Am I the only one who found Genesis and Angeal completely...

Neutron Ronnie

From The Front of Armament
I ... really, really, really like Angeal. :( I don't find what he says about dreams and honor hard to relate to, they're things I want to believe in myself.

Genesis's endless quoting of Loveless did grate on my nerves - but you have to feel for both of them...
They think they're ordinary people (or maybe just a bit better than ordinary, since they became 1st Class SOLDIERs), with ordinary parents and ordinary backgrounds - and then they find out they're just part of one big, hushed up experiment.

And they're degrading to boot...

... Frankly, though, if I found out that a prick like Hollander or Hojo was my dad, I'd just commit suicide or castrate myself instead of plotting revenge or letting the fangirls spread my genes about... :P


Double Growth
However, I get the impression that many people see Shinra's rule as a necessary evil, or something they tolerate. Of course many people see Shinra as "OUR LAWD AND SAVIOAH", but its not like dislike of Shinra is an unpopular opinion.

I agree, but I wonder sometimes just how popular Cloud & Co. are in the world. After all, people had electricity, and now they don't. (They do 2 years later of course) But for that little interim there, I imagine people could blame them for all that happened.

For the record, I'm glad they didn't do that in AC or DC, since its a very tired plotline in anime, I think, but it is still feasible. I thought it got handled pretty well, people don't hate them, but they don't have cults worshiping the ground they walk on either (Minus the WRO worshiping Reeve, who barely even did anything..) 2 years have passed, people are more focused on living.

On topic, my girlfriend just beat Crisis Core, so I watched her play a lot of it, and Genesis did have more lines of his own than I remembered. They are still dominated by LOVELESS quotes, to be sure, but he does speak of his own accord more than this thread suggests.
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get the impression that many people see Shinra's rule as a necessary evil, or something they tolerate. Of course many people see Shinra as "OUR LAWD AND SAVIOAH", but its not like dislike of Shinra is an unpopular opinion.

Aren't ALL governments a necessary evil?
If Finalfantasysevenland were the real world, you'd find the majority of the people were quite glad to have the Turks and SOLDIERS around to do the dirty jobs that have to be done but that no one wants to do themselves; and they'd all go on using mako until it ran out. Which is why I love these games: they're like the best kind of literature. They may not be 'real', but they're true.
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