ChaosBringers, Reborn!


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Yeah, I was reading past posts just to check up on my side of some things. Anyhow, that was one thing I came across and didn't recall an answer to it, so... :) Nothing big really.
:monster: There wasn't a proper answer cos I answered myself a few posts later, and everyone treated it as "oh, Manti's having another one of his turns again. Nurse - the pills!!". Or something.
As for 'asexuality' - you may be right. I still like the idea of Chaos being part of the god Chaos - which would link VII (at least) to Final Fantasy I and Dissidia. :P In that, he is definitely a he. But, yeah, he...
Why, do you get to see, ahh, some colloborating evidence as to that Chaos', ahh, equipment? :P

In my fanfics, I always wrote Chaos as the same being as the Miltonian Chaos - the demon who ruled over uncreation (i.e., the void before Heaven and Hell), which was also called Chaos. In fact, there's a part in Paraidse Lost in which Lucifer passes a boundary which is referred to as something like "Chaos and old Night"... Of course, these are probably based on/are the same two figures from Greek mythology, who had a son, Erebus. Which, y'know, any FFVII fan would probably be able to work into the background of an OC (not to be confused with The O.C., of course).

As to the Chaos of FF and Dissidia being the same one... well, I haven't played either of those games, so I can't comment. :whistle:


Laying the Beatdown
Kamui, Amaya, Ammy
Hmm, well as to whether or not Chaos is the one and same as the Chaos of FFI, I think that debate could go either way. Though it would have to start with a total analysis of what defines good and evil, and I really don't want to get into an ideological debate right now, it's 10:00 pm local time, and I've been feeling sick all day so I'll just get through the base of why I think they aren't related besides the obvious bits about different universes. But I suppose that would actually work out if there really are parallel dimesions...

*head bed* I need sleep. *Leaves as a sticky note on the door outside of coffin*

Um well basically, Chaos seems like a Chaotic (lol never define a word with a word) Neutral alignment. While Vincent is Chaotic Good alignment, so his need to do the right thing no matter what overrides Chaos's need for destruction. The other Chaos is just Chaotic Evil, no impulse control and will stop at nothing to take over the world. [strike]I wouldn't want to meet either of them in a dark alley.[/strike] Scratch that, I wanna meet Vincent in a dark alleyway.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Aww, meimei, sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well. *hug*

As for good and evil, I don't think Chaos (either one) really fits those categories. What they are, is what they're named. Chaos is unbiased. I see Chaos as a mystical manifestation of thermal entropy...ummm... well, put more simply: whether you're good or evil, Chaos gets ya in the end. :P

And I have no idea about alignments, other than in one personality test I took, I was Neutral Good... like Bugenhagen, apparently.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
VIVA!! *glomp* Welcome back!! ^_^ How've you been, I was wondering where you were...

Oh, and, thanks for the cool piccy. ^_^


Laying the Beatdown
Kamui, Amaya, Ammy
Viva I <3 the picture!!!

And as to my video activities I found the perfect song for my new AMV, it's "shall Never Surrender" from Devil May Cry 4. So I will be putting that up soon, but I'm totally excited because my copy of ACC comes in soon! Now to get a blu-ray player...

Which reminds me, I unearthed a dojunshi that I bought at OtakuMex and since I figured out how to work a scanner if anyone wants me to put up the Vincent bits let me know! ^_^ I've got another shopping trip planned for the end of July at SWACE so when I get more Vincent things I will put them up if the group wants. Also if we can find someone who could translate, that would make it even better! ^_^


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
It's a very nice pic! :) Though, I don't know if I can see Vincent with such wide open eyes. :P


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Hurray, more Chaosbringers returning! ^_^
It's a very nice pic! :) Though, I don't know if I can see Vincent with such wide open eyes. :P
Well, yah, but he's a ickle kiddy thar. :monster: Somehow, I can see the fangirls (and Yuffie) reacting to that with a "KAWAIIIII!!!" :glomp:

Oh, don't know if any of you have already read it, but if not, I recommend you read OTWTAS: Case of Nanaki:
Vincent's in it (obviously, as I bring it up here), but you have to read it, if only for this bit at the end,
“If you’ll excuse me,” Vincent raised his voice and laughed. At first, Nanaki stayed quiet but before long he too laughed.

The last time laughter filled the Forgotten City was during the Cetra Age but now, it rang throughout the air once again.
^_^ Canon!

OK, random bit, but I was reading a bio for Neku Sakuraba, the main character in The World Ends With You, and one thing made a Vincent-shaped lightbulb go off in my head. The relevent bit is bolded.
WEWY Official Guide said:
Neku Sakuraba is a withdrawn Shibuya teen who has built a wall of isolation between himself and the rest of humanity. The hair that hangs down over his eyes keeps him from having to make eye contact. The collar pulled up to his mouth says he has no interest in talking. And the ever-present pair of headphones over his ears make it clear that he doesn't want to hear what anyone has to say to him.
OK, as WEWY is also a SE made game, so is Vincent's collar up across his mouth for the same reason, a manifestation of his laconic nature? :huh: Just a thought.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
OK, as WEWY is also a SE made game, so is Vincent's collar up across his mouth for the same reason, a manifestation of his laconic nature? :huh: Just a thought.

It makes a lot of sense to me! :) I also wonder if it's related to his 'emotionlessness'. How he doesn't really like to show or feels little need to show his emotions.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
It makes a lot of sense to me! :)
I know, right?
I also wonder if it's related to his 'emotionlessness'. How he doesn't really like to show or feels little need to show his emotions.
Hmm, yeah, that's a good point, too. :huh: Actually, I should have said something like that myself, as I always have him dip his chin so his mouth is hidden when he smirks in my fanfics.

And, on Vincent's emotionlessness... um, lack of emotion? ...anyway, check out the Nanaki OTWTAS translation! Seriously, we should talk about that here, too. The three main game characters in it are Nanaki (well, duh), Yuffie and Vincent! And Vincent plays a big role in it and he
with Nanaki! Ok, he also
shoots Nanaki
, but that's by-the-by. That's worth talking about, right? Right?!


Laying the Beatdown
Kamui, Amaya, Ammy
Okay I have to go read Case of Nanaki now! This sounds like complete epic win. And I can see the things with the collars being the same way. I think also the hair has a key to play in it too, the less you can see of a person's face the less interaction there is.

Hmm and relating to
Vincent laughing
any theories on how it would sound. Because this seems different than his just a brief smirk that he does in Dirge of Cerberus. Maybe he sounds like Santa Claus! :monster:


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Actually, Vincent seems to keep his hair out of his eyes most of the time. Although, he does have it covering one eye in the VII status profile picture... huh. :huh:

As for Vincent's
laugh... in VII, he laughs in one line of dialogue. It goes something like "muhahahaha..."


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
I need to read Case of Nanaki... I always have him dip his chin so his mouth is hidden when he smirks in my fanfics.

If you notice, in Advent Children (Complete), when the others are cheering Cloud's victory over Sephiroth on in the Shera (Sierra?), Vincent looks away... Some people do that when they are bombarded by emotion; are shy to show their emotion. I do it, when I'm pleased and blushing.

As for Vincent's
laugh... in VII, he laughs in one line of dialogue. It goes something like "muhahahaha..."

I do think Vincent's laugh is a deep one, but not chilling - just deep. :)
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"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
I need to read Case of Nanaki...
:lol: Well, as a fan of Vincent, Nanaki and Yuffie, who are the main three player characters who return... yeah, you truly do. :lol:
If you notice, in Advent Children (Complete), when the others are cheering Cloud's victory over Sephiroth on in the Shera (Sierra?), Vincent looks away... Some people do that when they are bombarded by emotion; are shy to show their emotion. I do it, when I'm pleased and blushing.
Well, I haven't seen ACC yet, but you're right, I remember him doing that in AC, too. :huh: Actually, I made a screencap of that, with a joke caption that he was disappointed that Cloud had won, as he'd put money on Sephiroth...

But, yeah. I'm one of those who'll quickly whip their face into another direction when something gets too much for them - usually to the side and down for me.
I do think Vincent's laugh is a deep one, but not chilling - just deep. :)
So... not like Vincent Price, then? :P I always saw it as a dry chuckle, but that quote made me think of it as more rumbly.


Laying the Beatdown
Kamui, Amaya, Ammy
Actually, I made a screencap of that, with a joke caption that he was disappointed that Cloud had won, as he'd put money on Sephiroth...

I must not have joined when you had that, geez I'm such a rookie. XD Anyway, I have some pictures of my Vincent plushie and I watching fireworks, though he looks more annoyed than anything. Course I am pretty much positive that my plushie is alive... I told you about the time he punched me in the eye when I was getting ready for bed right?

Anyway, um I will edit this post with the dojunshi pics I promised! Translation much appreciated!!! ^_^

Back Cover
First Vincent part
Second Vincent part (featuring a very confused Lucrecia!)
Third Vincent part

I know I said scans, but the scanner died on me... so photos will be the IOU.
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Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Final Fantasy XIII news!!!

Interesting thing I came across in the new Playstation magazine issue...

Well, besides a bubble-gum pink cover! :P

According to the breakdown, the lead female character Lightning is a mix of Squall Leonhart of Final Fantasy VIII and our very own Vincent Valentine of Final Fantasy VII

Wow! So, yeah - if anyone's been hoping to see some more VII mixture in Final Fantasy XIII, there you have it.

This whole episode gives more of a run down on different characters and how they add up to other characters of older Final Fantasies. I can say Cid and Yuffie are in the mix with two of the other characters...

If I can get to a scanner, I'll scan it (unless someone else wishes to, if you get the issue.) If I learn more, I'll post it here (behind 'spoilers', of course.)

PS: Kamui, just to let you know, the link for the third part of the doujinshi leads to the same picture for the first Vincent part.
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Laying the Beatdown
Kamui, Amaya, Ammy
I remember reading that in the airport and then when I got to Ft. Lauderdale
there was a squall and lots of lightning and I said. "Hmm, well it seems Cloud switched places with Vincent." My mom goes, "why's that?" "Because Cloud + Squall = Lightning"
Now all we need is Dissidia 2 to make all of the crack!yaoi/mpreg moments to come true.

And Arianna please post!!! Because I didn't buy it when I was in Dallas!!! *glomps* Now if only
they have an alternate costume for Lightning with a flowing red cloak and gold claws
all of my dreams will come true!!!!!!!!!!

Speaking of which I have my copy of ACC and no way to watch it!! :cry: No blu-ray player and no computer will play it... Hmm, on the other hand FFVII is now available from the PSN for your PS3 and PSP, which means you can take Vincent in your pocket!!! *runs off to obtain poket!Vincent*

Wait pocket!Vincent... Pokemon Vincent... "CHAOS I CHOOSE YOU!!!" *throws out pokeball and Vincent pops out* And in HeartGold and SoulSilver...
you can have any pokemon follow you around!!

:muahaha: THIS IS BRILLIANT!!!!!!!

Ah! I must go correct this! And it has now been corrected!


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
And Arianna please post!!! Because I didn't buy it when I was in Dallas!!! *glomps* Now if only
they have an alternate costume for Lightning with a flowing red cloak and gold claws
all of my dreams will come true!!!!!!!!!![/spoiler]

Have you ever noticed the main character in Prince of Persia?

... I guess that's getting the picture across. :P Think they were on to something?

(Though the second picture makes me think of Grimoire.)

Oh, and Lightning does have a red cape... But it's not draped across her back, it dangles from one shoulder's clasp (or something like that).


Laying the Beatdown
Kamui, Amaya, Ammy
I seem to recall a similar theory that Vincent was moonlighting as Master Chief when he wasn't working on the Compilation or *crosses fingers* Kingdom Hearts. I rather like the thought of him in cognito as Master Chief running around saving the universe as a hobby. XD

And now that you mention it, Prince does look like Vincent... which I find to be very interesting. He's wearing contact lenses! That's why his eyes are blue!!! Or maybe it's his dad moonlighting as the Prince to set an example for his dedicated son.

Off discussion but does anyone know where I can find a Turk Vincent plushie? I feel like I should have one and I don't and it bothers me... Help?


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
I must not have joined when you had that, geez I'm such a rookie. XD Anyway, I have some pictures of my Vincent plushie and I watching fireworks, though he looks more annoyed than anything. Course I am pretty much positive that my plushie is alive... I told you about the time he punched me in the eye when I was getting ready for bed right?
:lol: I've never shared it - it was an idea for an avi. Here, I've just put it on photobucket:


And, I don't know about the club, but you've told me about your naughty plushie before. :(
Anyway, um I will edit this post with the dojunshi pics I promised! Translation much appreciated!!! ^_^

Back Cover
First Vincent part
Second Vincent part (featuring a very confused Lucrecia!)
Third Vincent part

I know I said scans, but the scanner died on me... so photos will be the IOU.
:lol: @ Vincent's snoring keeping Cloud and Yuffie awake... still, serves them right for sharing a bed with him. Libertines! :P

I don't have a Blu-Ray player either, so by the end of the month, I'll be in the same situation, meimei. :monster: Hmm, still, I could cash out for one with my next lot of wages. :)
Wait pocket!Vincent... Pokemon Vincent... "CHAOS I CHOOSE YOU!!!" *throws out pokeball and Vincent pops out* And in HeartGold and SoulSilver...
you can have any pokemon follow you around!!
And Ash tries to catch Nanaki, but Mewtwo tells him not to, cos he n Red are homies an shit. :monster: Meanwhile, Misty and May helplessly fangirl over Vincent, and Brock unwisely hits on Yuffie. And everyone learns a lesson in tolerance. Or Vincent tells us about the dangers of lolicon. ;)

And Laharl from Disgaea is so clearly related to Vincent - hell, he even has a half-alive cloak!


Laying the Beatdown
Kamui, Amaya, Ammy
Okay I love the avi, can I use it on my next rotation of pictures once I get tired of my Clacking?

Yes, my plushie is alive, he punched me, I've set him on my bed one way and he'll roll over and then once and a while I keep thinking I hear mini gunshots.

My favorite one is where Vincent lands on top of Cloud in Lucrecia's cavern. I want to get a better picture of that scene and make it into a sig. Probably the text in Lucrecia's speech bubble would be changed to, "Where'd I put my camera?" Or something like that.

I think there's also a PSP version of ACC so I may splurge on that, provided my funds don't run dry modifying my bondage coat into an Organization XIII coat.

Anyway, my friend Bjanik wrote this as the script for our skit for SWACE, so I figured I would post it up, starring Vincent, Sephiroth and Zack!

Bjanik said:
Sephiroth in the front passenger seat, asleep, head lolling, drool pooling. Maybe snoring, annoying the driver.
Crinkle crinkle. Crinkle crinkle crinkle
Vincent (driving): MUST you do that?
Zack (with the crinkly bag): Whandt?: Idt’s my snck. Wups!
One bit of the snack flies up in an uncontrolled way and lands in Vincent’s hair. Vincent growls and lunges behind to grab the “snack”. He grabs one end of the little crinkly back but Zack refuses to let go. During the tug-of-war Vincent jerks the car, causing Sephiroth’s head to bang against the window.
Zack (howling): Make him stop!
Sephiroth responds to Zack’s plea by smacking Zack in the head, causing... jelly babies? to fly everywhere. One hits Sephiroth in the eye. For awhile they are all very crabby and stare forward.

Zack: Are we there yet?
Sephiroth: No, Zack.

Zack: Are we close?
Sephiroth: Argh!
Sephiroth reaches behind to the back seat and pops open the door. Zack tumbles out. Now he is running along side the car (an excellent use of your ‘looking like you’re running while not moving’ thing I’ve seen you do).
Vincent: He’s really fast.
Both men watch him for awhile. Sephiroth finds a jelly baby on the floor and eats it.
Vincent: Shouldn’t we let him back in?
Sephiroth: Not until he’s tired.

The figure of Zack drops suddenly from sight and the two car passengers bump up sharply twice.
Sephiroth: I think you ran him over.
Vincent scowls and turns the car around. Sure enough, there is Zack’s prone form in the road. The other two get out of the car and look at him. Sephiroth gives him a prod with Masamune. Zack doesn’t move.
Vincent: Do you have any materia?
Sephiroth: I thought you brought the materia!
Both rummage through their impossibly complicated outfits, discarding a number of strange things.
Sephiroth (holding a clear orb): I found some
Vincent: Isn’t that Holy?
Sephiroth: You don’t think it will work?
Vincent shrugs as Sephiroth holds the orb aloft.
Sephiroth: Uh, cure... cure this... young man.
Zack remains motionless and Vincent gives a look.
Sephiroth: What? It’s not like I ever cure people. I’m more into the, you know, the killing.
He gives the air a few stabs for emphasis while Vincent continues to stare at him like he is the alien he is.
Sephiroth: Here! (gives the orb to Vincent).
Vincent (stares at Zack for a moment): I’m not sure I want to cure him.
A weak, shakey arm rises from the ground as Zack takes the materia and cures himself.
Zack (dizzy and disoriented): Wow, wow, that was fun (he staggers back into the car)
The other two follow, resuming their positions.
Zack: Are we there yet?

She'll be playing Sephiroth, Mom will be Vincent, and I will be the unfortunate Zack.


Laying the Beatdown
Kamui, Amaya, Ammy
Nah, she knows Vincent's mine and I'd fight tooth and claw for him. She's far to interested in Tseng to take much notice. ^_^

The only reason we're casting her as Vincent in the skit is because my part requires me to do lots of stunt running, the way I do when I get shocked or want a comedic effect. That and I can pull of spiky hair... though I will need it blackened before this, otherwise I will be doing Cadet Cloud rather than Zack.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
:lol: I can remember your mum as Vincent in the last skit you guys did. Pity she couldn't remember the words to Always Look On The Bright Side of Life, huh? ;) (I'm only foolin', Mrs Kam's mum.) And you'll have to explain to me what SWACE means/stands for again. :huh: I forget.

As for the avi... sure, by all means. Just don't blame me if you get mocked for it's crappiness. :P

OK, there's a thought in my head since Kam brought up Pokemon here... Vincent as Lance Dragontamer. Both are badass and cool, both have capes, and both dress only in black and red. (Of course, Cid is Lt Surge. Which is a total mindf&%$ - "Lissen up numbskulls, electric Pokemon saved my f&%$ing ass back in the war!")

And as we touched on characters who might have links with Vincent and his family, I just want to ask your opinions on something: whenever I consider a merged AU (i.e., wherein characters from all the different FF games coexist), Paine from FFX-2 always ends up as Vincent's sister (ooh, except that one time where she was his daughter... or was it great-granddaughter, cos he was immortal? I forget -_-). Anyway, do you guys think that's valid, or am I just a little insane? (Little insane? :wacky: )


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Kam, the play idea sounds cool! :)

OK, there's a thought in my head since Kam brought up Pokemon here... Vincent as Lance Dragontamer. Both are badass and cool, both have capes, and both dress only in black and red. (Of course, Cid is Lt Surge. Which is a total mindf&%$ - "Lissen up numbskulls, electric Pokemon saved my f&%$ing ass back in the war!")

Or, he'd be Barret...? :P

And as we touched on characters who might have links with Vincent and his family, I just want to ask your opinions on something: whenever I consider a merged AU (i.e., wherein characters from all the different FF games coexist), Paine from FFX-2 always ends up as Vincent's sister (ooh, except that one time where she was his daughter... or was it great-granddaughter, cos he was immortal? I forget -_-). Anyway, do you guys think that's valid, or am I just a little insane? (Little insane? :wacky: )

Uhm, Paine looks a lot like Loz, so I would think more Sephiroth's sister or cousin, but that's me. Perhaps on Hojo's side.

Auron would be related to Vincent. *sigh* :P I do so because of the flamboyant dress style. Like a great grandfather (Grimoire's side) or something.

Riku and Yuffie are cousins or something! :lol: :awesome:

I could see Yuna as a cousin of Tifa or perhaps related to Aerith somewhere. She seems to share traits with both of them.

... I have no real clue about Final Fantasy X, but I've seen pictures and learned a bit about how they act through reading and slight YouTube watching.

And only for the fact of Dissidia explaining it, I don't see Tidus as a relative of Cloud's. Though, since Cloud and Vincent are basically the same, they could be related in Final Fantasy VII and we don't know it!

Actually, due to his father, I would say Tidus and his father are related to Vincent. Nothing closer than cousin, at least for Tidus, but... I don't know, his father seems to have some Valentine-ish style similarities - the bandana.
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