Lv. 1 Adventurer
- OminousAngel
Ya sorry was cranky this morning. Ill problably post the full thing on thursday.
It was never specified in the original game, but has been since in Ultimanias. Granted, it was sort of always implied in the original game by the fact that there's an enormous crater where Jenova came down -- though one could be forgiven for concluding that this was the result of just Jenova (sans meteorite) making impact.Where does it say that Jenova arrived on a meteor? Not saying she didn't, I just never noticed that bit in the game.
I don't see how the last sentence can be true though. Given that Aerith is half "Ancient." Unless they are changing that as wellIt was never specified in the original game, but has been since in Ultimanias. Granted, it was sort of always implied in the original game by the fact that there's an enormous crater where Jenova came down -- though one could be forgiven for concluding that this was the result of just Jenova (sans meteorite) making impact.
Looks like the remake is going to be a lot more explicit about it, though:
"Alas, the Ancients themselves are long gone. Two thousand years ago, a meteor brought an end to their civilization."
I don't see how the last sentence can be true though. Given that Aerith is half "Ancient." Unless they are changing that as well
How much would've survived though? I ask that because 2000 years worth of generations is still a lot of people to survive (even after saying that the civilization was wiped out) when you think about it. All the way up till Ifalna, each parent was full Cetra. Even at 500 years ago, there would still be lots of Cetra roaming the PlanetBringing an end to a civilization does not equal wiping out every individual.
As has been already said, I don't think they put so much thinking in this. The Ancients are a backstory for the main story, they needed to give mysterious powers to Aerith - the last of a 'special' type of person. 2000 years is because the backstory should be old, mythical.. but they didn't think how a small group of an extinct race could survive for so long. I never read that Ifalna parents were both Ancients (though that sounds the best option) nor how many years Ancients usually lives, if they have a longer lifespan than humans...How much would've survived though? I ask that because 2000 years worth of generations is still a lot of people to survive (even after saying that the civilization was wiped out) when you think about it. All the way up till Ifalna, each parent was full Cetra. Even at 500 years ago, there would still be lots of Cetra roaming the Planet
I think it's implied in the game that the Temple was definitely built long long time BEFORE Ancient's downfall, not after. It's not clearly stated but that's part of the backstory.The temple could have been made afterwards though. Which is why the gaurdians inside made it the way they did just saying therr where some cetra left and they dwindled down to 1 by the time of ff7 but this is all speculation. As for omega that was pure giaia lifestream if it crashed into a new planet i imagine it would of reverted to spirit energy. All is speculation.
They could easily come up with an explanation if they needed to. They brought Sephiroth back despite his body being destroyed, and then even his spirit defeated, dispersed and seemingly purified. The rules for something this metaphysical can always be fluid enough at the edges.Also as you say, if Omega is created by the Planet as well, how could be possible that a foreign organism, an alien lifeform like Jenova could be the origin of a materia, which is always implied is a form of energy condensed originating from the Planet. Jenova is a different kind of being which is an enemy to Lifestream and mako and materia, not made of the same nature.
I don't remember if it was someone on here that said it, or if it was specific in the game, but they said Aerith was half Cetra. That would mean Ifalna was 100 percent, therefore her parents would be as well.As has been already said, I don't think they put so much thinking in this. The Ancients are a backstory for the main story, they needed to give mysterious powers to Aerith - the last of a 'special' type of person. 2000 years is because the backstory should be old, mythical.. but they didn't think how a small group of an extinct race could survive for so long. I never read that Ifalna parents were both Ancients (though that sounds the best option) nor how many years Ancients usually lives, if they have a longer lifespan than humans...
They simply didn't think about it, that's why i wrote that I hope they clarify some of those questions in the remake.
I think it's implied in the game that the Temple was definitely built long long time BEFORE Ancient's downfall, not after. It's not clearly stated but that's part of the backstory.
Also as you say, if Omega is created by the Planet as well, how could be possible that a foreign organism, an alien lifeform like Jenova could be the origin of a materia, which is always implied is a form of energy condensed originating from the Planet. Jenova is a different kind of being which is an enemy to Lifestream and mako and materia, not made of the same nature.
Well Aerith is obviously half-Cetra because we know both her parents from the game, and Gast Faremis is a human.I don't remember if it was someone on here that said it, or if it was specific in the game, but they said Aerith was half Cetra. That would mean Ifalna was 100 percent, therefore her parents would be as well.
I didn't think about the Cetra maybe having longer lifespans though. That's probably the case
But there is no information saying it has to do with Jenova, it only says it's the key to use the most powerful destructive magic. Why is it black? It could have been--- I dunno--- pink? ... If the Black Materia is black because of Jenova's cells (namely Geostigma)... why would the planet give the Cetra something made of the thing that injured it, in the first place? We also know Jenova used its mimic powers to fool the Cetra, but I don't think it was actually able to create a Materia with its cells/spirit in it hoping they would use it.
My point exactly, that's what I mean (and the Pink Materia thing was a joke, btwKeep in mind that Geostigma didn't exist when FF7 plot was written. It's something they came up with as an idea for the AC film.
I even doubt they will keep the Geostigma idea in FF7Remake.
In my opinion Black Materia is Black because it's a reference to the traditional separation between Black and White magic in all Final Fantasy. That's why it's Black and not Pink.
Sephiroth is the ultimate Black Mage that wants to unleash the final Black Magic spell while Aerith is the ultimate White Mage who wants to cast the ultimate White Magic spell: Holy. It's a reference to the history of FF.
The Ancients inside the Temple look even like traditional Black Mages from previous FF games, the reference is pretty clear and has nothing to do with Jenova.
I'm going off the assumption that being Cetra is a matter of blood and DNA. If that is correct, then I would think Ifalna is 100 percent Cetra, since Aerith is 50 percent. So, that would make Ifalna's parents 100 percent Cetra, and so on so onWell Aerith is obviously half-Cetra because we know both her parents from the game, and Gast Faremis is a human.
On the other hand there is no clear explanation in game about what it takes to be considered Cetra. If I'm not mistaken Aerith retain all powers of her mother even with a human father. So maybe Cetra already merged with humans in the past 2000 years meaning that also Ifalna's parents were not both Cetra. Something like the witch lineage: magic powers are passed from mother to daughter/son or from father to son but the other parent can be human (like in Harry Potter - you can be half-blood but still with full powers to pass to your sons). On the other hand looks like being Cetra is a matter or blood and dna so I don't know.
I'm just assuming because I found no clear statement about it. The wiki says "Ifalna was the last remaining pure Cetra " but doesn't quite a source for that statement.
In the Forgotten City page it states "the few survivors gradually assimilated into human culture and the city has been an abandoned ruin for a long time. "
So we can assume Cetra already married humans before?... but at the time of FF7 only Ifalna was left with some (or full) Cetra blood?
Apparently she/it never did anything but in fact she was spreading her cells in many humans (SOLDIERs) - fooling Shinra scientists in believing she was an Ancient.
Not exactly. Ifalna says that Jenova infected the Ancients by taking on the appearance of their relatives and lovers.Random reply but - it wasn’t actively ‘fooling’ anyone. It was simply mistaken for an ancient. Never are we told that it fooled the project Jenova staff that it was an Ancient so they would use its cells in experiments.
It's implied to be the creature's own cells since both turn people into monsters.So what is Jenova's disease, anyway? Do we know?
It is a 2-way transformation, the disease lets Jenova turn the victim into a monster, and at the same time lets Jenova itself taking the shape of the victim and of the victim's relatives or friends, reading into the victim's memories.Oh right, that would explain Hojo's transformations then, after he injected himself.
It is a 2-way transformation, the disease lets Jenova turn the victim into a monster, and at the same time lets Jenova itself taking the shape of the victim and of the victim's relatives or friends, reading into the victim's memories.