Bashing of either Tifa or Aeris.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I find it a bit weird, I don't know how old Aerith was when her mother died and Elmyra took her in but it was pretty young, so I feel like she would have developed street smarts well before Zack turned up. I mean, if Elmyra was some overprotective type its unlikely that Aerith would have got to hang out in the church alone.

So I dunno, part of me wonders if Aerith was just playing at being a shy innocent type when she met Zack. Seriously thats the only way I can swallow that 'afraid of the sky' crap without puking :monster:

That really is the only thing that would make the slightest modicum of sense -- and then that would just make Aerith manipulative and annoying.

I don't buy the notion that she got harder because of Zack. She spent the first seven years of her life locked up in a lab; never met her father because he was murdered at the time she was kidnapped to be taken to said lab; watched her mother die after the woman liberated Aerith from the very same place; grew up over the next nine years in a filthy neighborhood where the houses were literally made of garbage; lived among murderers, thieves and (most likely) rapists; and dealt with both the Turks and Elfe's AVALANCHE trying to recruit her.

And then her boyfriend flouncing off -- a boyfriend whom the official word is she never even had sex with over the course of two years -- is what makes her hard? I'm not buying it.

Crisis Core's Aerith sucked. Crisis Core sucked. "The sky scares me" and "I don't recognize the uniform of the celebrity-like elite soldiers employed by the organization who has permeated my entire life" is bullshit. This Aerith needs to burn in a grease fire with Genesis and the rest of that shitty game.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal


Aerith never had sex?

You lost me there, Bob. What the fuck are you talking about? I never remember Crisis Core touching upon whether or not Zack and Aerith ever consummated their love affair. I agree about how it's quite odd Aerith did not recognize Zack's outfit... And how she seemed so oddly naive despite her upbringing. (One could argue though that due to her lab lock-up being when she was honestly still an infant and young child she doesn't remember much of it. The death of her mother however, is another story...)

But how in the world does that lead one to assume she's a virgin? That's just...that's utterly ridiculous, not to mention unbelievable. I mean, really? I think that's a bit of a stretch to assume that based on CC's portrayal. The creator's aren't that fucking dumb or out of touch.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Nojima or one of those guys said that Zack and Aerith's love was a chaste love or some such stupid shit. I'll try to find the quote later. If Ryu, Que, JayM or hito pop in, they'll know which one it is. Hopefully they beat me to it.

EDIT: It was an Ultimania quote. See below.
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Kermitu Kleric Katie

I don't believe for a second Zack and Aerith never had sex. I'm sure they did, but kept it a secret from Nojima.:monster:

We need a remake of CC that fixes all the stupid shit. Same with DC. And maybe BC as well, but the main reason we need a remake of BC is so that it can get localized and released in America.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
IIRC the word used was "platonic"? Not sure, but yeah I've come across that translated quote.

That's the one. Found it:

(hito's translation)
Having fallen into the sector 5 slum church during a mission, Zack has a fateful meeting with Aerith, a young girl who was tending to flowers in the church. [They share] a platonic love, satisfied just to be together. Those joyous days seemed like they would last forever……

Japanese text:



As hito explained it, the use of "platonic" here (the English word written in katakana) entails that they weren't having sex/really physically intimate.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
I don't believe for a second Zack and Aerith never had sex. I'm sure they did, but kept it a secret from Nojima.:monster:

We need a remake of CC that fixes all the stupid shit. Same with DC. And maybe BC as well, but the main reason we need a remake of BC is so that it can get localized and released in America.

All you need to fix CC is get rid of the retcons, and Loveless, and do away with the wings. Make whatever modifications to the plot that might be needed to compensate for these changes, and boom, good prequel. CC really isn't a bad game in and of itself, it just doesn't work very well as a prequel.

For DC and BC, we should just merge the two concepts into one game where you play as Vincent during the rise of Shinra. Right there we get a game about Vincent, we get Turk action, and we get to learn more about an important part of the ffvii backstory.
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
That's the one. Found it:

(hito's translation)
Having fallen into the sector 5 slum church during a mission, Zack has a fateful meeting with Aerith, a young girl who was tending to flowers in the church. [They share] a platonic love, satisfied just to be together. Those joyous days seemed like they would last forever……

Japanese text:



As hito explained it, the use of "platonic" here (the English word written in katakana) entails that they weren't having sex/really physically intimate.



I can't fucking believe that. Wow. Goes to show never underestimate it. Stupidity is limitless. There were things even I thought they wouldn't do.

Thanks for proving me wrong. What ridiculous, garbage to put in the story, Nojima. What's fucking wrong with you? Why even go there?


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Well that makes their deaths more tragic :monster:

No seriously thats fucking stupid. Can't help feeling it's a deliberate move to turn Aerith into a virginal moon maiden. Ugh.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
I for one am not surprised Nojima would do something like that. This is the guy who originally planned for jenova to pop out of her tank during the Sephiroth boss battle and help Sephiroth fight Zack. It took Nomura of all people to stop his madness.
I for one am not surprised Nojima would do something like that. This is the guy who originally planned for jenova to pop out of her tank during the Sephiroth boss battle and help Sephiroth fight Zack.
As I recall, that Jenova-pop-out-of-tank was Kitase's idea. I could be wrong though. Aren't these interview excerpts that were only posted on ACF back in the day? We really should have a centre for those and similar developer quotes here on TLS.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
I for one am not surprised Nojima would do something like that. This is the guy who originally planned for jenova to pop out of her tank during the Sephiroth boss battle and help Sephiroth fight Zack. It took Nomura of all people to stop his madness.

I don't know that would of been a cool moment for Jenova to actually do something for once on her own free will.

Also whats wrong with a dating couple being chaste with each other.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
As I recall, that Jenova-pop-out-of-tank was Kitase's idea. I could be wrong though. Aren't these interview excerpts that were only posted on ACF back in the day? We really should have a centre for those and similar developer quotes here on TLS.

Aye, we really, really should. And, yes, that was Kitase. Nojima is usually the smart one. I say "usually," though, 'cause Virginal Moon Maiden Aerith in Crisis Core.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
As I recall, that Jenova-pop-out-of-tank was Kitase's idea. I could be wrong though. Aren't these interview excerpts that were only posted on ACF back in the day? We really should have a centre for those and similar developer quotes here on TLS.

Ah, my mistake. Sorry. Its been a long time since I read that interview.


I don't know that would of been a cool moment for Jenova to actually do something for once on her own free will.

I'd love to see Jenova in action, but she's brain dead at that time. Plus it would be kinda goofy in that situation.

Also whats wrong with a dating couple being chaste with each other.
Absolutely nothing. It's the thought that CC Aerith is a completely pure sweetheart that's stupid. Almost like she's a badly written character in a bad fanfic. Crisis Core is actually very much like a bad fanfic, it's a shame it's canon.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
I'd love to see Jenova in action, but she's brain dead at that time. Plus it would be kinda goofy in that situation.

Absolutely nothing. It's the thought that CC Aerith is a completely pure sweetheart that's stupid. Almost like she's a badly written character in a bad fanfic. Crisis Core is actually very much like a bad fanfic, it's a shame it's canon.

Ok,I can see where you are getting at with this.I could have seen Aerith being a flirty sorta of teenager and actually surprise Zack how much of a tease she actually is.It would also been good if Aerith was made more spunky and blunt in CC.


Double Growth
Aeris did deny that the relationship was "serious" in FF7. I know the implication was kinda more about denial than anything. But I've never been OFFENDED at the thought of them not having had sex. No more than I would feel "offended" if they had. Whatever. She was only 16, I know plenty of people have had sex by then but plenty haven't as well - even ones that had relationships and NOT jsut because they were super religious.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I'll be honest and say it seems stupid to me both because of her background and the fact that Zack is super into chicks. Plus, their two years together. She had just turned 16 a couple months earlier when they met, and was only a few months from turning 18 when he disappeared. That's a really long time for no sex to happen.

Whatever, though. It's more annoying because a) they bothered to say "NO WORRY NO SEX HAPPENED HERE" in the first place, and also because b) on top of everything else associated with Mary Sue Aerith in that game, it just makes me want to stab myself in the dick.


Double Growth
I'll agree with you there. Why bother to say it? With all the other details they skip out on (just, off the top of my head, say, the Wutai War?), why give us details on that?

But beyond that, I'm with Splintered :)

And there people go again using the term "bad fanfic," shouldn't it just be "fanfic" with the qualifier "good" attached if it's the exception to the rule?


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
I'll agree with you there. Why bother to say it? With all the other details they skip out on (just, off the top of my head, say, the Wutai War?), why give us details on that?

But beyond that, I'm with Splintered :)

And there people go again using the term "bad fanfic," shouldn't it just be "fanfic" with the qualifier "good" attached if it's the exception to the rule?

Because a lot of the percent of the time fanfictions are written by people who are bad writers.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I think that may have been the point Force was making. "Fanfic" itself functions pretty well as a pejorative because most fanfic writers suck balls. Folks like Licorice and Cameo are exceptions to a pretty rigid rule.
I think that may have been the point Force was making. "Fanfic" itself functions pretty well as a pejorative because most fanfic writers suck balls.

That's because 90% of it is porn written by 14 year old virgins.

To be fair, I have read quite a bit of really excellent fanfic. Some of it was good porn, too.
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