Actors in FF(VII): Who could play who?


Consumed By Darkness
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He's the actor who played Prince Caspian in Narnia.

(I'm really getting carried away with this)

Continues anyway.

Reno could be this guy:

for Rufus Shinra

I'm not sure about how old Scarlett is, I'm guessing mid to late 20s so with that

I've got plenty more ideas for other people but I'm going to leave it at that for now.

Yuri Lowell

Pro Adventurer

It'd probably work. My main issue is that I'd demand a disproportionate amount of CG and want the locales to look how they do in the games. The amount of greenscreen involved in this would be preposterous, not counting the fact it'd likely need to be split into multiple films or just confined to an over budgeted TV series.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Except the problem is Cloud's supposed to be the main character! If you cast Heidegger like that that's going to throw everything off whack :awesome:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000

lol he is actually a good actor, it's just that everything he's known for he's always this loud character. He is capable of toning it down, but that wouldnt be necessary for Heidegger anyway.


Waiting for something
I would put pics up but unfortunately I'm on my phone.

Is it really bad that I'm having some fangasm moments at some of these pics.

Doesn't help that lately I've been watching a lot of LOTR and rediscovered my love for Elijah Wood. I could picture him playing Cloud in his younger days, in saying that though he doesn't ever frickin look like he ages so he could get away with playing Cloud :D

For some reason I could totally see Eric Olsen playing Reno, I dunno of its just from watching him play Deeks in NCIS LA , he might not look like Reno but he could act like Reno because he can go from serious to goofy ala ACC in a matter of seconds.

And again after watching his portrayal of Dumbledore Michael Gambon could totally play Bugenhagen.

Just some of my thoughts so far.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Agreed, except for Billie, she is too..... be my Elena *prepares to be lynched by Whovians*

And that Sprouse feller... Looks too Bieberish for my liking...

I admit it, the suggestions in this thread have made it the most impressive "FFVII live action actor suggestions" thread I have ever seen.

Say hello to
He's the actor who played Prince Caspian in Narnia.
Holy crap. With that look he is an even better pick than Keanu Reeves.

Also, what's up with these images that can't be linked to? I have to copy the image address and paste it in a new tab in order to view. =/

for Rufus Shinra
His son-of-rich-old-man role in Inception constantly made me think of Rufus Shinra. Too bad his appearance doesn't really "pierce" the viewer. When Rufus looks at someone it should be like an arrow firing from a bow.


Pro Adventurer
Orah, Iju
Actually yeah, I can see Elijah as Cloud now. He's got the youth but also the intensity.

: D well thanks. now you have gained another batch of elijah's angelic eyes cards



and hey here's one with spikey hair!


And Zhang. Wow.

and yes Ziyi is drop dead worthy of her beauty.

for Aerith. She was the mermaid in Pirates of the Caribbean 4

OMG PERFECT PERFECT PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok now i REALLY feel bad that aerith will d- the thing that will happen to her?

>.< yeah bad spoiler coverup.

now that i do think about it no wonder she looks familar; i remember seeing that movie not too long ago...

I want to defend my choice of Dylan Sprouse as Cloud. He looks the part: Cloud's supposed to be short and immature with attitude. And he's the right age, 22. Elijah Wood's like 33 which is closer to Cid's age.

i didnt say that wood would fit the part, all i said was that his eyes are perfect for cloud's. one of clouds features that are noted a TON in the game is his eyes, and well...elijah's are maybe even better looking than his. also his acting would be A+++++++++++++++ infinity since he has a spectacular acting ability. i dont think he could look like cloud, but he could definitely act like cloud perfectly. i just know, with the right directing, he could act those two different personalities that cloud has in the game. he has that gift to do that. you should have seen his interview when he was ten! i know he could do it. its just sad he doesnt look like him....

I feel like Zhang Ziyi is too pretty for Yuffie, and also too old. She's the same age more or less as Elijah Wood, and Yuffie's meant to be sixteen. If I'm going to see this on the big screen I really want the big disparity in the ages of this motley crew to be visible.

holy cow i didnt know Ziyi was mentioned to play yuffie! O: i kinda glazed over that once i saw her being suggested. yea i dont think she could play yuffie. shes just too beautiful for her.

also i dont think age makes a difference behind the actor/ess as long as the actor/ess doesnt look like it. and elijah looks around 25-28 at best (at least to me : P)

And that Sprouse feller... Looks too Bieberish for my liking...


*runs with you, gets shot*

I would put pics up but unfortunately I'm on my phone.

Is it really bad that I'm having some fangasm moments at some of these pics.



Doesn't help that lately I've been watching a lot of LOTR and rediscovered my love for Elijah Wood. I could picture him playing Cloud in his younger days, in saying that though he doesn't ever frickin look like he ages so he could get away with playing Cloud :D

i also think he is ageless, and i also understand your rediscovering LOTR...(i just got the extended of the first for 2 bucks!) but that isnt the reason why i want him. his acting and those iv'e said for the millionth time


Consumed By Darkness
Right I'm back with some more :monster:


for Barrett

For Heidegger
Okay those Elijah Woods pics have me completely converted. He could definitely be an amazing Cloud.

Yes, Sprouse does look very Bieber-ish; my vision of Cloud early on in the game is kind of Bieberish-dickish.... Elijah is more like post-Aerith's-death Cloud....

Meryl Streep for Scarlet....


Licorice wrote:
If I'm going to see this on the big screen I really want the big disparity in the ages of this motley crew to be visible.

You said it. That's what I was thinking.

Not too long ago, reasoning with myself, I thought that if they started now, they'd have to get new graduates from the Mickey Mouse Club to play the twenty-something roles. I'd even thought of Selena Gomez as Tifa (not ideal, but as an example).

And not too long before that, being subject to a LotR bonus features DVD marathon, Elijah Woods' beautiful blue eyes were brought to my attention and I knew in my heart that he would have to be Cloud. Then I realized he's my age and he's not getting any younger.

Dammit, I used to have fun casting video games and comic books, what happened?

Right. Film Studies.

Well, I can still cast star-power actors for supporting and/or older roles.

Which now got me thinking about Expendables 2.
Not my kind of movie, but it was the first time I acknowledged that star power (and nothing else) sold the movie to me

I would be ABSOLUTELY TICKLED if any of that all-star cast fit nicely into a role in a FFVII movie.
Last edited:


Pro Adventurer
Orah, Iju
Right I'm back with some more :monster:


for Barrett

hm....we may need more suggestions. we need people to not only look like them but have the body type....

besides i cant see him playing a loud gregarious person like that. :awesome: then again i never saw him act besides in the thor movies...

my mother drools over him tho :monster: but i tell her to cut it out before the floor is soaked.

For Heidegger

wow i can totally see that! great job! :salute:

Okay those Elijah Woods pics have me completely converted. He could definitely be an amazing Cloud.

YAYZ :reptar: my epic choice of wood pics wins over my fellow members :awesome:

and to be an Elijah faggot its not Woods...its Wood

Yes, Sprouse does look very Bieber-ish; my vision of Cloud early on in the game is kind of Bieberish-dickish.... Elijah is more like post-Aerith's-death Cloud....

you know? i can see that in sprouse....

Licorice wrote:

You said it. That's what I was thinking.

Not too long ago, reasoning with myself, I thought that if they started now, they'd have to get new graduates from the Mickey Mouse Club to play the twenty-something roles. I'd even thought of Selena Gomez as Tifa (not ideal, but as an example).

And not too long before that, being subject to a LotR bonus features DVD marathon, Elijah Woods' beautiful blue eyes were brought to my attention and I knew in my heart that he would have to be Cloud. Then I realized he's my age and he's not getting any younger.

Dammit, I used to have fun casting video games and comic books, what happened?

Right. Film Studies.

Well, I can still cast star-power actors for supporting and/or older roles.

Which now got me thinking about Expendables 2.
Not my kind of movie, but it was the first time I acknowledged that star power (and nothing else) sold the movie to me

I would be ABSOLUTELY TICKLED if any of that all-star cast fit nicely into a role in a FFVII movie.

i would like to press, just because you know the actor/ess of age doesnt really mean they cant play someone younger, or even older. look at Ralph Macchio. he played a 16 year old boy when he was 21-22 (The Outsiders). yea he has like the slowest genes ever, but that really wasnt my point. if you look the part, take it like a rabid fugger! :neo:

I admit it, the suggestions in this thread have made it the most impressive "FFVII live action actor suggestions" thread I have ever seen.

...well thank you :properhug: but we really need to give credit to Almasy for finding the absolute perfect aerith.



i saw him play someone somewhat like johnny in some movie once....but then again im bad at this kind of stuff.

....except when it comes to Cloud/Wood :awesome:

anyway keep the suggestions coming people, this is really rather fun :)

and Quistis Trepe GET OFF YOUR PHONE AND GIVE US SOME :pics:


Pro Adventurer
Orah, Iju
also are we just doing Final Fantasy VII actors or can we include characters from the entire compilation? just to throw a spanner in the works :monster:


well yes you can. you can do any FF character, really. it doesnt all have to be VII. but if you want compilation characters then ya :monster:

alright peoples i was talking with my brother just last night before bed and he developed this list

- cid

- hojo (actually this isnt a joke, he is pretty good at those roles; my mom saw a movie with him in it acting seriously and was amazed. my opinion....meh)

- tifa
we really went back and forth over her, because my brother insisted that "cloud is white, and why would a white by get the asian girl?" so he said she has to be. i disagreed and told him that tifa looks asian, really. at least to me. i just dont know about liv :/

he has no idea who would do cloud or barret

some korean boy - reno

- yuffie

:monster: - genesis

aaand i think thats it

i thought up some more and figured another

[/URL] - Lazard Deusericus

crap i had another one but i forgot it :T
- tifa
we really went back and forth over her, because my brother insisted that "cloud is white, and why would a white by get the asian girl?" so he said she has to be. i disagreed and told him that tifa looks asian, really. at least to me. i just dont know about liv :/

he has no idea who would do cloud or barret

I don't understand. Why wouldn't a white boy get an Asian girl? Hojo is an Asian man (according to fanon, anyway) and he gets a "white" girl. Anyway they live on another planet where this race thing doesn't seem to be an issue: everybody comes from everywhere, there. Even in Wutai half of them have Russian names -

Hey, maybe Rosso the Crimson is from Wutai...? Accent explained! (because accents are genetic oc).


I had some more suggestions, but I'd better get my arse to bed. Just wanted to add that GoT worked better on-screen with older actors (Daenerys being thirteen would never have gone down on-screen), and that having older actors wouldn't necessarily mean losing the stark contrast in ages. I know Cid isn't that old but he comes off as older than he is because he's so crabby.

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
I've always kind of wondered, do we actually see any different ethnicity in Wutai ? Is it ever mentioned? I'm generally kinda blind to these things, but Yuffie as depicted doesn't notably look much different to anyone else to me.

Tifa is literally Cloud's next door neighbour, although her mom or dad could easily be of that descent, who knows.

I always thought Holzoff sounded like a Russian name.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Tifa only looks Asian in AC, where nearly everyone looks Asian...or at least that Westernised ideal of Asian. Basically everyone looks like Sean Lennon :monster:

But in the original artwork everyone looks western, even Tseng.

How confusing.
I've always kind of wondered, do we actually see any different ethnicity in Wutai ? Is it ever mentioned? I'm generally kinda blind to these things, but Yuffie as depicted doesn't notably look much different to anyone else to me.

Tifa is literally Cloud's next door neighbour, although her mom or dad could easily be of that descent, who knows.

I always thought Holzoff sounded like a Russian name.

Ethnicity doesn't seem to exist in the world of FFVII. I just get tired of "white American" always being the default (except for villains, of course, who are usually British). Even if Tifa doesn't "look like" an Asian, she can still be played by one. So could all of them, actually. None of them look "white" any more than they look "Asian". [Okay, Barret looks black - but saying Barret must be American is like saying Balthier must be English or Fang must be Australian] The cast of FFVII are just blocky sprites that could be anything.

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
Ethnicity doesn't seem to exist in the world of FFVII. I just get tired of "white American" always being the default (except for villains, of course, who are usually British). Even if Tifa doesn't "look like" an Asian, she can still be played by one. So could all of them, actually. None of them look "white" any more than they look "Asian". [Okay, Barret looks black - but saying Barret must be American is like saying Balthier must be English or Fang must be Australian] The cast of FFVII are just blocky sprites that could be anything

Sure, that's my point.

On British villains, thanks so much, I've been waiting for an opportunity to link this since I saw it.


Come on, guys. Scarlet should be present-day Madonna. I couldn't picture her any other way :monster:

Here's my suggestions:

Crystal Reed
as Tifa




There aren't much pics of her with straight black hair, which is a shame really, she looks so much better with it.

Fitness model Jamie Eason as Elena (nsfwish)



She's a lot more muscular now, but methinks a younger version of her is good

Takeshi Kaneshiro is Tseng, there is no other.

Vera Farmiga could be Cloud's mom?

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