwater materia and had to defeat it with the 20 minute timer, or whatever it was.
-_- Beating them was sooooo satisfying though, and I’ve done it several times. Omg, though, easiestly two of the hardest fights of any game ever.

Gary Caelum

Pro Adventurer
Gary Caelum
Do you mean party as in the entire character roster, or party as in the 3 or 4 specific ones you chose?


Favourite to play, gameplaywise? Probably the Type-0 crew. Specifically my goto squad, Eight, Cinque, King and Jack.
All the Final Fantasy X party members. The battle system in FFX is the most satisfying I've played of all the FFs. I may not care much for the characters plotwise but in battle I appreciate all their specialities and how you benefit from regularly using all of your battle characters.

Castiel Strife

Pro Adventurer
I like the characters of FF7 the most, of course. I don’t even know if I could pick an actual favorite party from there though... Probably Cloud, Red XIII, and Cid. Maybe swap out Cid and Tifa so it isn’t a sausage fest.


omg i keep meaning to answer my own questions :sadpanda: also thanks crash, you're a doll!!

Day 27.

Who's got the best haircut? And who's hair do you personally think you'd look good in? Note that these are two separate questions lmao.
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Of all the white haired pretty boys, I think Firion wears it best.

Look at that artfully tousled head of hair.

Runners up would be Balthier, Laguna, Auron and Rikku (X or X-2)

Rufus Shinra's haircut would be ideal for me.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I'm not even taking the piss, I really love how they gave Sazh an afro, full stop. Its just awesome.

As for yesterday's answer, it's a toss up between FFVII's party or FFXIII's party. Hell, include VI's too. I love diverse parties and those 3 games had some of the most diverse and unique parties ever.

I loved FFXV's party don't get me wrong, they had a wonderful dynamic and chemistry that was unique and really awesome. It suited its story perfectly, and they're all awesome characters but I always love the idea of wildly different characters from all over the world coming together, becoming friends and saving the world. FFXV kinda subverts that trope with the team already being friends from the start which is cool too. But I just love how FFVI, FFVII and FFXIII has all these individuals unite for a common cause and fight together. That's always so cool to me.


omg I have tried very hard to come up with clever, original ones, but fell short and had to pull a question from the original meme list, give me a break ???

you're gonna hate tomorrow's then :wacky:

Day 28.

What's your favourite reoccurring trope/motif throughout the FFs? If you haven't one, then what's your favourite reoccurring enemy and or creature?
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