God, I thought this article was fantastic.
I don't understand why some of you are saying "oh I don't care what other people think" etc, etc. It's not about that. It's about the fact that no matter what kind of fans we are, we are NOT the fans the industry caters to. The industry has shown repeatedly that it caters to, well, 13 year old boys.
Even Square Enix has said point blank that they don't make games for people of all ages, and that they expect us to grow out of Final Fantasy games.
Yeah, I know we're mature, well rounded people. But we are, quite frankly, in the minority.
Also the piracy issue kills me. I'm not a moralfag, I pirate music and even movies once in a while. But gamers seem to be too fucking stupid to realize they are single handedly killing the industry they love. Even music fans aren't this fucking stupid. The video game industry works differently than any other, and gamers just don't get this. No, I don't like paying $50 for games either. But there are easier and cheaper ways to play games other than HURR HURR I DOWNLOAD IT FOR FREE, SUCK MY DICK UBISOFT
So yeah, these are stereotypes. They're also RIDICULOUSLY accurate, in this case. The industry needs a change of pace, and even companies like SE, who want to be original and ~groundbreaking~ manage to make games that fall into these categories (see: obsession with gadgets and pretty. Yeah, I liked FFXIII, but we all know the focus on graphics was a little obscene)
I love video games, and I think there are lots of times when the industry does it right. But for the most part I am consistently embarrassed by the decisions of industry heads and appalled by the way video game fans behave.