I've been playing it through on Hard now, and the effect has worn off since you basically know whats coming, but it's like rewatching a kickass movie. You know, but its still awesome
EDIT: Also, first time you go to the Sewers (I believe), there's a door to the right that's blocked, and Croc smashes into the door and yells at you. Did anyone else see this? It seems totally optional / avoidable. Are there any other little things like this that you guys've run into? Spoilers if needed, I didn't add them in mine, cause it doesn't really give anything away.
EDIT: Also, first time you go to the Sewers (I believe), there's a door to the right that's blocked, and Croc smashes into the door and yells at you. Did anyone else see this? It seems totally optional / avoidable.
Found all 240 Riddles.
And worked out who the spirit of Arkham is...
Where's Robin?
I can understand them leaving him out of the game but you'd think that Richard Grayson would have at least had a character Bio....
They had a bio for some guy named humpty-dumpty, but no Robin?
Also, Richard hasn't been Robin for more than 16 years now, and he's not even Nightwing anymore, he's the new Batman(for now).
if Arkham Asylum was completely true to the comics
Can anyone give me any tips?They are all that's stopping me from getting 100%