ACC Pics


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Keisha, Kei
A, if you want to see Cloud saving Tifa animated:


Might take a while to load depending on your connection, 7mb gif.

awww *-* this one made my day!... i can kiss you right know Cloud_S!


Great Old One
Cloud_S, you don't know how awake I am now. Thank you so much for the gif(T), great scene! ^_^
Wow, it would be impossible to deny now that Zack wasn't "in" Cloud's eye just as Aerith was. Also, the Cloud rescuing Tifa scene is exactly as I imagined it. :wacky: It does seem pretty short.

Thanks Cloud_S and Quexinos.


Great Old One
Correct me if I'm wrong, bud do I see the sword going through his shoe...? o_o

Ouch. X_X

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Blood and violence.

Just the way I like it. :) Thank you!

EDIT: OMG, I think you're right A O_O


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Keisha, Kei
Correct me if I'm wrong, bud do I see the sword going through his shoe...? o_o

Ouch. X_X

yeah... for me it's seems this too.. in his foot, or leg... give me chills just think about it!


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Keisha, Kei
Yuck, I must be the only one who doesn't enjoy seeing him getting sliced and diced. :(

i don't like it to .. i mean... for the movie is good (more action scenes:awesome:)...but the poor man, is suffering... god...the gif still give chills! XD


Pro Adventurer
Imagine all that w/ sounds. Glory. Can you make a gif of Cloud and Zack tomorrow? :)

Thanks anyways. :)

K, one last one before bed.

.......... Gif program is NOT liking the video clip I made to create the gif faster... tried three times.

Oh and I've also "ripped" Safe and Sound... nice to finally hear it in full instead of listening to a 1min loop!
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Great Old One
Cloud_S, I really appreciate you doing this for us. ^_^ Thanks! <33

EDIT: Also, they took Tifa out of the picture, which explains why Cloud was looking at a different direction. It's a completely different one.

Cloud_S, does the picture of the original four appear at any time during the movie?


Pro Adventurer
I'll have to check later.... eyes too tired to look over stuff right now. XD

Btw... if anyone wants to hear Safe and Sound in full..... don't click this.

I really needed this song. I've been through hell thanks to a certain person (tempted to link to their myspace)... (note what my myspace headline says...)... but I'm not going to let them get me down!
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Great Old One
Wow, the song sounds great! I like this song a lot better than Calling in my opinion. Thanks Cloud_S!


Pro Adventurer
Was taking too much time to make a gif of the Zack and Cloud scene (was taking forever for the gif program to save each part, managed to get parts 1 and 3 saved... but that's pointless without 2 and 4)...

So here's a clip. (It's saved as flv, just grab this to view it).

Btw... suggestion, maybe create a BB code for an flv player? I could see some nice uses for it. :D


Solitary Dancer
There's so much awesome stuff in here, although I never wanted to get spoiled. But my copy of the movie hasn't arrived yet (fuck you, customs), so I'm in desperate need of footage.
I want more video material of the Cloud/Seph fight. *makes puppy eyes*
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