But we aren't talking about their perspective, we're talking Cloud's perspective here. And I'm for Cloud that mission was the most exciting day of that entire year for him.
That may well be the case, and I think that would make Cloud put all of his focus on Hollander, the man a SOLDIER congratulated him for impeding and ordered him to capture.
And yeah, Cloud is a Sephiroth fanboy, his mind isn't incapable of storing non-Sephiroth related info however. He's not retarded. Fighting rebel SOLDIER operatives isn't the kind of thing 14-15 year old Cloud is like to just go "not interested, just gonna do this on auto-pilot and forget the whole ordeal" at.
Does Cloud know they're fighting rebel SOLDIER operatives? I doubt it. Shinra probably just ordered him to stick with Zack and Tseng and watch their backs.
The censored his name in the media, that doesn't equate to deleting Cloud getting attacked by Genesis outside the Nibelheim mako reactor from Cloud's memory.
Genesis copies attacked him, who wear masks. As for the "that's the only way Genesis could leave" thing, how did walk down the steps to talk to Sephiroth then?
And isn't it kind of big deal in CC that Jenova's powers lets on copy another persons ability and such onto yourself and that's what Cloud did to Zack and that's why he can remember Zack's conversation with Sephiroth to the letter (save for Genesis et al), to the point that he can recall exactly what the monster in the pod that Zack and Sephiroth looked though the little window at looked like?
If Genesis is left out, it's jut gonna make it seem like they retconned him out again.
Well my argument above was based on the idea that Zack either didn't mention him in regaling Cloud with the tale, or it meant little to nothing to Cloud and he didn't retain it. But since arguments that rip on SE seem to go farther howabout this one: laziness.
To just stick Genesis in the Kalm flashback in that scene in the OG would not make any sense considering the dude doesn't show up before or after in that flashback or indeed anywhere else in the game. I don't even see the place where they would put, it wouldn't be in the Lifestream flashback because at that point you only see things that the real Cloud personally remembers. So this character named Genesis would show up for a set of lines with Sephiroth and then vanish from the story altogether? That wouldn be confusing as hell. It would take some big time exposition changes to explain who Genesis is and why he was there that I just don't see them doing.
His presence there served some purpose in Crisis Core, to push Sephiroth closer to madness, to allow for Sephroth to connect the dots for a bit more reason than the fairly wide leap of logic he makes in the original game, and to etablish Genesis as more of a villain. To have him in the Kalm Flashback would add nothing.
This is why I thought they stuck Genesis where they did, one place that shouldn't REALLY retcon Cloud's retelling of events in Kalm. Were they sloppy about it? Well, naturally. But I don't think his lack of a presence would be "retconning him out again." Besides, relying on Cloud to establish historical canon is a shaky proposition.