Oh, yah! Shake it, madam. Capital knockers!
One of the truly great Simpsons episodes, along with the episode in which the family starts living thrifty in order to afford a holiday to Japan.
Homer: "Ohhh look at these cheap tins of plankton!"
Lisa: "Uh, according to the 'Mexican Council of Food, these expired three years ago."
Homer: "Sure, by
their standards--but we live in America!"
Oh my god and then Robot Wars would be on right after the double bill and then I could chill watching Hypnodisk school everyone's shit.
Then Robot Wars stopped. It was getting shitty anyway. But then that show that made contestants play Total War on TV came along... oh yeah, ... TIME COMMANDERS! and everyone failed hideously except some D&D pros that controlled Alexander the Great and were like "lol, easy modo" and the historians were like "good show, chaps."
Then that ended.
BUT THEN THERE WAS TECHNOGAMES. with the relay robots and that judge who looked like the archbishop, who would be all "oh yes, what a beautiful design, very intricate OH GOD I DO LOVE ROBOTS!" without any sense of ironic-nerdiness that pollutes the internet nowadays.
what the fuck happened to the 6-7pm slot on BBC2...