Can someone change my username?

Celes Chere

Yes I'm using the first person that came to mind. I WONDER WHY THAT IS TIFF


anyway no matter what I change my name to or what other names I add to my aka

most people on the Forum insist on calling me Celes (or Tiff) anyways. Celes Chere has always been and always will be first in my AKA field and I think a lot of people do it that way. Their most commonly referred to name is listed first. Everything else is just optional reading :monster:


but the aka field renders remembering usernames completely pointless, because usernames are inconsistent and the aka field is not. I don't get how that is so complicated?

If you really want to know who someone is, or what someone usually goes by, just look at the aka field and associated that constant with the poster rather than whatever username they're currently sporting (which can change). I mean I realize that's not traditional for most forums but it's hardly something difficult to get used to? You're just shifting your focus onto the aka field as the primary identifier rather than the username.


Pro Adventurer
I'm glad this has sparked a discussion. I do understand both sides. The division mainly seems to be between new members and old members.

How about this, as a possible solution: the AKA field stays where it is, visible on the left of posts, but people are encouraged to put just one name in there - the nickname they are usually known by (e.g. Yop, Tiff, Kripey, a few of the ones I've seen a lot) - while there is a new "FKA" (formerly known as) field visible on profile pages, which has a list of all previous usernames.

PS: The post in the TLS secrets thread about usernames changing was not made by me! :)

Celes Chere

encouraged to put just one name in there - the nickname they are usually known by (e.g. Yop, Tiff, Kripey, a few of the ones I've seen a lot)

Trouble is a lot of us go by more than one. Some call me Tiff, some call me Celes. Group 1 of Kripey's friends call her Kripey, and Group 2 calls her Belle. :awesome:


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Well the funny thing is, I've never gone by Kripey on the forums. So while I'm referred to it here, it was just a name that came from outside the forum. Likewise, has Road ever been Road on TLS? But he's still referred to as Road.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
oh :P Well maybe not since I've been here? I still figured it out :monster:


We have come to terms
Incidentally, since it was never replied to - I am rather against adding an FKA to the profile page. It qould require a user to navigate to that part of someone's profile and go through a bunch of hassle, and for what? If they are having trouble remembering who is who based solely on the aka field, how is an even BIGGER aka field going to help that?

Then again, I'm also rather opposed to anyone other than me messing with my profile, so :monster:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Because if it includes all the names a user was previously known as, then that increases the chance a user will recognise at least one of those names. Granted, actually bringing it up to that standard would require a large amount of work on staff's part, but most of the name changes can be found in this thread so it would mostly be time consuming rather than difficult.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I would be fine expending all that effort myself. However I obviously wouldn't be able to do it immediately. If people decide the field should just represent all names going forward as well I wouldn't have any problem with that either.

@Mad Men theme, maybe I'll rejoin later.


Pro Adventurer
I am also starting to think the FKA field would probably be too much effort for not enough benefit. If the community decides things are fine as they are, then so be it. I'm starting to recognise a few more people now. But it will continue to be an obstacle for new users.
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