ChaosBringers, Reborn!


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Naah, Cid would be Lt Surge - they've both got short blonde hair. Barret might be Bruno in the Elite Four - Bruno's the only one of Barret's build in the Pokemon universe, I think.

Paine's hairstyle is similar to Loz's, but she's got the red eyes and sardonic humour of a Valentine (still... so does Lulu...).

Auron's full style is similar to Vincent's. Hell, Auron and Tedious, err, Tidus' (I'll get hell for that...) relationship is pretty much the same as Vincent and Cloud's in AC. I once made a joke on ACF that Auron was a Vincent clone... and someone over-reacted... but yeah. Since then, I saw a thread on GameFAQs (obviously done by someone who couldn't work out Roman numberals) where they said Vincent from Dirge of Cerberus was an Auron knockoff. -_-

Rikku and Yuffie aren't related, they're both just sugar addicts. :awesome:

IMHO, FFX and FFX-2 aren't that great. The PS FF games (VII - IX) are much better. :)

??? Huh, whassat about Dissidia explaining stuff with Cloud and Tidus and whatnow?? :huh:

Jecht's far too arrogant for a Valentine... maybe a second-cousin or something... And lots of characters have bandanas. :lol: Mind you, it's disturbing how many franchises have characters with the surname Valentine! Resident Evil, Cowboy Bebop, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Gene's Roddenberry's Andromeda...


Laying the Beatdown
Kamui, Amaya, Ammy
I played FFX and I thought Tidus whined a lot, way too much for my taste. That said though Yuna and I are actually twins. Heterochromia ftw!

As to teh sugar, Yuffie, Selphie and Rikku all fit that. :awesome:

That would be a fun multi-verse fic, all the Valentines must team up to defeat some massive enemy! Jill and Faye would probably argue over who gets to be with Vincent, or maybe that's my sleep deprived brain writing another crack!fic. For more information on this story visit the Library of Dream.

I've almost finished a totally different Vincent video that my mom's been egging me to finish. I'll post it tomorrow since in theory today there's a mass boycott of YouTube going on. Let's just say it's a bit of a joke for the fact that even after 30 years asleep, the world hasn't changed at all.

Which reminds me, in my mom's fic, when Vincent and Verdot return to Midgar, we've agreed to a slow dramatic entrance to "The Boys Are Back In Town" by Thin Lizzy. Just thought I'd leave you with that image.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Lol, no, that would be like... incest... All the Valentine's are related. It's the only way to explain their joint badassery. And Morpheus, Dream of the Endless looks like Vincent's twin... it's really scary.

Cool, you'll have to post that vid once it's done. ^_^


Laying the Beatdown
Kamui, Amaya, Ammy
Okay so I know I haven't finished the video. It's not entirely my fault... I've been trying to buy a new yo-yo so I can learn more advanced tricks. >.< And all of the Valentines are related... man now we really are looking at the Endless.

Faye = Destiny
Jill = Death
Vincent = Dream

And that's all I can think of at the moment. But in other news I've been trying to do some drawings but once again I think I've been conned into helping with camp... But that's when I normally come up with my best stories.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
What is meant by Vincent's 'badass'ery???

Flamboyant, but I'm not sure about badass...

Eh - fill me in; perhaps I will understand.



Green Mage
What is meant by Vincent's 'badass'ery???

Flamboyant, but I'm not sure about badass...

Eh - fill me in; perhaps I will understand.

Which Vincent are we talking about? His personality changes depending on where he is in the compilation. He's slightly a little more snarky in FF7 than he is later on. XD

Could I be added to the fanclub list for the thread too?


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Which Vincent are we talking about? His personality changes depending on where he is in the compilation. He's slightly a little more snarky in FF7 than he is later on. XD

Agreed, though I stick to my opinion that Dirge of Cerberus did not do much for Vincent's character... >_>

Could I be added to the fanclub list for the thread too?

Welcome aboard!
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Green Mage
Agreed, though I stick to my opinion that Dirge of Cerberus did not do much for Vincent's character... >_>
I've probably already said it before, but yeah... he came across as kind of clueless, and if he wasn't being clueless he was just being mostly very cold. I really didn't like how he was portrayed in his younger/Turk days, especially the "If you have something to say, say it!" part where he just kinda fumbles around and says absolutely nothing.

All I can definitively say is, DOC was interesting to watch. I think I'm trying to somehow justify it in my mind. It's about 50/50... some of it could be ok, the other half is just, no.

Thanks for having me!
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"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Welcome to the Chaosbringers, Smaddy. ^_^ Hope you enjoy your time with us.
What is meant by Vincent's 'badass'ery???

Flamboyant, but I'm not sure about badass...

Eh - fill me in; perhaps I will understand.

Badassery - the qualities/abilities of being a badass. For proof of Vincent's badassery, check out almost any fanfic. :awesome: *cough*BloodFeud,VincentversusZack*cough* :)

Otherwise, most of Vincent's scenes in AC. Even when he just stands still and talks. Bad. Ass. :lol:


Green Mage
Otherwise, most of Vincent's scenes in AC. Even when he just stands still and talks. Bad. Ass. :lol:
When he grabs Cloud's
arm. Badass. :lol:

Vs Bahamut SHIN was also pretty badass. Flying through the air and all that stuff.


Laying the Beatdown
Kamui, Amaya, Ammy
More Vincent badass moments: Pretty much any time his dialogue box pops up in VII. He's the reason I can't figure out my senior quote for the life of me.

And here he is doing Get Down.
Not sure how familiar you guys are with Ouran High School Host Club but he's in this one too.

And in other random news pertaining to Vincent, I may be getting a new Vincent shirt to replace the one that got stolen in Chicago!!! ^_^ Also I'm trying to modify my yo-yo so that I have Cerberus as the design on the sides, because my Vincent is red and it'd be really cool to have that on there.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Ah well, I guess I'll be the outcast. :P lol

Eh - I don't think of 'bad ass' as something positive, that's all.

Whatever, it doesn't matter. :)


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Ah well, I guess I'll be the outcast. :P lol

Eh - I don't think of 'bad ass' as something positive, that's all.

Whatever, it doesn't matter. :)
Aww, but we still love you. :hug: Look at it this way: Arnie in the first two Terminator films was badass. Third one? Just bad. :lol:

@SMADDY: the Bahamut SIN fight was a badass moment for everyone... except Cait. Who's Scottish for some damn reason.

@KAM: cool, I'll check those links out Saturday. ^_^ And that with the yo-yo sounds awesome. You'll have to post pics once you're done.


Laying the Beatdown
Kamui, Amaya, Ammy
I just realize I type Vincent when I meant to say yo-yo in my last post. I guess I have Vincent on the brain. All those Braintwisters are finally getting to me. *laughs* :D

I'm totally excited because I might get to go to the Chicago Distant Worlds concert in December!

Hmm, and now I wanna see Vincent running around in black leather with a BFG like the Governator. ... ... ... *loads up DoC* All better!!! I'm sorry if I really like it as a moment of gratuitous fanservice game. The moment when we get the FMV of him standing up and we get the shot of his rear in leather.

I get the feeling I'm going on another rant but that's just me...

So, um... anyone up for a fanart exchange? It's not really a contest since we're all friends... it's just been a while since we did a mass drawing thing. I'll write Ravy and tell her too if you guys wanna do it.


Green Mage
The Compilation, IMO is a lot of eyecandy and fanservice. I won't go into what I think of the 'plots' of each, but they're certainly pretty to look at.

Is Distant Worlds touring the US again? I *just* missed a concert by me and I would love love love to go to one.

And I might need to either: bust out old fanart (circa 1997-99) or create some new fanart to share. :lol:


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
OK, I think I've realised Ari's objection, and I'll try to clarify my position: Vincent is badass, but he isn't A badass. The difference is, one who is badass merely cracks out the Big Damn Hero moments - or, wears a very cool coat - whereas a badass is a very unpleasant person. :)

Kam - seen those vids now. :lol: Never seen Ouran (it's out on DVD here now, though), but that second one is awesome.
So, um... anyone up for a fanart exchange? It's not really a contest since we're all friends... it's just been a while since we did a mass drawing thing. I'll write Ravy and tell her too if you guys wanna do it.
I've said before... my art skills suck, so, I'll have to pass. Maybe I'll cobble together a short fic or poem (or just post a link to an already published one of mine... :monster: ).

However, I found this in my archives: Yuffie cosplaying as Vincent. :awesome:


Laying the Beatdown
Kamui, Amaya, Ammy
I like that definition. Good simple definition, and now I want to watch Vincent deal out the hurt onto someone... hmm, maybe a discussion with maman is in order...

I love the Ouran video, Vincent would make an adorable Kyoya... now if Zack dyed his hair blond or let Cloud borrow his personality again... we could do Ouran!!! Though now that I think about it, Vincent's more like Mori, both of them have very little to say over all but when they do speak it's quite badass. So Vincent is Mori with Yuffie as Hunny with Nanaki puppyfied as Bunny. It works! :awesome:

Alright well I'll at least draw something worth contributing to the group.......

And onii-chan, that is an awesome picture. All she needs is some contact lenses and she could do Vincent. And now my brain hurts.

@Smaddy, I was suprised when I read the post on facebook, but rest assured I intend to get tickets to this. Hopefully my parents are willing to shell for the special post concert party with Uematsu also... *crosses fingers*


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Heya everyone!

@ Kamui: I sent you a private message. :) I'm a go for the fanart trade.

Since we're on the subject of fanart...

... Of various sorts. :) Enjoy!


@ Manti: To me, 'badass' means someone who is acting like a hotshot and a big wig, when they really don't need to or they do not fit the part they play. I guess pretentious would fit, in a negative sense.

I don't see Vincent that way, 'cause I don't think he's acting out of who he truly is.
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"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
@ Manti: To me, 'badass' means someone who is acting like a hotshot and a big wig, when they really don't need to or they do not fit the part they play. I guess pretentious would fit, in a negative sense.

I don't see Vincent that way, 'cause I don't think he's acting out of who he truly is.
Fair enough. :) After all, everyone uses language in a different way - our own idiolect (whatchu call me!?). But, you could always argue Vincent's only playing a part that doesn't really fit him - he acts all aloof, but still cuddles Marlene to protect her from the scawy Cloud! :( :lol:

And, I'll have to check those fanarts another time... for some reason, the computer doesn't want to load deviantArt. -_- But thanks for sharing, nonetheless! ^_^

Ari - OK, seen those pics now... and ohmiGAWD, I almost fainted at "Twice Red"... in a good way! ^_^ Really, REALLY thanks!

Oh, and the FFXIII article you mentioned before, with Lightening being Squall+Vincent - is that the one that
reveals frickin' ODIN!?
Cos, if it is, it's made me excited about FFXIII. :awesome: Thanks to that random Exeter newsagent that imported it!
###END EDIT###
And onii-chan, that is an awesome picture. All she needs is some contact lenses and she could do Vincent. And now my brain hurts.
And grow her hair out. :awesome: Speaking of, I do have a pic of Yuffie with long hair somewhere... I'll have to post it in the Yuffie club. :3 And, as for your brain hurting - what's new? :P In the words of the Zutons, "don't you ever think, ever think, ever think too much".

Also, since you're able to find vids like this - d'you think you could find a FFVII Hare Hare Yukai one featuring Vincent? :awesome:
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Laying the Beatdown
Kamui, Amaya, Ammy
Well then let another art trade begin!!! ^_^ *pumps fist in the air*

I love the female!Vincent cosplayer, she did a very nice job with the outfit. I want to do a Turk Vincent cosplay this weekend, which means it's time for a retouch of black, get rid of the last bits of blond and go back to the way it should be. Hmm, now to go to the second hand shop and procure some navy items, actually there's a nice thrift store not too far where I can get some clothes.

And yes that is the same article Manti. :awesome:

If there's not a video of Vincent doing the Hare Hare Yukai I will be more than happy to make one as such. So should I do stop motion or drawn?


Green Mage
That female Vincent outfit is an awesome interpretation. I was just at Otakon a few weeks ago and saw lots of cosplay, good and bad. There was one guy in particular who had an almost perfect costume. If anything, I'd say the only thing was his hair was just slightly too short.

There was a guy crossplaying as Shelke, and apparently I missed a Shalua (and personally I thought she did a great job making her outfit look really good).


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
And yes that is the same article Manti. :awesome:

If there's not a video of Vincent doing the Hare Hare Yukai I will be more than happy to make one as such. So should I do stop motion or drawn?
:awesome: Cool. The way they look to be handling
in XIII is the sort of thing I'd like to see. :)

Whichever is easiest, meimei. ^_^ Thanks!

Oh, ACC... dear Lord above, ACC... OK, for now: they've re-recorded all the dialogue for the English dub (haven't watched the Japanese lang yet). And, Steve Blum sounds even cooler as Vincent. He's put different spins on to lines. For example:

CLOUD: "Are sins ever forgiven?"
VINCENT AC: "I've never tried." (-_- I find the subject one entirely lacking in interest.)
VINCENT ACC: "...I've never tried." ( :huh: Are... are sins ever forgiven? I've never thought about that...)

Also, he sounds a lot... warmer with the others aboard the Shera, to the point where you can hear him almost smiling. :)


Green Mage
Oh man... I want to see ACC! I don't have a Blu-Ray player, so it's not going to happen anytime soon. Damn.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Oh man... I want to see ACC! I don't have a Blu-Ray player, so it's not going to happen anytime soon. Damn.
Well, I damn near crippled myself financially for the month by picking up a PS3 to play it on, so... :awesome: Seriously, I think I may envy you.

Oh, and my avi is a still from ACC - now you can actually see Vincent inside the cape when he rescues Cloud. :3


Here's the avi if you missed it first time round:
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Laying the Beatdown
Kamui, Amaya, Ammy
Manti you do realize that now I will have to kill you and take your avatar. *evil grin*

Either that or go find some helpless Cloud cosplayer to molest at SWACE. Yes I know it's that time of year when I go on the move to a con. The next one is taking place on my birthday so by then I will be doing Turk Vincent then, my hair's kinda been soaked in the blood of small children.


Okay now that that's out of my system, my Vincent plushie and I are on the move, provided I start lighting kids hair on fire.

Which reminds me I finished my picture for the group!!! I will put it up later. ^_^
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