Really? It's the exact opposite for me. I love most of the gamers I meet, because we have something to talk about right off the bat, and there are so many games that it makes it easy. I met alot of my friends because of this fact. I don't know if that's sad or not, lol.
For me it depends. A lot of my friends in real life are 'gamers', but then again a lot of my real life gamer friends (and me, I'd like to think) are socially adjusted, normal, balanced guys/gals who are also into games. However there are enough Asperger virgin basement dweller gamers with the social adjustment of a 12 year old out there as well.
With the age of the average gamer being 35 years old, I'd say the aforementioned irritating asshole gamer is just the vocal minority, but still.
(some women play Draogn Age just because they really adore Alistair
I'm a hetereosexual man and I adore Alistair.
Thank GOD someone else feels this way! I seriously was starting to think I was the only one. I can't stand Bayonetta - the story-line or any of the characters. The gameplay is pretty fun, yeah (I don't care how people try to deny it, but it DOES feel like Devil May Cry when I am playing it!), but I can't believe people are eating that crap up.
I've heard from some that the oversexualized nature of Bayonetta was a parody of the standard 'oversexualized action heroine' thing, but if that's true, the problem with that is, a lot of gamers just aren't going to get that. If the aim of the game was to poke fun at silly video game stuff, it's going to fly right over everyone's heads when you're dealing with this kind of demographic. No sense in telling a joke if no one gets it.
And yeah, I mean, overall, I don't mind sexuality in games. Sexuality is a natural part of everyone's life, and it can be tastefully represented in books, movies, TV shows, so fundamentally speaking, video games shouldn't be different. But it just seems so