Arkham Has Moved

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
looks just like when superman is holding batman

If this is referring to when Batman "died" during Final Crisis then I have to disagree.


We have come to terms
cmon, spoiler tags, guys

I already spoiled myself accidentally by reading the description of HQR. Didn't need to hear that she's also got a bun in le oven.


Harbinger O Great Justice
@Omega: Don't worry about the,
Harley being pregnant is something that you have to go a fair part out of your way Easter Egg hunting to find. It's not directly revealed to you in the game in any way, aside from an Easter Egg visual and sometimes an audio clip (only obtainable from beating it on New Game+ I believe). It's nothing that'll ruin the game experience for you, or give anything significant about the story away.

I'll make sure to tag anything I post, though.

X :neo:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
That is a pretty significant spoiler bro, in all fairness it's important to the story of this game and possibly the future.


Chloe Frazer
Seeing Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill it's just epic awesomeness and oh Stana, Beckett, seeing that woman makes me want to do very naughty things to her. Still I would've loved to see Grey DeLisle and Tara Strong in an interview together.


Harbinger O Great Justice
That is a pretty significant spoiler bro, in all fairness it's important to the story of this game and possibly the future.

...I don't really see how it's a "pretty significant spoiler" despite some possible importance to the future. Unlike the OTHER
- like Scarecrow and literally EVERYTHING with him, Harley's pregnancy doesn't hit at the presence or lack of presence of a plot in Arkham City or any of the plots taking place behind the scenes. If you knew about the Scarecrow Easter Eggs, you'd also know that he's not directly involved in the events in Arkham City, which'll spoil a little bit on who (not) to expect to see in the villains lineup.

Knowing about Scarecrow's influence on Arkham City is definitely a spoiler, as it'll affect your knowledge of the plots taking place in some way. I can't see how knowing about Harley being pregnant would give you any information that affects the plot or events in Arkham City at all. If you beat Arkham City, you'll know that Scarecrow doesn't directly appear, thus revealing it before is a bit of a spoiler. However, you can beat the game and not know that Harley's pregnant, and I'm not certain that knowing it beforehand would really change your outlook on the game at all. (Like knowing about the Joker's early faked death beforehand did for me).

Yes, it gives a hint of the possibility that Joker's spawn may show up in a third Arkham, but that's really it. How at all that could be used is anyone's guess (although HQR may start to introduce some of those things), and that's why I said that I don't see how it's a relevant spoiler for Arkham City.

Summary for the non-spoiler folks (Omega) who had read the previous bit before it was tagged, my previous point still stands: Don't worry. It's nothing that'll ruin the game experience for you, or give anything significant about the story away.

But back on topic - I can't wait to play HQR tomorrow.

X :neo:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
...I don't really see how it's a "pretty significant spoiler" despite some possible importance to the future.

X :neo:

It is pretty obvious how it's significant.

I don't see how anyone couldn't see that.

Anyway, in all fairness it'd be best to beat the game before reading the thread at this point.


Chloe Frazer
Has anyone been able to buy it? I've been looking and it's not on the PS Store yet.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I'm not sure what system you've got it for, but PSN usually doesn't update until a little later in the afternoon. I usually just check game sites, or the Playstation Blog for updates, and then go looking for the day's DLC.

X :neo:


Chloe Frazer
I have it on the PS3. I just looked on the PSN and still no DLC. I wanna play it now. :(


Harbinger O Great Justice
I've felt that pain before when I had a day off and have been waiting for DLC. :( Unfortunately for me, today I'm going from work, right to school, and I won't be out of class 'til 9:45 PM, unless it lets out early. (It's a test day, so as long as we don't have anything after the test, I can run right home, but that's still not 'til 8:00). XD

X :neo:


Chloe Frazer
You have my sympathy man, that must suck. I've been trying to finish my last A.R. Training to pass the time until the DLC is finally available and failing miserably. It's the one in Steel Mill and every time I get close to the last ring I touch the floor, it's fucking infuriating. :rage:


Chloe Frazer
I've played it for almost 2 hours and it was pretty awesome.
Harley lost the baby or wasn't really pregnant right?


Harbinger O Great Justice
I've played it for almost 2 hours and it was pretty awesome.

It was pretty good. It took me a bit longer to beat it, since it's been quite a while since I've gotten to play Arkham City. I forgot how annoying it is not being able to break weapons as Robin though,
during his last fight you can't really thin out the thugs with shields. I wish Robin had fought the Jokerbots, and Batman had fought the thugs / Titan thug for that reason, because Batman's fight against them was a FUCKING breeze, and Robin's was pretty tough for me (though not playing in a while contributed heavily).

Harley lost the baby or wasn't really pregnant right?

I don't think so, where'd you get that indication from? The pregnancy test only shows up at the end of Arkham City, and HQR takes place some weeks / MAYBE a couple months later. She's still not very far along either way. Plus, in addition to the original test, there's the crib setup with another other pregnancy test and the Joker doll in it, which if anything is making it even MORE obvious that she's got a kid on the way.

EDIT: Just noticed that the other tests aren't positive by checking the thread here. I oughta wander through and pay a little more attention it seems. XD;;; So, I'm not sure now, but if that's the case, it looks like it wasn't a very significant spoiler after all. :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: :awesome:

I think that the most interesting thing
when you're wandering as Robin at the beginning, just after you find out Harley's still got captives, you can go up the stairs to a radio and listen to Vicki Vale reporting on the situation. Just above the radio is a poster for Cadmus, which I don't recall seeing in Arkham City, and think that it may be a hint at things to come, since I didn't notice anything else like that sitting around.

Also, for me,
when you're playing as Batman, and you come in from the stairwell, into the room with 4-5 snipers. You can just kick out the vent, and go back into the stairwell, and throw remote-controlled batarangs through the vent at the far scaffolding. It's a straight shot, and the gaps on the scaffolding means that if you're flying at full speed, you can just knock off and KO everyone that wanders up. It's hilarious, and I took out like 3-4 of them in almost no time at all that way, before they started hiding down below.

X :neo:


Chloe Frazer
X -
The negative pregnancy test is what made me believe she wasn't pregnant or lost the baby, if we're wrong then I'm not sure how I feel about hitting a pregnant woman no matter how crazy Harley is

Yeah that last fight with Robin was hard. Because I gotten so used to playing as Batman I kept trying to do his moves with Robin. To me the most amusing fight was the one with Robin and Harley, how he took the card from her breasts and then left her hanging, her comments after it were pretty funny.

I saw that Cadmus thing, you think maybe that's what Gordon was referring to when he said "that other problem?"
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