Any scenes you didn't like that changed or are new?

Good, good. I did not pay attention to the importance of Loz's reaction in the church.

It also appears that my old view of Aerith was obsolete. But that's a complicated discussion for another topic.

Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
*reads previous page*

Irrational hatred is irrational :monster:

That'd be like hating Cloud and Sephiroth for being overpowered or something! :wacky:

Mako wins the thread as usual~


Fiat Lux
Just finished watching it.

Dacon said:
I didn't like the Yazoo bullshit either.

They just couldn't let Rude have his moment.

Agreed. That was awesome, until Reno & Rude had to fall flat on their faces...again.

Minor thing, but I didn't like the split-screen when Tseng & Elena saved Rufus. I don't know what was wrong with the original shot.

The new fight between Cloud & Sephiroth was grrreat, but it was spoiled by the constant humming of the Masamune. It would have fine been occasionally, but it was irritating to hear it everytime he swung his sword.

The Cloud/Zack love-in before the coup de grace on Sephiroth was also jarring and disrupted the energy of the fight. I could have done without that scene.

Also, Aerith hooking her powers up to telephone masts was stupid.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
The giggle was terrible in the dub. It sounded a lot more fitting and realistic in Japanese than in english. I cringed when I heard it in english. God, its not like they even tried at some parts.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
It was amusing, and rather surprising for a subdued character like Yazoo in Japanese.

But it was way too effeminate, over the top, and ridiculous in english. It was bizarre...

Yazoo's dub is good in some parts but then certain lines like, "We know you hid her brother" just sound so...dead.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
A pedophile clown who'd take your kids away in the back of a truck and laugh about it :monster:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I really liked Kadaj's new lines. And his overall portrayal. He felt a lot more unstable, evil and ruthless than in AC. It's amazing what a few more scenes with him acting more devilish and doing some more evil expressions can do :monster:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I'm glad other people are speaking out about the scene with Zack. Whilst it did make me smile it

1. Implies Cloud can't finish the battle himself without some dead guy helping him.

2. Royally interrupted the flow of the fight. I mean what? Zack can stop time now? Also I never finished DoC, is Hojo dead?... If he's not, why didn't Hojo appear to Seph right before he died since apparently dead people can do this :monster:

3. Was just really over the top, didn't make any sense and was never spoken of again, thus bordered on being a BLAM. (look it up)

Personally, I think it would have been better if the airship came by, distracting Seph for a brief moment but long enough for Cloud to get his shit together and get back up and remember what's truly important. Maybe they could have even encouraged him, I dunno, it would have been weird but it'd have made more sense. That way they all would have seen Cloud's badass move in the end and heard him say the thing about cherishing everything.

I was thinking of making a video of the top 10 WTF moments from AC and ACC and I wanted to include that scene but was afraid of how many people would want to beat the shit out of me. But since other people found it odd as well I'll probably include it. I'll just put it high on the list. I all ready have most moments picked out... the last three for sure.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
What are you talking about? How does it mean he can't beat Sephiroth himself? Does Cloud seeing a vision of Aerith on his way to the Forgotten City mean he can't drive and make it to the children without some dead flower girl's help?

Cloud did finish the battle by himself, but Zack was there to encourage his own inner strength to not give up. If you pay attention to the scene, Cloud's still focused on Sephiroth hence him never turning his eye away from him. He also is still moving and getting back up with his sword. And the funny thing is.... is that while it all happens slowly in Cloud's inner white world, he had to have moved extremely fast to meet up with Sephiroth's blade and push him back like he did. Which means his vision from Zack lasted at most a few seconds in reality. He even says himself he didn't need help and he could do it.

And if the airship came Sephiroth would've just sliced it in half, and used it as leverage to make Cloud suffer. Did you forget he said he wanted the pleasure of taking away what was most important to him? What do you think he'd have done if Tifa was there within reach?


Solitary Dancer
What are you talking about? How does it mean he can't beat Sephiroth himself? Does Cloud seeing a vision of Aerith on his way to the Forgotten City mean he can't drive and make it to the children without some dead flower girl's help?
You can't really compare that.
Before Zack appeared, Cloud was down on his knees, struggling with his injuries and crap. If Zack or someone else supporting him with his strength wouldn't have popped up, then everything would've been over. That's my view at least.
Aerith just came into his mind cause of all the guilt and self-worthlessness in Cloud's heart.
Now you can bash us/me with your opinion again. SECONDS OUT! :catfight: :awesome:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
What are you talking about? How does it mean he can't beat Sephiroth himself?
Dude seriously, I'd be more than happy to explain my reasoning if you just ASK. I've seen you pretty much fly off the handle several times when someone disagrees with you. Just calm down and remember we're just discussing a fictional movie here, it's not like any of it matters.

Anyway, if Zack hadn't come in right there and stopped time (or whatever he did), Cloud would have been sliced in half. I mean look how long it took him to stand up. He needed that small break to be able to get up and face Sephiroth again. MAYBE I'm wrong but that's the way I saw the scene.

Does Cloud seeing a vision of Aerith on his way to the Forgotten City mean he can't drive and make it to the children without some dead flower girl's help?
Really?... you... you really went there?... really?...
Cloud wasn't in any sort of danger there.

Cloud did finish the battle by himself, but Zack was there to encourage his own inner strength to not give up. If you pay attention to the scene, Cloud's still focused on Sephiroth hence him never turning his eye away from him.
You are right, Cloud DID finish the fight himself, but that little moment with Zack helped him get his act together. And I don't see what him never straying his sight from Sephiroth has to do with what I said.

He also is still moving and getting back up with his sword. And the funny thing is.... is that while it all happens slowly in Cloud's inner white world, he had to have moved extremely fast to meet up with Sephiroth's blade and push him back like he did. Which means his vision from Zack lasted at most a few seconds in reality. He even says himself he didn't need help and he could do it.
I disagree with that. I'm sure Sephiroth just saw Cloud get up, but the moment for Cloud lasted as long as it looked like it did to us. At least that's my take on it. I never got the impression that we were watching anything in slow motion. Now I want to repeat that before you get a rebuttal going. My personal OPINION is that the scene was NOT in slow motion and DID NOT only last a few seconds. Now when Omni slash kicks in you can tell it's slow motion because of how Sephiroth's feathers just kind of stop and don't fall during it. I don't know exactly what Zack did, but he provided Cloud a little bit of time to get back up. I do understand your point on it as well though, and can see where you're coming from.

Whether or not Cloud said he needed the help defeating him doesn't matter. Zack did help him, he encouraged him to go on. That's helping.

And the one thing I find flawed in this "Cloud said he didn't need his help" argument is why did that scene even happen in the first place then? I mean now it REALLY makes no sense if all Zack was doing was ... well nothing I guess. I mean I can see there being a scene after the battle where Zack appears and says, "Hey good job, you really are my living legacy." ... only with you know better writing but I just didn't like how this scene interrupted the flow of the fight and would have preferred if Cloud got up without the Zack stuff. I think that's my main concern with it really.

What do you think he'd have done if Tifa was there within reach?
What anyone would do if Tifa was in reach. And I'll leave that to your imagination :awesome:
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Actually you can compare it to that, because it is exactly the same thing.

And as I just said, no. Zack didn't do shit but talk to Cloud and encourage him. He was getting up on his feet in real time. Did you not see how when the scene was over he was up in the exact same position and lept up fast enough to block Sephiroth's sword? Unless you somehow believe Sephiroth took a pause to let Cloud settle things in his head, that means he was completely in motion and aware while also having his spiritual moment with Zack. Aerith and Zack's comforting of Cloud is the exact same thing, as stated by the creators. So it's no different.


I am calm, so don't patronize and tell me how to react :monster: Either respond or don't.

Again, Zack did nothing. Cloud moved on his own, so unless you have proof that shows Zack touched him or got him back up on his feet, you saying Zack saved him makes as much sense as saying Aerith saved Cloud while he was driving on his motorbike. They appeared to him to encourage him and cheer him on. Not save him.

A moment to encourage Cloud and cheer him on is not saving him. You're taking the entire scene out of context. I guess a cheer leader or someone who roots for a player during a baseball game is helping them win too. Okay.

In Cloud's mind the moment with Zack felt as long as it did to the viewer, but if you pay attention to the actual moment in reality during the fight, you'll realize that only a few seconds past. Unless you somehow believe Sephiroth was waiting for Cloud to finish his dialogue with Zack and thus stopped bee line towards Cloud to chop his head off.

So you're opinion is wrong :monster:

The scene happened the same reason the scene with Aerith happened. They came to Cloud to encourage him when he needed it the most because they're in his heart and could tell he was in a desperate situation.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
So you're opinion is wrong :monster:

Mako Eyes everybody

The scene happened the same reason the scene with Aerith happened. They came to Cloud to encourage him when he needed it the most because they're in his heart and could tell he was in a desperate situation.
So if Zack hadn't come would Cloud have been able to finish the fight?

Did you not see how when the scene was over he was up in the exact same position and lept up fast enough to block Sephiroth's sword?
At the rate Sephiroth was going, I don't think Cloud would have gotten up in time unless Zack did something there that helped him.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Why would Zack not come when Cloud clearly had a flash of everything important to him, and then Zack came into his mind? You're not making any sense. Zack appeared in Cloud's mind. He didn't do anything. He wasn't literally THERE in the fight. He was in Cloud's head talking to him.

So how could Zack not have been there? Sephiroth didn't pause mid-air while Cloud spoke to Zack, and then continue his charge. It all happened in a second and Cloud got back on his feet to block. Do I need to quote you the Reunion Files that says that Aerith did the same thing by appearing in Cloud's head while he drove the Fenrir to the Forgotten City? She didn't literally pull Cloud into an alternate dimension of flowers and then throw him back onto his bike. There was a reason Cloud was able to steer and focus back on driving.

Zack didn't do anything but encourage him from within Cloud's mind. Clearly Cloud was intending to keep fighting as shown by him still struggling to stand while Zack talked. You're seriously acting like Zack literally came there in real time and saved Cloud from impending death. He wasn't there. He was in Cloud's head.
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Why would Zack not come when Cloud clearly had a flash of everything important to him, and then Zack came into his mind? You're not making any sense. Zack appeared in Cloud's mind. He didn't do anything. He wasn't literally THERE in the fight. He was in Cloud's head talking to him.
Well now Zack's just creepy.

So how could Zack not have been there?
But you just said he wasn't there.... XD (Don't reply I know what you meant)

It all happened in a second and Cloud got back on his feet to block. Do I need to quote you the Reunion Files that says that Aerith did the same thing by appearing in Cloud's head while he drove the Fenrir to the Forgotten City?
Aha, see I didn't know about this. I did not read the Reuinion Files... and I actually find it kind of creepy that they can just appear in his mind whenever. As if Cloud was messed up enough.

I retract my earlier statement.

My point still stands that the scene did interrupt the flow of the fight and was really unneeded. I think it would have worked better at the end of the fight if he saw Zack and Zack gave him a good job. Frankly I never liked the Aerith scene either.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Also about what I said about the airship, I think it COULD HAVE possibly worked if done correctly. The scene I had in mind when I came up with it was this from One Piece:

Dunno if you know about it but basically Luffy just took a heavy hit similar to the one Cloud did. Well not quite but do you know how hard it is to take Luffy down? While he's down and out Ussop encourages him to go on distracting Lucci (the leopard) and allowing Luffy to get back on his feet and eventually finish Lucci off. I would also like to point out that Lucci has the ability to kill Ussop, he just didn't. Maybe Seph was feeling generous I dunno. He's happy to be alive =D
Now I think if ACC did this, the words to Cloud wouldn't be quite as harsh obviously, I just like the thought of everyone somehow helping out rather than just doing nothing.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
They appear in his mind because they live on in his heart, and they reach out to him there because they want to help ease his pain.

And yeah it did, since it was a cut from the battle to something else. Yeah, the pace was interrupted but overall I thought it was a nice way of showing how Sephiroth's words of taking away what he cherished most stirred a fear and anger within him. And since Aerith likes to bust her way into Cloud's head, it's only fair Zack get a turn to do it too :wacky:

Also, I'm not a big One Piece fan, but I do intend to read it one day so I don't want to spoil myself. :monster:

But I know that since Luffy ate the devil fruit that turned him into rubber, it takes a lot of force to hurt him.

And the thing is, is that having others help him during his one-on-one showdown defeats the entire purpose of Cloud and Sephiroth settling things in a one-on-one fight to the death. That would go against the entire theme of the climactic fight. Cloud has to put his dark memories to rest by himself. He has to do it without being aided. This isn't like the fight for the planet in the Northern Cave where he had help. This is like the final fight in the lifestream where it was Sephiroth and him alone. No outsiders are to intrude.
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
They appear in his mind because they live on in his heart, and they reach out to him there because they want to help ease his pain
Dawww :monster: Seriously though I feel kinda bad for Cloud having all these dead people in his mind XD

And yes it was a good scene but just... misplaced.
Now that that's settled, WHY THE HELL WASN'T THERE MORE YUFFIE?


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
See, I understand that criticism. I loved the dialogue between Zack, and I loved how he did it. But...yeah. It is rather jarring and just interruption. It's like you're watching a really great movie and its getting to the climax, and then it cuts to a commercial. :monster:
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