Any scenes you didn't like that changed or are new?


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Or what he should have done.

So know who didn't like the new freeway chase scenes?
Why it's the SHM and the Turks themselves:



AI Researcher
That's the part that still doesn't match the dialogue. Why does Rude look embarassed? If it were me, I would have smacked Reno for not keeping his damn trap shut...
That was another part that's different in Japanese, where he tells Rude to "say something" instead of blaming him.

Denzel's line near the beginning is different too. In Japanese he says "you didn't run away, right?", but in English it was "I guess I was the last straw" which sounds more like him blaming himself for Cloud leaving now.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Oh my god that's awful... poor Denzel :(

That is horrible. What the hell Square? I've never wanted to hug Denzel before... but I do now... .geeze. Fuck you Cloud, seriously.


I liked the original better too. What's with making Reno look like a complete dumbass?
which sounds more like him blaming himself for Cloud leaving now.
Takes after his father :monster:
Way to lead by example, Cloud.


Loz kissing the materia was lol worthy for me

The scene at the back of the truck with Denzel, we could've done without


Pro Adventurer
Yes. I agree and what the fuck was up with Yazoo's clown-like laugh? Inspired by Kefka much?

I agree, first time I watched that scene I just thought: "What is that?!"
The other hundred or so times, I tried to space out for the duration of his laugh... I failed.


Oh poor you.

Another WTF moment for me was when Kadaj shoots down the tree in front of Marlene and goes "Yeah!". Doesn't seem WTF now, typing it but it definitely was watching it.

ACC is riddled with so many awkward dialogues. But then again I blame it on the localization.

Oh and changing Cid's entrance?! *sigh* my sig just died a little inside

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Yes. I agree and what the fuck was up with Yazoo's clown-like laugh? Inspired by Kefka much?

I like that laugh too. It was creepy and awesome, and gave Yazoo more character compared to AC just making him stand there looking like a girly-man.

Another WTF moment for me was when Kadaj shoots down the tree in front of Marlene and goes "Yeah!". Doesn't seem WTF now, typing it but it definitely was watching it.

ACC is riddled with so many awkward dialogues. But then again I blame it on the localization.

Oh and changing Cid's entrance?! *sigh* my sig just died a little inside

I hated how they changed Cid's entrance. :sadpanda: I mean, they didn't need to do that. He was uber-cool when he saved Tifa and Denzel in AC. Moar AVALANCHE action = Moar Awesomeness.

Well, ACC's English dialogue had a lot of awkwardness. In Japanese, not so much. :monster: It was WTF for me when Kadaj went "Yeah!" there too. :awesome:


AI Researcher
I think "yeah!" sounded less awkward/random in Japanese than it does in English. Don't understand some of the choices made in the English script.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
I'm not sure if this belongs here, but...

A few days ago I finally got to watch my copy of ACC for the first time.

To be honest, I like AC over ACC overall.

I wish they didn't decide to change the part between Reno and Rude and Yazoo and Loz at the memorial, at the beginning of all the commotion and the Shadow Beasts.

I agree that giving Loz and Yazoo a bit more action/voice time showed their personalities a bit better.
Loz kissed the materia
!? I think if anything the revision showed that the three brothers are psychotic.

AC was stranger friendly to a degree. ACC is chock full of insertions for the fans; it's definitely a fan-piece now!

ACC isn't bad, but my overall impression is that SE gave in to some of the fans' requests and desires more so than actually explain the plot.

I think AC was both disserviced and serviced by the 'director's cut.'


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
There was definitely more fan service in ACC.

Sephiroth stabbing Cloud appeased many Seph fan girls I'm sure. And I'm sure many Tifa fans enjoyed the scene where she's holding hands with Denzel but you see it from his POV so it gives the impression the viewer is holding hands with Tifa. (I admit, I like that, but I'd have enjoyed it more with Yuffie) Cloud saving Tifa appeased the Cloti fans.

Things like that. So I agree on that account, but I think that's why most people like it better :monster:


Double Growth
We could have also done without half of Rufus' new speech in the Healing Lodge.

...Are you serious? The constant complaints about AC were the notable lack of explanation as to what the hell was going one, what was Geostigma, where did the remnants come from.

That scene was the one that most directly addressed those complaints and that's the scene you don't like? Rufus pretty much hands you the reason for Geostigma, and while they still don't make exact explanation of where the remnants come from, at least you see them forming.

And Arianna, based almost solely on that Rufus scene alone, I must disagree as to AC being more stranger-friendly than ACC. No chance.

The Reno/Rude/Yazoo/Loz scene has never flowed very well in any language, and least they made it a little funny with Reno blaming Rude for what he himself did.

Kadaj's "Yeah!"...I don't really see how that makes sense in any language anyway. It's pretty outta place, just have him laugh or something.


Pro Adventurer
I think we see more of who Rufus really is, it makes it easier to understand his intentions, especially when he outright lies to Cloud about "mother".


It's kinda frustrating how we don't have any info on Case of Shinra. That was the one novel I was looking forward to.


Solitary Dancer
...Are you serious? The constant complaints about AC were the notable lack of explanation as to what the hell was going one, what was Geostigma, where did the remnants come from.

That scene was the one that most directly addressed those complaints and that's the scene you don't like? Rufus pretty much hands you the reason for Geostigma, and while they still don't make exact explanation of where the remnants come from, at least you see them forming.

And Arianna, based almost solely on that Rufus scene alone, I must disagree as to AC being more stranger-friendly than ACC. No chance.

The Reno/Rude/Yazoo/Loz scene has never flowed very well in any language, and least they made it a little funny with Reno blaming Rude for what he himself did.

Kadaj's "Yeah!"...I don't really see how that makes sense in any language anyway. It's pretty outta place, just have him laugh or something.
He steals some important minutes of the new scenes. :awesome:
But well, those minutes contained smexy Cloud, so I'll shut the fuck up.
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