30 Days of Final Fantasy (2019)

Gary Caelum

Pro Adventurer
Gary Caelum
Gotta be this. There are no reasons



Day 14. Ummmmmm right now this current moment it's "Let's mosey."

It cracks me up that Cid shouts at him for it and shit and I think it shows a good side of who Cloud is, right, like trying to do the right thing but ultimately being like a tad naff BUT still getting the job done at the end of the day. So. There are TONNES of great quotes though!


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Tie between these two quote before the final battle before their respective enemies.

Aerith's memories... Our memories... We came... to tell you... our memories... Come Planet! Show us your answer! And Sephiroth!! To the settling of everything!!

This quote sums up everything Cloud and the group are fighting for. With the last two lines speaking to the final settling of the score that is left to resolve between these two enemies. It's an emotional yet powerful call out for what could be the very last battle they'll ever fight.

You don't believe in anything. You gave up on life before you were even born. Sat poisoning Cocoon from the inside, waiting for someone to come and destroy you. Sure, you think the end of the world is salvation. All you care about is death's release. So take it, and leave the rest of us alone. We don't think like that. When we think there's no hope left, we keep looking until we find some. Maybe Cocoon is past saving, but it's our home. And we'll protect it or die trying! We live to make the impossible possible! That is our Focus!

And then after the battle start, if Lightning's the party leader, she yells "Find your own road to hell!" at Orphan, which is just perfect.

And Lightning's delivery of this line was just. Perfect. It gave me goosebumps. Her voice actress just nailed the unwavering badass determination of the whole group and really captured the feel that they all just had it. They weren't afraid anymore and they were either going to shatter their destiny, or die trying with no regrets. Because they were done being pawns and doing the bidding of shitty gods with only death on their mind. It was an epic moment and just. Was perfect for what came afterwards with the fight.

Honorable Mentions.

Sephiroth: Good to see you, Cloud.

...The 'oh, shit' expression in Cloud's eye, the start of "One Winged Angel" playing, Sephiroth raising his head with a smirk while delivering this calm and disingenuously friendly greeting, makes this scene perfect. Cloud realizes just how far this fight has escalated and now.. Things just got complicated.

Cloud: What about THIS planet?!
Sephiroth: Well... That's up to you, Cloud.

...The cheeky little fucker basically just admits, it. 'Yes. The fate of the world's on you Cloud. You're the only one who can stop me. Can you?'

Sephiroth: Tell me what you cherish most. Give me the pleasure of taking it away.
Cloud: There's not a thing I DON'T cherish!

And this line, where Cloud just refuses to let Sephiroth take anything else from him or anything is just perfect. Another simple, yet memorable line from Cloud that just nails it.

Lightning: Meow meow, choco chow....
Chocobo Girl: A-Ah! I'm sorry... I can't give you anymore fireworks, it's one per person...
Lightning: U-Ugh... I-I knew I shouldn't have said it...

...The lols had from this line were amazing. The shock of hearing her say that with her following embarrassment was wonderful. :mon:


Rufus Shinra: "The Nightmare returns... The Lifestream courses through our planet back and forth across the borders of life and death. If that cycle is the very truth of life, then history, too, will inevitably repeat itself. So go on; bring your Jenovas and your Sephiroths. It won't matter. We'll do as life dictates and stop you every single time."

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
Sephiroth is oddly respectful for a final boss. Most other FF villains say something like 'you can't possibly defeat me', he says 'I dunno, maybe you can, bring it'. Makes him feel a lot more dangerous, actually, much like the silence in the OG.

Day 13: Chocobo hot and cold, less for the game itself than how much you get to explore the world. Side quest, uh...Fort Condor? Morrid's coffee? Not sure.

Day 14: Quotes.

"You don't need a reason to help people." Zidane's mantra.

"You're stupid! You're Really %|@:<&! stupid!" Cid, FF7, when you don't leave him in the rocket.

"I can't believe it's been 500 years since the war of the Magi." Biggs or Wedge, FF6, the single worst line of dialogue I have ever seen.

"Huh...I guess I have no choice. It's time... to save the world." Vincent, Dirge.

"Hojo, I said I'd heard enough." Vincent, in Dirge, after Hojo keeps talking and talking and talking. People keep monologueing to Vince the whole game, he just doesn't care enough to engage.

"If you live, everybody behind you lives, if you die, they die." Cid, Dirge. Such a contrast to the standard heroic speech.

Ghost X

Day 14: "Bleh! You people make me sick! You sound like lines from a self-help book! If that's how it's going to be... I'll snuff them all out! Every last one of your sickening, happy little reasons for living!"

Not sure if best translation, but I have a similar hatred of self help books and motivational speakers :p. Tis also amusing critique of the whole heroic speech thing.


Save your valediction (she/her)
“Whew... fatigue rears its ugly head.” - Steiner
“I didn’t come here to drink coffee!” - Steiner
“Even a fly lives for a day!” - Steiner

“My memories will be part of the sky...” - [redacted]

“A veritable emergency of terrible urgency!” - Zorn


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Day 14: "Bleh! You people make me sick! You sound like lines from a self-help book! If that's how it's going to be... I'll snuff them all out! Every last one of your sickening, happy little reasons for living!"

Not sure if best translation, but I have a similar hatred of self help books and motivational speakers :p. Tis also amusing critique of the whole heroic speech thing.

You reminded me of that amazing line and the other part that comes before it. I can't believe I nearly forgot about Kefka. That was another favorite of mine. You're using the Advance translation which is the best one. :mon:

Kefka: Why do people insist on creating things that will inevitably be destroyed? Why do people cling to life, knowing that they must someday die? ...Knowing that none of it will have meant anything once they do?

His entire monologue and questioning of why people endure and persist even in the face of impending, unyielding despair, really struck me as surprisingly poignant and fitting for him. There's a tinge of just his own personal unyielding madness and despair in his words that make it as if he can't see his personal existence as anything else. And for a brief moment, he really is puzzled at why humans continue to fight and struggle while he just accepts that death is the ultimate fate of everything. Like, he can't comprehend it. And it angers him.

When he repeats the same line to Terra in Dissidia's Shade Impulse storyline upon his defeat, he sounds depressed and confused, which hints at the severe mental damage he apparently is under. But then of course it fades and he goes back to just sheer insanity :mon:

EDIT: And the more I think about it..

I guess you technically can't use a line from a game/expansion that's not out yet, but I really, really wanna shout out Ardyn's line from the trailer of his upcoming DLC. Because he's just awesome and I'm hyped for it.

Do forgive me for interrupting the festivities. But I must tell you this day of rapturous revelries shall be your last. Call it divine retribution, that false kings and fraudulent nations are fated to perish. Resist if you wish, but know your fight against fate is a foolish and futile one.

I LOL'd and just was amused as fuck at this. Ardyn is like a mix of the levity and wit of Kefka, with the overwhelming hatred and malice of Sephiroth, in a unique and well done character design and delivery.

There's... Just so much to unpack in that well-delivered and awesome line. The jovial and comical delivery juxtaposed with the venom and grudge Ardyn carries behind his mask of levity just... Speaks to the hatred that burns within him. And in a twisted sense, he's right. Which makes it even more fucked up. He's right in a sense.

Ardyn is like one of my favorite villains in Final Fantasy, and I totally never saw it coming.
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Kai Schulen

... ... ...▼
Trainer Red
Continuing on

I want to revisit Day 2 for a bit: FFRK may only be a mobile game, but this is one of my favorite limit break (soul break, really) that I think deserves a mention

Tyro's Fantasy Unbound:

HOW COOL IS IT TO BE ABLE TO SUMMON ALL 17 MAIN CHARACTERS TO BEAT UP THE ENEMY FOR YOU (even though the damage is weak lolol) it's so cute.


...come to think of it, there aren't many plot twists that shock me anymore, be it FF or non FF related. Huh. Buuut the scenes that really got to me are

When Terra transforms into an Esper for the first time. Not because it was a spectacle or a shocking scene or anything, but more of a "huh, I didn't expect the main character to turn into a pink glowy thing and fly off like that" kind of thing.

Aerith's Death.

When I was a kid, I couldn't believe that Aerith was dead for real -- I thought that AVALANCHE was going to go on a quest to bring her back to life and I was so sure that Aerith was going to come back right up until the other plot twist at the North Crater

where it's revealed that Cloud wasn't the SOLDIER that he claimed to be.

woooooo boy FFVII sure blew my fucking mind when I was 9 years old.

When Argath shoots Tietra at Ziekden Fortress. Like, I knew that Argath was a fucking jerk and everything, but to kill Tietra in front of Delita's eyes and to mock Delita like that in the middle of battle...oof.


...and when Delita stabs Ovelia in the ending. It's kind of weird, but in War of the Lions I found that scene to be even more shocking/sad, especially because WotL added in more content about Delita and Ovelia that made it clear that Delita cared about Ovelia, and that Ovelia could trust Delita, but it still ended with a double knifing.

That being said,

Day 4: Which game had the best storyline?

Can't I say all of them? No? Okay.

VII, Tactics, X, XIII, in that order.

Day 5: Best Cid?? HOHOHO.




no explanation needed. Legends of Ivalice say that on the day that he was born, he simply willed himself into existence as the all powerful, all mighty badass old man Sword Saint he is, and spammed Hallowed Bolts willy nilly all over the battle field.

Runner up Cid:

Cid Raines. I really like his character design and lowkey ship Raines/Lightning because lol, weather ship, and their character designs contrast nicely, like Fang/Vanille. I really wished that he had more scenes in XIII.


Seeing Trainer Red's username brings to mind the fact that I never made a master poast of questions on the first page :closedmonster:

F U C K ! ! !

Shall amend that as soon as I am home.... we're only halfway into the event, 'snot too late eh??? :monster:

Day 15.

Which game has disappointed you the most and why? Be mindful of spoiler tags.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
The game that's disappointed me the most...

That's a tough one. Certain games have disappointed me in various aspects that have annoyed me greatly.

FFXV's chapter 13 was terrible until it was updated with the Gladio and Ignis path. Hated that part of the game so much.
The ending you get from the main game also was a huge disappointment in terms of how tragic and twisted it is. Especially given what we know about gods of Eos and who Somnus really was.

FF Type 0's
epic downer ending with the entire death of Class 0 was horribly gut wrenching and just. It was well done and emotional but I honestly hate it. It's too much and just so fucking twisted. I get the message and it does what it does well but I just do not enjoy it and anytime I replay the game I skip that ending. Not gonna lie, I'm kinda happy that I'll never have to go through a Tabata heartrending FF ending like that or FFXV's again thanks to him leaving S-E for good. He kinda drove that kind of ending into the ground.

FFXIII is just entirely too linear until the last 1/4th of the game.

Overall though... I think the game that disappointed me the most was probably Dirge of Cerberus. I love the game and its story but I just wish there was more content to it. Like, it should've been bigger. More levels, more gameplay mechanics, refined shooting and action, etc. It just felt stiff and awkward and it shouldn't have been. Considering this was around when KH2 was released... Now I don't think Vincent should be jumping around and crap like Sora but they should've made more effort to capture the action and speed of Vincent's abilities in cutscenes and AC, than what they did in that game. But yeah. That's my overall disappointment game.


Day 15. Oh damn. I dunno. I'm so forgiving like I was SO excited for XV and yeah it has its flaws but I still adore it anyway. I guess maybe Tactics Ogre, the only tactics game I have, cos I'm just too damn stupid to play it hahahaha.

Gary Caelum

Pro Adventurer
Gary Caelum
FFXV at launch was pretty damn disappointing. But they have massively turned it around in my opinion. Especially the Chapter 13 update, Episode Ignis, Episode Prompto, Comrades and the alternative Chapter 14. All of those things massively improved the game imo. Hopefully Episode Ardyn will further improve it.

Other than that, I'd have to say FF12. It's still a really good game that I'd recommend to any RPG fan, but it didn't have that Final Fantasy magic for me. The characters are just so static. There's basically no character development throughout the game, and the story is focused on the larger political issues rather than the personal issues of the characters. If you remove Vaan and Penelo from the game, it's basically still the same game, which generally shouldn't be true with your main characters.
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