30 Days of Final Fantasy (2019)


Eyes of the Lord
Day 15: Both FF6 & FF9

Simply because I had a hard time being engaged with their gameplay (the later was specially dreadful to play).
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The Sublimely Magnificent One
FFIV, for sure. This one gets so much praise, and I just. Don't. Get it. Boring characters, utterly predictable story, aside from the final boss which is just another "and HERE is the REAL bad guy at the last minute" moment that this series had a bad habit of doing in the 90s, and a slow, boring battle system.

FFIII and V were both better games, yet this one gets all the attention, for what I can only assume are nostalgia reasons from 90s kids who got this as their first FF.

Castiel Strife

Pro Adventurer
Honestly fancy I’m not sure of my favorite quote. There’s so many. I’m sure it would be from Final Fantasy VII, though. Barret’s “$&@$ing pizza” comment was pretty great.

I also liked at some point when Cloud sort of did the whole “the road so far” moment and talked about Aerith’s.... ya know.. that small thing that happened, and then he basically brought up what they were going to have to do to beat Sephiroth and save the planet.

Pretty sure that was on the airship when he also talked about who he thought he was and who he really is, and how much he has changed. The feels, man. Can’t wait to play the game for the millionth time on the Switch. Any of you fools who don’t have a Switch, BUY a damn Switch! They’re amazing. And would I lie to you?! No!

Okay next question fancy pants. Yeah I’ve given up on the whole cid condom yellow fiasco. I’ve used about every combination in existence. I’m condomed out. Or out of condoms. Whatever I’m sleepy. Uhhh well... None of the Final Fantasies really disappointed me. I’d have to say XIII I guess? I couldn’t really get into it. But I could get into Lightning. In more ways than one. MOVING ON....

I also never could get into VI. When you’re tossing your tomatoes and rocks at me, please make sure to avoid the windows and only throw from ten yards out or more. Thank you. I’d also appreciate it if you’d avoid my head if at all possible. In the case of both games, though, I do want to play and beat them. Especially XIII because MY LORD... Lightning. Okay, sorry I’ll stop. BYE.


Okay next question fancy pants. Yeah I’ve given up on the whole cid condom yellow fiasco. I’ve used about every combination in existence. I’m condomed out. Or out of condoms. Whatever I’m sleepy.

omfg this is going in my signature

I also never could get into VI. When you’re tossing your tomatoes and rocks at me, please make sure to avoid the windows and only throw from ten yards out or more. Thank you. I’d also appreciate it if you’d avoid my head if at all possible. In the case of both games, though, I do want to play and beat them. Especially XIII because MY LORD... Lightning. Okay, sorry I’ll stop. BYE.



Save your valediction (she/her)
*fires anti-life beam from a monument to non-existence ten miles away, obliterating castiel and shattering all windows. Just all of them.*

FFX was my first disappointment, starting with its flat, boring, awkwardly paced and uncanny opening. Yet, everything I dislike about X was amplified in XIII. As far as the first 6 hours of a video game go, I would sooner take X’s confusion-marathon of infinite unexplained wormholes than XIII’s confusion-marathon of infinite unexplained character motivations and unnecessary terminologies. I thought X’s gameplay was ball-bustingly linear, shallow, and short, but man I had no idea.


Day 16.

What three things, whether it be character background, story ending, or even game mechanics, would you change about any of the games released so far and why?**


**I imagine there might be some confusion with the question so let me clarify here: I mean three things in total. NOT three things you would change about each Final Fantasy title. :)


1. Remove Hollander and the whole concept of Jenova Project G. Obviously Genesis and Angeal struck a cord with a part of the audience and a game about SOLDIER needs colourfui characters that matter but they don't need to emulate Sephiroth in so many ways.
2. Remove Zack and the player Turk crashing through Aerith's roof. Have Zack meet Aerith in his own way.
3. Give a stronger focus to the Wutai War in Crisis Core.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Final Fantasy Type 0...
After the downer ending, instead of Class Zero inexplicably choosing not to come back and be reborn, Arecia just gives the class a reincarnation in the future of Orience where Crystals don't exist, peace is the norm, and you combine the alternate "Another Spiral" ending with the first ending. Thereby they get their chance at a normal life and being friends in a world without non-stop war. Because they apparently wanted to do a sequel with the class in another future/spiral given the secret ending accompanied in the HD release of Type 0, "Rise from the Ashes." So why not just make it a complete, and total ending to kinda smooth out the infinite despair of the ending in the first place?

Final Fantasy XV
make the DLC episodes part of the main game, and further emphasis the plot points of Episode Ignis. Namely, that the game has multiple endings and let the player actually implement this point in the game fully from the start, rather than DLC additions which run the risk of getting cancelled and not being implemented as intended :mon:

Dirge of Cerberus gets released on the PS3 with a full team ready to make it a true action RPG shooter with better gameplay mechanics and fuller scope. Something really good and heavy, and not the watered down, B list 3rd person shooter.

Gary Caelum

Pro Adventurer
Gary Caelum
Great question.

1. FF9- Get rid of the card game and give it a version of the FF8 card game instead.
2. FF13- Make the first half of the game less linear. Arrange the world around various explorable towns.
3. FF15- Niflheim continent should be open world and fully explorable like Lucis.

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
Take out at least two 'rescue Rinoa' missions. Leave the one during the parade and the Adel fight. She's not unconscious going into Esthar, just another party member

No time travel. Could keep the same plot more or less re the fate of the Crystal Pillar, the plot works okay if Caius and Noel are just surviving Pulsians, Yeul's life is shortened by the chaos of the Cocoon refugees.

I headcanon this one anyway, but villain armies are gender balanced. Don't even change the character models just the voice acting or pronouns.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Day 11 - Dream Party of Four
Tank - Warrior of Light from FFXIV as a Dark Knight; easily the series' best interpretation of one of the most cliched tanking archtypes in gaming history
Healer/Buffer - Aerith
Magic DPS - Rinoa, for Meteor Wing (infinite Meteor spam)
Physical DPS - Raubahn (from FFXIV), he's at the Warror of Light's skill level even after losing an arm, and before that he was a duel wielder...

Day 12 - Final Fantasy Crush
Not applicable

Day 13 - Favorite Mini-Game
Triple Triad all the way... and I was the kind of person who went out of their way to spread every rule set except Random...

Day 14 - Favorite Quote (and Why)
"To ignore the plight of those one might conceivably save is not wisdom—it is indolence." --Louisoix Leveilleur (FFXIV)

This quote sums up why most of the people in... basically the majority of Final Fantasy games go out and participate in the story of the game. It also gives a good answer to why people try to help people even if they are not assured to succeed in doing so. The ironic part is that the person saying this comes from a city-state of isolationist researchers who decided long ago that their role was to record history, but not participate in history. The quote is why the speaker is leaving his own city-states to go help out an Alliance of city-states that have a history of bickering among each other to fight off an invading empire.

"I slaughter a gang of Qiqirn bandits for your precious goods and this is the thanks I receive!?
You spineless sack of shite. I kill your enemies. I fetch your things. I do what you people can't or won't do yourselves.
You're helpless. Weak. All you do is want and need.
I should've left you all to drown in Leviathan's tidal wave. At least then I would've been spared your constant bloody whining.
Do not speak to me of this ever again." --Fray (
Warrior of Light's Darkside)

I really like how well the frustration comes through in this quote. Especially as it's in response to something that is almost inseparable from any open-world video-game: the fetch-quest.

If there's one thing FFXIV does very, very well, it is how it portrays how draining being in the role of a hero can be on the hero. And we aren't talking about a reluctant hero archtype either. In the Main Story of FFXIV, the Warrior of Light is always shown as wanting to help people. However, that does take a toll on them and they do lose a lot in doing that. Instead of putting that kind of stuff in the Main Story though (so people do have some freedom RPing as their character), dealing with being a Hero gets put in the Dark Knight job quests. Which is proabably the best quest-line in FFXIV outside of the Main Story quests. The result is that FFXIV's Dark Knight is probably the least cliched take on the Dark Knight archetype FF has ever done. For starters, it deals more with the problem of helping people to the point the Hero is ignoring their own needs/wants and how a Hero deals (or doesn't rather) with survivor's guilt...

Day 15 - Most Disappointing Game
FFXIII does not count because I knew what I was signing up for when I started playing it... FFXV doesn't count either because I've decided not to play it given what I know about the plot...

FFIX, I guess. First of all, I am not saying that because of the story. The story was fine. The gameplay though... yikes... The ATB system for FFIX is as slow as molasses. It just never feels like it gets fast the way FFVII and FFVIII's ATB felt. It also feels like a step backwards in how rigid the character archetypes are. And how you can have four players out instead of three. I always felt like one of the characters was a fourth wheel in my party synergy. The Limit Break Trance system was also very difficult to get a grasp on since it did different things for different characters.

And then there's Tetra Master which was like... two steps backwards from Triple Triad or even the Gold Saucer. Both Triple Triad and the Gold Saucer rewarded items that were useful for your characters (even if Triple Triad was utterly broken in how you could abuse it or how the Gold Saucer just gave random stuff that could sometimes be frustrating to get). Point being, doing Triple Triad and the Gold Saucer at least impacted your character in some way. Tetra Master has no benefit to you characters except as being a time-waster that isn't the slow ATB.

So yeah... let's just say that I was happy to play FFIX so that I could know I would never play it again because I couldn't stand how long it took to do anything in it.

Day 16 - What Three Things Would I Change
I'm going to limit this to games I have played...

The first two are from FFXIII.
The first one would be how FFXIII's leveling system is capped by your progression though the story. This is to the point that the final tier of the leveling system isn't unlocked until after the final boss is beaten. I would unlock the entire thing so that you could see how everyone would level up from the start of the game and could level up all they wanted no matter where they were in the story. Out of all the problems with FFXIII, this is the thing that bothered me the most about it.

The second one is FFXIII's pacing. I actually think FFXIII being so linear where it is makes perfect sense for what type of story is being told and where the characters are. However, the game spends way too much time on those first few chapters. Several of the first couple of chapters could be cutscenes, and the game wouldn't lose anything. That would free up space for the latter part of the game that isn't linear so that more story time could be spent exploring places and the like (and maybe give Grand Pulse more story significance instead of being an excuse to see where Fang and Vanille grew up).

The third thing is that for the more recent single-player Final Fantasy games in general... I wish the story-writers would get it through their heads that True Art Is Not Angsty (or at least does not have to be angsty all the time). You do not need a tragedy to happen at the end of a story for the story itself to have weight. A true "happy ending" where none of the main player characters die can actually work (and did work for much of the earlier games in the series). It's just that the rest of the story needs to have something that the players can get invested in. And it's hard to get invested in anything (or anyone) when it's a forgone conclusion that someone will end up dying at the end so the rest of characters a happy ending.

I feel like I need to say that I'm specifically talking about someone dying at the end of the game. Characters dying at the beginning or in the middle of the game feels emotionally different and their deaths are a lot more varied in their reasons for death and impact on the plot. A lot of those kinds of deaths do not directly result in (or are not a direct result of) the rest of the characters getting a happy ending. Aerith's death would be a good example as she had already cast Holy by the time she died and even if she was alive, it probably wouldn't have changed how the game ended in any major way.


Day 16. Maybe this is a little bit obvious but

1. FFXII: I would make Basch the main character cos he has a stronger tie to the political stuff so all that would be clearer.
2. FFXII: Some more cool stuff with Fran.
3. FFVIICC: More interesting missions cos they get super samey and I get why but alsooooo come onnnn.

Gary Caelum

Pro Adventurer
Gary Caelum
Yeah those missions in Crisis Core are ridiculous. It could've been so easy to make them a bit more interesting by just adding some more locations. Even really simple stuff would've been appreciated. Like, if I'm out in the middle of the desert for some reason, why not just add the Gold Saucer into the background? But nope, empty desert.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I literally cannot choose.

It's overload.

There are too many tracks to choose from, that just... I dunno. Some days I think...

Advent: One Winged Angel?

Those Who Fight Further?

Stand Your Ground?

Crimson Blitz?

Limit Break?

Hunter's Chance?

Terra's Theme?

Dancing Mad?


I just... I simply cannot choose. Final Fantasy has music that is too good. Ambrosia for the ears, essentially.


Save your valediction (she/her)
I think I’ve defended my fave FF tunes during our many best-song-ranking events. I will say that “Over That Hill” from FFIX has really grown on me. Uematsu is really just a wizard with a synth pad. It’s basically the focus of this track, unusual after FFVI’s sweeping orchestral march, FFVII’s glorious symphonic main theme, and the rise and falls of FFVIII’s moody overworld theme. “Over That Hill” is just a chill tune bro.
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