A Preview to a New Race


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
In a post apocalyptic world, science has made advances never thought to be obtainable in bio engineering. Scientists have found their elixir for tweaking and manipulating DNA. They could recreate a human being into an instinctive beast. They could create life, and they could take it away. Science was the new God.

These systematic measures managed to create a design in life. Diseases as they run rampant had their antidotes, but only to those who could afford the price. Despite how advanced the world had become, it couldn’t shake off its levels of hierarchy, and the wealthy still continue to control the cities with their assets, while the homeless are oppressed. Only the strong can survive.

In this new day and age, war rages on between rebel factions and nations. One independent company specializing in bio engineering and genetic enhancement has been funded by an unknown source to create the ultimate war machine. Something that would take the place of humans in war and end it through brute strength.

Viola; the company graciously accepted and soon got to work. It took them several years to create them and recreate them, however they still remain unfinished. Beings of unsurpassed perfection, they were neither man nor machine, but something more... Code name: Destrillians.

These elite humanoids were taken from their homes at tender ages of adolescence and all were driven to the extent of perfection behind steel doors. Once captive they wouldn’t see the natural light of day again. They grew to know the steel walls of their prison, whether they loved them mattered not. They were made to be faster, stronger, smarter, and overall supreme to any other human. Along with enhanced physical and mental aspects each was gifted with a unique talent. They were given a 'sixth sense' if you will. With it they could control the minds of those weaker than themselves. They could bend it to their will or destroy it all together. If the scientists would have stopped there perhaps they would have been able to keep them under control but these beings had to be perfect... they had to be Gods. And so each Destrillian was given a unique power, a talent to call their own. Some could manipulate and conjure fire, while others could call forth the wind in unnatural environments. The same could be said for all elements, earth, water, thunder, darkness and light.

These children, now young adults have been revamped to be perfect killers. Little did the scientists know that no human being is perfect. As the children matured into the young adulthood, they reached their own state of puberty which began to take on drastic effects on them. Visions of a past they once new, memories of times long forgotten and untapped powers began to manifest themselves within these humanoids. This time in their age was their weakness. They were more susceptible to experimentation as they matured. These days, their dreams were more active and the experiments proceeded normally. Until one night when one Destrillian awoke…


So the plot behind this is the Destrillians and their escape, and you can choose to be one or a scientist or guard, or something of the like. The Destrillians will awaken and start a rebellion against Viola… That will be elaborated in the actual RP thread itself. The details are as follows.

Light – 000 000 001 - Sierra (Channy)
Lightning – 000 000 002 - Erthys (satsugaikaze)
Earth – 000 000 003 - Terra (Ninira)
Fire – 000 000 004 - Fiona (Integra)
Dark - 000 000 005 - Ronin (Meteo)
Water – 000 000 006 -Thetis (Bexy)
Wind – 000 000 007 - Eydin (Shadow Rogue)
Nature - 000 000 008 - Emma (Tennyo)
Metal - 000 000 009 - Idris (Jenova's Fifth)
Ice - 000 000 010 - Eve (Queenie)
Gravity - 000 000 011 - Kerr (Alex)

If someone has an extra element to be added or an idea, gimme a shout. However elements have to be limited one per person. The combination of opposing elements will later on produce random joint attacks, so make sure your opposite is someone good enough to share an attack with you. Also it's first come first serve...


Eventually, the Destrillians will reach each level as they rebel and exploration of the floors will be elaborated later on. And now for some Destrillian terms! Some more will be added later on as we progress, but the basics are as follows.

Destrillian - Genetically altered human taken generally before the age of ten from their home. Once captive at Viola, they know nothing from their previous life as their memories are instantly erased. Each has their own power and they are perfected for the uses of war.

Viola - The Company who brought the Destrillians to life. Once funded by one of the larger continents, they were able to recreate life and produce what war needed: ultimate fighting machines.

Distrum - A Destrillian will almost always have headaches when they engage in large amounts of physical and mental activity. The longer they exceed their abilities, the harsher the migraine is on them. To relieve them of such pain, Distrum, an injection often to the arm or neck was formulated. This allows them to keep calm and collected even in mental exertion.

Derinium - Eventually each Destrillian reaches Derinium where their body surpasses their potential and reaches an almost God like invincible power. Once their power is pushed into Derinium they have little time to act before it wears off, and they’re left with massive migraines.

Cyrogenic Slumber - Destrillians sleep without dreams. A small dosage of Distrum is injected before each night to suppress their subconscious from dreaming. This is also the most common stage for them to be experimented on.

Floors of Viola​

Basement level 5 – The bottom most floor of Viola; this is where the Destrillians are kept during slumber. This is also the only place with a 'recreation room' that the Destrillians are allowed to socialize with each other for exactly one hour everyday. This is not for their pleasure... but mostly to see how they react to others.

Basement level 4 – B4 is a training facility for the Destrillians where they can engage in hand to hand combat with each other as well as test their psychic abilities.

Basement level 3 – The storage floor; this is where Distrum is stored as well as other sorts of weaponry.

Basement level 2 – Research and Development where all the testing and experimenting takes place.

Basement level 1 – Where the records of all the Destrillians, and formulas for Distrum and other important documents are kept.

Main Floor – This is accessible to the public for tours and the like. The Destrillians are rarely allowed to go beyond B3.

Floor 1 – The main control room for the entire buildings electrical system is found here, though it is under heavy guard of both man, and machine.

Floor 2 – Viola personnel sleeping quarters and Executive board rooms.

Floor 3 – Cafeteria, obviously this is where food is prepared... though not for Destrillians... they had never tasted real food ever since they had been brought to Viola. Instead they have been fed a highly nutritious supplement that tasted horrific, but was the only thing they were allowed to eat or drink.

Floor 4 – Advanced robotics, and security personnel are stationed here, along with the entire buildings security system.

Floor 5 – The upper most floor of Viola, there is nothing much here but a helicopter pad, and a view of the outside world...


First and foremost, no God-modding. It’s quite obvious in almost any and all RP’s. It’s annoying. Nobody likes it. Besides, the more you God-mod your character, you’ll end up killing them off.

No ultimate uber offensive invincible characters… The stronger you make them, the sooner you kill them off with the migraines. Srly, their head will implode. Let’s not find out together.

No need to speed post. Let’s put in some effort and thought into this, but you don’t need to take a week to reply. Remember, the key to RPing is having fun.

For the beginning post/character sheet, your character will be n00d. Oh yes. :awesome: If you're uncomfortable with this, then have a clothing piece hanging around in the vicinity to cover their bits, but the last time that this worked, people did seem okay enough for a couple posts with their characters n00dness.

Also, when creating your character, don't be afraid to associate them with their element as much as you want. Hair colour, eyes, etc.. But they will be essentially human so their skin needs to be normal.

Also also also, when writing up your character's bio, remember to include for how long they've been in captivity. Sierra (mine) has been their first Destrillian for 10 years, so bear in mind their age and the years spent in Viola. It shouldn't exceed 10 years, and their age should be in their teens to go with their puberty overacting.

So let’s see some character bios!
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fresh to death
I shall post my profile up after I've done a few c-c-changes. So reserved for bio rly.
Basgy #006 -> Water.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
First Character - Bio layout

Name: Sierra Alexis Lutraine

Code Name: Destrillian Prototype # 000-000-001 – Heaven’s Hope

Gender: Female

Age: Eighteen

Personality: As a child, Sierra was always off playing with the other children. She wasn’t afraid to make friends; in fact she was quite the outgoing little one. However her persona took a one-eighty after she was taken to Viola.

Now Sierra keeps to herself a lot, even when given the opportunity to interact with the other Destrillians. When in the recreational room with the others, she stays off to the side and watches with silent stilled eyes. She was the first to be captured, and even still as she watched others join her fate, she didn’t put in the effort to expose herself to the others, and help them when they didn’t understand what was happening to them. It may seem selfish of Sierra, but she felt that they had to endure everything she did, with hopeless confused minds.

Sierra feels the need to please her captures. She looks to them for approval, and does as she's told when she's told, basking in the afterglow of their support. She strives to be their favourite, their number one Destrillian, and often looks to the others with an arrogant smile whenever Viola praises her actions.

However the night she awoke, she felt herself reverted to her old childhood self. She felt action needed to be taken, she knew their time to strike has come. The Destrillians needed a leader, and she could guide them through their scientific hell. With her memories reoccurring, Sierra often feels herself taken back to her 8 year old mind, crying over the sight of blood, and scrambling about like a lost pup.

Physical Appearance: Sierra’s body has since been tweaked during her captivity. Lush chocolate hair has been dyed white permanently, and laser eye surgery have coloured her orbs a pale white. Often she was mistaken for being blind by the other Destrillians, but the two drastic measures were a way to permanently mark her for what she stood for. She has notable high cheekbones and her eyes are slightly deep set.

After several years of training her body was left lithe and toned, able to combat against anyone when needed. Her skin, much like the rest of her is a light paled hue, gone from a light tan due to several years in underground captivity. Sierra has two puncture mark scars on her right wrist where Violan guards had to pierce her into pain as she made her first escape. She also has a long sliver of a scar running along her right kneecap from when she was a child. It acts as a catalyst to bring her back to her past whenever she lays her eyes on it.

The scientists wouldn’t allow them their own personal clothing so as she slept in cryogenic slumber, it was more often than not nude, and when interacting with others, she was given a plain white robe.

Elemental Power: Light

Physical/Elemental Abilities: Sierra’s abilities surpass no other Destrillian’s drastically. Having been in captivity longer than the others, she does have a slight advantage to knowing how to control her powers and knowing when not to push her limits. She can fight just as well as any soldier in hand to hand combat, however she is skilled very little with weapons and still has trouble learning when given something to fight with.

Sierra has the power to control light and manipulate to her will. Taking from her own heart, she can fill a dark room with enough light to guide her way. She can take pre-existing light in a room and manipulate it, taking it away completely and storing it in her body, or forming it into a near tangible force for an attack. Sierra's emotions play into her power. The more upset, angered or distressed she is, the harder she finds it to control her powers. The light in her vanishes with her negative feelings.

Forgotten History: Sierra was part of a family of three… Her father had recently passed away which left her alone with her mother and new baby sister. Her mother paid more attention to the child now that her husband had passed, seeing the only thing left in him in the child. This left Sierra alone with her thoughts a lot.

After she was out playing hide and seek with her friends at the age of eight, Viola scientists had quickly apprehended the lone child and took her as the first prototype to their new experiments. Violan scientists didn't bother to find out whether the girl had a family or not, registering the child as missing for several years then on.

Teen years later of pure experimentation and injection had left the young adult confused about who she was and who she used to be. She relies on the information fed to her by her captures, and normally dares not to defy them. As far as she was concerned, she had lived with them from her birth, her mother dying during child birth. Her father, a man who had abandoned her. They expressed she was an unwanted orphan and that they took into their home. It was this belief that led Sierra to do as they wished, obeying her parents command. However when memories start to spill back into her mind, she decides that they no longer should have the privilege of playing monopoly with their lives.
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wolf among the sheep
Ronin is back, and he's number #5 FYI.

Name: Ronin Maverick

Code Name: Destrillian Prototype #000-000-005 - Shadow Star

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Physical Appearance:


Reflecting the aspirations of perfection Violan scientists strive to achieve in all Destrillians through years of experimentation, Ronin's body bears a lean muscular frame with well-toned thighs, abs, strong calves, biceps and pectorals, with a slightly tanned complexion throughout his tightly chiseled figure. His turbid raven hair drapes loosely, wildly about his enigmatic visage, a lone, thick lock resting contently over the bridge of his symmetrical nose, bisecting the field of his glowing amber glare. His fiercely analytical eyes accent a latent fear within all who meet them. At the point of Derinium, Ronin's eyes become consumed in darkness, filling with a malicious, ominous opacity which seems to absorb all incoming light. His right cheek is marked with a pronounced scar, sloping downward towards the corner of his mouth, received on the day of his abduction by Violan agents. An oversize black cloak, tattered and torn in several places, clothes his body during recreational and training sessions.

Personality: During his early childhood years, Ronin was playful, outgoing, and loved to live life on his terms. Although he was a rebellious youth, he controlled his impulses and never allowed anyone to worry for him. Ten secluded years at the Violan testing facility has hardened the once jovial boy into a sharp-witted young man, possessing a keen intuition aside from his normal psychic abilities. His naturally rebellious attitude remains, although immensely magnified by years of oppression and control within the severely restricted confinement of Viola. Having developed a sense of dark humor, Ronin will often use his telepathic powers to tease and taunt the minds of the Viola faculty for his own personal amusement and despite consequential punishment. He exhibits a consistently uncooperative demeanor during research and experimentation sessions, oftentimes provoking brutal torture via electrocution. For Ronin, the pain is welcomed to a certain extent. Strengthening, revitalizing...pleasurable. In place of a painful grimace, he bears a frightening smile, echoing with fear in the hearts of those appointed to administer his suffering. He operates on the principle of vengeful justice, and employs a great effort to reciprocate the life of misery imposed upon him, unto his oppressors.

Among his fellow Destrillians, Ronin socializes little, yet is quick to rise to their defense in a futile effort to protect those equally aggrieved by the insensitive, relentless ambitions of Viola. He seeks refuge and complacency within the shadows, and rarely speaks unless spoken to.

Elemental Power: Darkness/Shadow

Elemental/Psychic/Physical Abilities: As the wielder of darkness, the full potential of Ronin's power is unknown to even the brightest scientists at Viola. The corruptive nature of his element has led Viola staff to err on the side of caution when coming into contact with him. With a simple touch, Ronin can implant vivid illusions and horrific images into the minds of others, often triggering hallucinations and recurring nightmares in weaker minds that can lead to mental insanity, paranoia, and depression.

He has been dubbed by some Violan dignitaries as the master of Death itself, as he has exhibited an unsettling ability to 'drain the life' from living things by desiccating an organism at the cellular level, and reducing it to nothing more than ash and dust. Ronin first debuted this ability five years ago when a guard, who took it upon himself to beat Ronin for invading his mind with suicidal suggestions, lost his right arm with a mere touch. It was documented that the blood in his veins turned black, muscles were paralyzed, skin became a lifeless shade of gray, and within minutes, the arm detached freely just above the elbow, as a dehydrated lump of compacted, powdery ash. Ronin was rendered comatose for the following two days, however has since cultivated this power within certain limitations.

Concentrating his thoughts, Ronin is able to utilize shadows to his advantage, assuming control of silhouettes and darkness to restrict and control the movements of his target. In this sense, Ronin achieves a specialized form of telekinesis, using the shadows of inanimate objects to govern their movements. The weaker the shadow, the greater the difficulty Ronin experiences in attaining full authority of mobility.

Another capability of the Darkness element is shown in Ronin's capacity to create and manipulate dark matter. Noted as the most volatile of Ronin's abilities, and consequentially the most taxing to manifest, dark matter appears as a small, quasi-spherical black cloud which absorbs and converts the mass of anything it touches into additional dark matter, growing as it does so. The field can be expanded to engulf larger objects or organisms, and contracted to concentrate the density of accumulated matter into a smaller area, developing an independent gravitational field as many Violan scientists have theorized. Some have even proposed the possibility of the formation of a singularity if enough mass were to be absorbed and condensed, however it is conceded that such an attempt would trigger an instant and likely fatal episode of Derinium.

In conditions of defense, his abilities are quite useful in masking his own movements or himself entirely by way of modifying the light radiation around him with varying intensities of dark radiation, granting a virtual invisibility. However, he cannot hide himself completely, appearing as a blur of movement against his surroundings, and any duration of invisibility is almost always restricted to a time period of less than one minute due to the degree of mental exertion involved.

Ronin's psychic abilities are advanced in the empathic range of extrasensory perception, allowing him to sense emotions with ease, and in terms of fighting, use those emotions against his opponent, especially fear. Fear is an emotion Ronin prey's upon. Conversely, his abilities are lacking in the area of telepathy and he finds it difficult to decipher the entanglement of thought he encounters when attempting to probe one's mind.

Ronin avoids hand-to-hand combat whenever possible, and employs a policy of evasion during training sessions. While many researchers have commented on the potential of Ronin to become a skilled melee fighter, he prefers to stay on the defensive, analyzing his foe, locating weak points, and executing precision attacks with speed and accuracy to bring down the even strongest enemy quickly. As for arts in weaponry, Ronin favors the sleek, precise blade of a Katana, and trains with it often, honing and refining his skills eagerly with each passing session.

Forgotten History: Ronin was the only child born to a pair of loving parents. His father earned a modest living working as a book-keeper, cataloging and organizing Violan documents and maintaining proper records of information for the company. Ronin was a playful child, curiously rebellious, yet he made a conscious effort never to cause his parents to worry.

One day, Ronin's father stumbled over a packet of documents not meant for his eyes to see. That night, Ronin's curiosity led him to eavesdrop on a conversation between his parents. His father told of Viola's experimentation on children, and their ambitions to create the perfect war machines. Theorizing Viola had already discovered his accidental knowledge of their secret operations, he insisted they leave with Ronin immediately. However that opportunity was never granted to them, as soon thereafter, Violan agents invaded their home and murdered Ronin's parents in cold blood. Ronin, a few days shy of his ninth birthday, watched in terror as his beloved parents fell lifeless in front of him. Instantly enraged, Ronin hopelessly tried to fight back, kicking and screaming with all the strength he could muster. Amidst the struggle, he managed to kick several teeth from the mouth on one agent, who proceeded to slash Ronin's face with the same knife he used to kill his parents. Bloody and exhausted, Ronin was finally subdued with an injected sedative to put him to sleep for the remainder of the night. For when he awoke, his world would be far different than anything he had ever known, as well as his future, one of unimaginable misery.
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Sheva Alomar

I'm Alive and on Fire
Adri, Sir Integra, Fiona, Sango
Hallo ppl. :3

Name: Fiona Myrwind
Code Name: Blazing Fury - Destrillian Prototype #000-000-004
Age: 18
Gender: Female

Personailty: Before being snatched away by Viola, Fiona was an average little girl for her age. Social, likable, sweet, open, and fun. The girl also made sure no one was left out of things. She would call over other children and let them enjoy whatever she was doing.

Years of experiments and manipulation later, Fiona has become a self-centered, loud and arrogant punk. While she still has a small bit of unselfishness left within her, Fiona doesn't like to show her softer side. The older girl now enjoys making herself known and showing who's boss. Matching her element, the Destrillian is very quick to come to conclusions in any scenario, jumping the gun when fighting and speaking. Regardless, Fiona is very knowledgable and can come to understand people after long periods of time if given the chance.

When mingling with her fellows Destrillians, Fiona likes to mess around with the more meek members. This is simply because she gets a kick out of it. As for the others, Fiona either remains collected or subtly challenges them with her words. Sometimes the Destrillian may lose her own temper from being held within the steel walls and power of Viola.

At times of further experimentation, Fiona has a tendency to rebel. During these cases, she is heavily drugged into a more..."cooperative" state.

Personal Appearance: Due to Viola's hand in altering Fiona, her long black hair has become a short length with a mix of brilliant reds and a tinge of yellow. The overall style of her hair is a bit wild with bangs combed to the right side of her face slightly covering her right eye. Fiona's eyes were once a soft brown but have become a penetrating orange. Her overall body is that of a well-built woman as she measures in at about 5' 6" and 130 pounds. Fiona's skin color has gone from a soft peach to an olive shade.

Fiona doesn't mind being clothed or not. The times she is when socializing with her Destrillian brethren, the girl is seen wearing loose, torn and red sweatpants along with a raggedy tank top. At first she was given a cheap red robe, but they gave Fiona her new outfit after a series of out-of-control fits.

Elemental Power: Fire

Element/Psychic/Physical Abilities: Fiona has been engineered to manipulate and summon the element of the flame. From the heat of the unnatural sun within the laboratories to the temperature of a room (being over the temperature of 55 F), she is able to bring forth fire. The amount of energy used to bring forth the element varies though and can sometimes bring her to her knees if she pulls from the faintest of sources. Fiona can even use her own body in conjuring heat. She is able to raise her own temperture to make a specific radius around herself unbearable, even lethal. This is not used often, though. Many other abilities similar to the ones mentioned are at her disposal. Fiona can also summon a fire-like breath, but she seldom has to resort to using it. This fire manipulator also has the capacity to solidify the flame in small fireballs and can turn her hands in searing-hot blades.

The Destrillian girl is also capable of fighting hand-to-hand. Through her own fits and training, Fiona is able to utilize many forms of martial arts, along with a scrappy sort of street fighting if necessary. She has also come to be very skilled with the Jo stick.

Naturally, she shares telepathic abilites with her Destrillian kin.

Forgotten History: Fiona was an only child of two parents. They treated her very well and with all of the love they could muster. Reflected in her young personality, Fiona's parents taught her many good traits and virtues.

A day came when Fiona needed to be put in the care of her grandmother. She was 7. The girl was told that her parents were having some problems without her knowing. Before the guardian exchange even took place, Viola got a hold of her. She was riding her bike with two friends when enforcers of the company quickly pulled her from the simple playtime. Fiona didn't know what to do. The last thing that could possibly be recalled is her briefly slipping away, only to be tranquilized and slowly dragged off...somewhere...

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Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Can I claim the earth one before I post? It may take a bit for me to write it up.


fresh to death
Bitch is back. Phooey, this lay out makes it look like a tiny bio. >:

Name: Thetis Alcesteos

Codename: Raging Charybdis - Destrillian Prototype #000-000-006

Age: 18 (Taken by Viola at age 8)


Physical Appearance:

Thetis stands at about 5”7, and weighs in at around 115lbs with pale skin and a slender, well toned figure, due to the intense training she has endured over years of experimentation. The appearance of many of her features have been altered through her time at Viola. Her previously light blonde locks has been tinted a navy blue, and her choppy, unkempt fringe is a shade of snow white. The left side of her hair reaches her shoulder, while on the right side of her head, it barely hangs more than 3cm from her earlobe. Her once bright sapphire eyes are now an ashen yellow, a side effect from one of many chemicals injected into her body. Like all other Destrillians, she possesses no clothes, yet is allowed a baggy, deep blue robe when socialising in the Recreation Room.

Personality: Thetis is a fairly reticent, reserved prototype. She is wary of contact with others, and often becomes very nervous when in the company of strangers. She is observational and a keen strategist, able to calculate a formula for victory within seconds of beginning a fight. Thetis is also very talented with words, allowing her to easily persuade, trick or lie to other people in her eloquence.

When given access to the Recreation Room, Thetis rarely interacts with others, unless a topic of major interest arises. Usually, she keeps herself to herself and eavesdrops on the other Destrillians’ conversations. During experimentation and exposure to the Violan Staff, depending on her state of mind, Thetis will stay silent and uncooperative, giving no response or answers to the relentless questions asked by numerous scientists and endure the brutal treatment until she is sedated. However, in her weaker state of mind, she dares not object to the company, and obeys their every direction.

Thetis possesses a latent, minor case of DID (Dissociative identity disorder), related to being torn out of her childhood with no chance to mature, her memories cruelly erased and being forced into adulthood. However, the child inside her remains, living out the years she never completed, whereas the other, violent side of her personality lurks constantly in the back of her mind. This psychotic personality represents the turmoil and torment she has suffered over the 10 years, as well as the maturity she has developed throughout captivity. However, a majority of the time, Thetis maintains her child-like characteristics - quiet, shy, frightened and passive. Her sudden metamorphosis from quiet, co-operative youth to vengeful, sadistic experiment is triggered by threat, pain or intense emotion.

Elemental Power: Water

Elemental/Psychic Abilities: Thetis can draw upon the aqueous vapour in the air, and is able to create large volumes of Water from the smallest amounts of vapour, yet the amount of vapour determines how much effort and concentration must be put into this ability. She also possesses the ability to manipulate Water, bending it to her will, changing its density (which in some cases enables her to walk on Water). However, in the case of creating and controlling vast volumes of Water, the Destrillian suffers horrific migraines. Often losing herself in a fight, Thetis forgets her limits, and usually induces excruciating migraines, rendering her body completely useless for 15 minutes.

Depending her state of mind at the time, Thetis may be incredibly elegant in combat - agile, disciplined and merciful, or brutal, cruel and bloodthirsty. Thetis often fights hand-to-hand Yet her physic abilities are poor, and she is unable to control the minds of others. However, she is incredibly adept at blocking attempts to read her own mind, and reading, as well as deciphering her opponent’s thoughts.

Forgotten History: Before being admitted to Viola, Thetis was an only child, living a normal life, in a normal house with a normal family. Thetis’ father was a scientist, employed by Viola for his talent in genetic engineering. The girl’s father was almost always away at work, so Thetis remained at home in the company of her mother. Her mother, however, soon fell seriously ill with an unknown disease. With her illness came fees, and the Alcesteos family soon fell into debt. With that debt came despair and desperation for Thetis’ father. He made an agreement with his employers, Viola, to surrender Thetis in exchange for sufficient funds to allow him and his wife to live comfortably.

After visiting her mother in hospital, Thetis left with her Father for their suburban home. Oblivious to her Father’s impatience, Thetis wandered into a secluded thicket of trees. Within minutes of arrival, the Violan Corps arrived, and abducted Thetis, resorting to sedative in order to subdue her piercing screams of terror and weak display of resistance. The last thing Thetis saw before she fell unconscious was a familiar man watching her being pulled away. Completely unfazed by the young girl’s capture, the father watched with no remorse, in full knowledge of the her tormented future as a Destrillian at Viola Corp.
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Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Oh no fair getting to use your pics. :monster:

Also, explain to me what a Charybdis is pls?

Sheva Alomar

I'm Alive and on Fire
Adri, Sir Integra, Fiona, Sango
I demand that all drawings made for characters still in the RP from long ago be posted. :3

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Tell me if is bad. :monster:

Name: Terra Michaels
Code Name: Destrillian Prototype #000-000-003: Makeshift Golem
Age: 20
Gender: Female

Personailty: Terra rarely changed, even as a child. She was quiet, uncaring, and had very little desire to interact with others. Perhaps it was her somewhat antisocial attitude that allowed her to be so easily kidnapped by the Viola. Even after the experiments, she stayed the same, still quiet and perhaps even more uncaring as to the state of others. What she did learn was how to obey orders and how to execute her job perfectly.

She could never see very well until the experiments and as such, always wore a pair of glasses. She was as attached to them as she could possibly be, and believed that it had a tiny voice that told her to do the right thing, like not killing the rabbits she was told to in order to test her abilities. Still, though, when she didn’t then she wouldn’t get fed, and she sometimes wondered if her closest friend just wanted her to die.

After a number of surgeries, they took away her only friend, her wire frame glasses. Despite her weak and squeaking protests, the scientists took her glasses away: to the incinerator, to the director’s office, who knew. But she could still hear it talking to her in its tiny voice, repeating “Those scientists are no good. You should kill them.” After she killed the target that night, the scientists seemed pleased with her. Laying in her quarters that night, the girl decided she needed to find her only friend: otherwise she may just go crazy in that place.

Physical Appearance: Terra’s hair has since been changed from its former dull brown color to an extremely deep green, nearer to black than the intended color. It’s almost always trimmed short to keep from bothering her, the longest it gets would be just past her shoulders. Her eyes were changed through numerous surgeries to be more efficient and have been changed from their former hazel to a more definitive dark green. She is 5’2” and around 124 lbs, looking sort of awkwardly muscled, considering her small frame. She wears what she is given, that being a simple green robe, and she feels very awkward when she isn’t wearing it.

Elemental Power: Earth

Element/Physical Abilities: Because she was taken when she was slightly older, she doesn’t have very much skill when it comes to controlling her abilities. The only abilities she has decent control of are her abilities to make her skin harder and her enhanced strength. The good things about these abilities are that her hand-to-hand abilities are superb, but the downside of it is her awkwardness when it comes to holding a weapon.

By this point in her skills, she should have been able to created Earthen monsters, but she still cannot control her powers and can’t even make the creatures she creates move. She tries to make up for her lack of control over her element with her strength and speed, but it is not impressive compared to what she should have been able to do at that point. Because of this, she sometimes feels like a failure.

Forgotten History: Forgotten History: Terra was the third of four children, living with a very poor mother and father. They were such self-sacrificing people that they preferred to let their children eat and let themselves survive on only the most meager scraps. Without even noticing or caring as long as their children were happy, the mother was the first to starve. When the children mourned her loss, their father reassured them the same would not happen to him, and even bought Terra glasses and her brother and elder sister a nice wagon. His last, weak words to the children were that they could still live, as long as they kept the right attitude.

When he died, the power in the family passed on to the eldest brother, who was no more than thirteen. He tried working in order to help the family, but he didn’t have the strength to do any heavy labor he could have been hired for. In the end, he realized he needed to sell everything they had, the wagon being the first thing to go. When Terra refused to sell the glasses that allowed her to see, he was furious, demanding to know if she even cared about her siblings. Nonetheless, the little girl held her ground, and her brother decided she was of no use to the family, and losing her would just be losing one more mouth to feed. He demanded she go out and find a job if she wanted to keep living with them, and the tiny ten-year-old stomped away from the rest of the family, never looking back. While she tried to find a job in the city, she was quietly kidnapped, word never getting back to her brother and sister as to her fate.
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Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
That's some good stuff Nin. The spacing is a bit messy in some places but I'm just OCD. :monster:


wolf among the sheep
Name: Terra Michaels
Code Name: Destrillian Prototype #000-000-003: Makeshift Golem
Age: 20
Gender: Female

Personailty: Terra rarely changed, even as a child. She was quiet, uncaring, and had very little desire to interact with others. Perhaps it was her somewhat antisocial attitude that allowed her to be so easily kidnapped by the Viola. Even after the experiments, she stayed the same, still quiet and perhaps even more uncaring as to the state of others. What she did learn was how to obey orders and how to execute her job perfectly.

She could never see very well until the experiments and as such, always wore a pair of glasses. She was as attached to them as she could possibly be, and believed that it had a tiny voice that told her to do the right thing, like not killing the rabbits she was told to in order to test her abilities. Still, though, when she didn’t then she wouldn’t get fed, and she sometimes wondered if her closest friend just wanted her to die.

After a number of surgeries, they took away her only friend, her wire frame glasses. Despite her weak and squeaking protests, the scientists took her glasses away: to the incinerator, to the director’s office, who knew. But she could still hear it talking to her in its tiny voice, repeating “Those scientists are no good. You should kill them.” After she killed the target that night, the scientists seemed pleased with her. Laying in her quarters that night, the girl decided she needed to find her only friend: otherwise she may just go crazy in that place.

Physical Appearance: Terra’s hair has since been changed from its former dull brown color to an extremely deep green, nearer to black than the intended color. It’s almost always trimmed short to keep from bothering her, the longest it gets would be just past her shoulders. Her eyes were changed through numerous surgeries to be more efficient and have been changed from their former hazel to a more definitive dark green. She is 5’2” and around 124 lbs, looking sort of awkwardly muscled, considering her small frame. She wears what she is given, that being a simple green robe, and she feels very awkward when she isn’t wearing it.

Elemental Power: Earth

Element/Physical Abilities: Because she was taken when she was slightly older, she doesn’t have very much skill when it comes to controlling her abilities. The only abilities she has decent control of are her abilities to make her skin harder and her enhanced strength. The good things about these abilities are that her hand-to-hand abilities are superb, but the downside of it is her awkwardness when it comes to holding a weapon.

By this point in her skills, she should have been able to created Earthen monsters, but she still cannot control her powers and can’t even make the creatures she creates move. She tries to make up for her lack of control over her element with her strength and speed, but it is not impressive compared to what she should have been able to do at that point. Because of this, she sometimes feels like a failure.

Forgotten History: Terra was the third of four children, living with a very poor mother and father. Both parents had died unexpectedly of an illness that nearly claimed the second oldest, but spared the children. Her eldest brother acted as a parent to the rest of the siblings. They were happy, despite having little to eat.

He realized that there wasn’t any hope to keep the other children alive unless he sold one of them. He heard about a sort of slavery ring, and he agreed to sell the second oldest for a high price. A second bout of the illness that killed their parents appeared in her again, and she soon succumbed to it. Trying to still get some money, he said that he would be willing to sell his weak and broken sisters to the highest bidder. Viola decided they may as well have kidnapped the two girls and leave the poor boy to rot, kidnapping Terra and her younger sister, who later died from the stress of being taken from her brother.

I've taken the liberty of remedying a few minor grammatical errors I spotted, and spaced the paragraphs more uniformly to make it easier for those reading through. Overall your profile seems fairly decent, though there are a few points I'd like to see changed/included.

I don't see any mention of exactly how old Terra was when she was kidnapped by Viola. Generally, all Destrillian prototypes have been in captivity for about 10 years. I would either make note of how long she's been at the Violan facility, or give a brief mention of her age when she was taken.

I also noticed a few striking similarities between your character history and Bexy's character history:

Thetis history said:
Her mother, however, soon fell seriously ill with an unknown disease. With her illness came fees, and the Alcesteos family soon fell into debt. With that debt came despair and desperation for Thetis’ father. He made an agreement with his employers, Viola, to surrender Thetis in exchange for sufficient funds to allow him and his wife to live comfortably.

Terra history said:
Both parents had died unexpectedly of an illness...

He realized that there wasn’t any hope to keep the other children alive unless he sold one of them. He heard about a sort of slavery ring, and he agreed to sell the second oldest for a high price. A second bout of the illness that killed their parents appeared in her again, and she soon succumbed to it. Trying to still get some money, he said that he would be willing to sell his weak and broken sisters to the highest bidder.

I'm sure it's most likely just an unwitting coincidence, however it's encouraged for RPers to read other profiles to avoid such parallels and promote originality in every character. I won't mandate that you alter your history, but if you have any other ideas that you think could better individualize your profile in that field, I'd love to see them added.

Also, I'd suggest proofreading when you complete a profile or post. Everyone makes mistakes and it's crucial that grammatical and spelling errors are taken care of, as well as watching out for word repetition. Always strive to be creative when structuring each individual sentence. If you use a word twice in consecutive sentences or the same sentence, try to come up with a synonym to replace it, this will work wonders for the style and flow of your writing.

One final note for posterity: the number assigned to each Destrillian reflect the arrival of each particular prototype to the Violan lab in chronological order. Sierra was first to be taken, and so on.

Other than that, I'm glad to see a new face and look forward to RPing with you!
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Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Perhaps I can make some changes to her character history? Or is that impossible now that I've submitted a character profile? I've been in another RP for almost 4 years now, so new stuff can be mildly jarring to me. In Other RP, we're encouraged to use as plain and simple words as we can, so as not to confuse people to the point of needing to look up a definition: here, we're encouraged to use different words to make sentences seem less repetitive. I can try remaking my profile to these guidelines, if you guys want?
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