ChaosBringers, Reborn!


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Because Vincent Valentine is love! :P

Seriously, no Final Fantasy VII forum is complete without the obligatory fan club for all the major characters. ;)

In this, I bring you ChaosBringers, Reborn! :)


~ First and absolutely foremost, have fun! This is a fan club for a character in a video game. Although we're serious in our fandom, let's not forget it's a story.

~ No spamming; off topic is okay every once in a while, but nothing totally off beat and overy vulgar.

~ No flaming; granted, we've all got traits that are less like-able than others. Still, be civil.

~ No one word posts; please, some substance to your response. Once or twice is okay, but constant one word posts will become intollerable real quick.

~ Fanart and fanfiction recommendations and/or 'plugs' are most welcome. Feel free to let us know of anything you've come across or have created lately. This does include digital works, such as icons, friends banners, LJ layouts, MySpace layouts, web graphics, etc. :)

I think that's it for now... Just state your intent to join, and welcome aboard! *waves*

Member List:

~ Arianna
~ VivaLaValenwind
~ Sephirothpaine
~ Ravynne
~ Daryl Falchion
~ Firehahahahahaha
~ Manti
~ Mako
~ KamuiKeyblade
~ Leanan Sidhe
~ Umbreon
~ Smaddy

* Important!

Posted as a separate message, but also here for future members. Please read!


If I may interrupt our regularly scheduled discussion for this announcement:

MakoEyes987 has posted about club thread content, and I wish to just emphasize and make sure everyone knows that I will have to bump up the importance of the 'no one word posts' rule.

We have to try to have some content in these clubs. While I agree discussion is fine, it's not exactly what the moderators and administrators wish here, so we're going to have to keep on topic as much as possible.

If you wish to discuss something off topic, or share fan arts or whatever, that's still fine by me - but I'm going to have to stress on topic dialogue too. Meaning, if you wish to say 'hi' to someone or the group, fine, but please follow it up with something substantial.

Thanks for reading guys. I appreciate it, and please now return to your regularly scheduled (on topic) discussion in progress. ;)
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Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
[quote author=VivaLaValenwind link=topic=221.msg5029#msg5029 date=1230748885]

And so you are! Welcome! *waves* :)


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
[quote author=sephirothpaine link=topic=221.msg5092#msg5092 date=1230766120]
Me too, oh, me too^_^

Welcome aboard! :)


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Before too much more time elapses:


Here's hoping 2009 is a great year for all of us and our family and friends.

... In fact, let's hope it's great to the world. :)

[quote author=Ravynne link=topic=221.msg5116#msg5116 date=1230772003]
I am, of course, in. =D

And let me start the contributions by offering this WinAmp skin that I made years ago.

You are just so, totally, in, girl! :P

And I like that WinAmp skin; though, I do not use WinAmp... :D


~The Other Side of Fear~
Count me in. I always thought of Vinnie as neeidng more airtime on good old FF7. I'm probably not a big of fan of him as others, but I sure do appreciate a dark-haired, red-caped bishie.

Wait til Geo gets here. LOL Now there's a fan. :P


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
[quote author=Daryl Falchion link=topic=221.msg5211#msg5211 date=1230847480]
Count me in. I always thought of Vinnie as neeidng more airtime on good old FF7. I'm probably not a big of fan of him as others, but I sure do appreciate a dark-haired, red-caped bishie.[/quote]

Tall, dark and handsome, Vincent is the epitome of that description. :P In! :)


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
And, like, I recognise everyone here. How bout that? :)

It's good to see y'all again, but it looks like you could use an extra Y chromosone. Feel free to use mine.

We can do like we always used to do, and plot to take over the world!!!

Or the discussion over whether Vincent wears briefs or boxers...


Rookie Adventurer
The Chaosbringers Reborn, woot! And I was just thinking about you guys! Good to see you all again. ^_^ I was MakoEyes7 on ACF, for those who knew me back in the day.

My love of Vincent, his shoe fetish, and the clone locked in my closet has not abated in the slightest with the passage of time. o_o


ohshits, now we're going to get name confusion, :monster:. (There's another Mako / MakoEyes on here)


Rookie Adventurer
^Yeah, I know. >_< I'm pretty sure I joined ACF before him, actually, but he was always more active than I was. Sorry for the confusion. :P


Laying the Beatdown
Kamui, Amaya, Ammy
YEP! Count me in this club, Vincent is my favorite character ever!

[ame=""]YouTube - FF VII Skit - Otaku Mex 2008[/ame] Okay so let me explain this, I forced my mom to do a skit with me at our first ever con. We did a pretty good job but the Vincent outfit needs a new wig, and my Zack outfit needs the rib guard. Overall though I like my new Vincent claw.

(Yes this is totally embarrassing for me, but I'm among friends)

Maybe I'll link some of my AMVs of Vincent here. ^_^

And lastly, hi my family! I missed my Ravy and Ari! *glomps*



Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Okay, please help me out.

I have as in:


I am not sure about:


Forgive me, Fire and Cthulhu, and please don't get too upset with me. I just need to know absolutely if you want to be listed as members. :)


~The Other Side of Fear~
I never finished DoC but I can safely say I never likely will either. So I feel sad missing out on that bit of plotline/plotholes that it presented. I might see some of the youtube vidz to get in the loop about it, since the videos were the only thing in the game I actually liked.

That all said, Vincent just strikes me as a character with many levels to him. I loved his Turk personality, I love Turks in general, and what I like to know is more about who he was when he was a Turk and what lead him to that kind of life.

Not everyone's cut out to be Turk, so how exactly did Vincent end up as one?


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Welcome back, Mako, Kamui. :) And that avi from Persona4, or am I mistaken?

@Daryl: you probably already know this, but if you want to read the English version script of Dirge, here's the gamefaqs version:

As to what lead to him becoming a Turk...well, that's something that S-E seem to be (perversely) happy to leave to our imaginations. Personally, I'm half of the opinion that it was in part to spite Grimoire.

From what we see of him in DC, it seems that personality-wise he wasn't much different from the Vincent that joins your party in VII - perhaps a little more naive and confident. Like Shelke says in one scene, "As old as he is, and still acting like a helpless child. I can see why Lucrecia had such a difficult time."

...I'm going off at a tangent. Sorry. :) Anyway, it's all speculation. But it does make a good starting point for a discussion.

Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
It's been said somewhere that Vincent was extremely skilled with a gun even when he was a Turk, so clearly he already possessed the skill to be one.

I don't know if his becoming a Turk was in spite of his father—it may have been because of him. It seems likely to me that if Grimoire was already in relatively high standing with ShinRa, the best company to work for at that time, he could have helped Vincent get the job (especially since Vincent already had a lot of skill as a gunman).
This picture shows a rather sweet take on how he may have become such a stellar gunslinger. ^_^ Though nothing ever indicates that Grimoire may have been handy with a gun himself. I suppose how Vincent got into it will always be a mystery.


Laying the Beatdown
Kamui, Amaya, Ammy
I suspect that the main reason that Vincent joined the Turks was because he wanted to be different than his father. See children always want to be different than their parents. I think Vincent and I sort of had the same pathway, parent(s) were scientists, we were never that good at it. Didn't mean we were smart, just meant that wasn't the forte. So he chose to go into the Turks, because his father probably left him a massive shadow as a well known (probably wealthy and well to do) scientist. He wanted to get out of that shadow, and that was found with the Turks. My way was writing, speaking of which I wrote my first totally original NaNoWriMo if anyone wants to read. *end shameless plug*

As far as how he learned to shoot, I suspect someone in the family knew. After all learning how to fight is a lot of fun. He probably felt some sort of comfort in the ability to get away from the academic light and get into the martial arts world. Which is a lot of fun.

I really wish someone would put up a video of the training level in DoC, I need more Turk clips for an AMV. >.<


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
The game manuals state that Vincent is a 'stern and upright man.' This means that he's serious, strict and also moral.

I don't believe that Vincent would have all-of-a-sudden become that, of course what was done to him was quite life altering, and could have instilled a better sense of right from wrong regarding everything, spur of the moment.

Since we were priveledged to view a little of Grimoire Valentine in Dirge of Cerberus, that Vincent was instilled a great sense of morality from birth. When he approached Lucrecia to introduce himself, he had an air of innocence about him. In the garden, he just carried this naitivity about him. I cannot believe he ever would hurt someone without just means; granted, I could see that sense of justice being easily swayed due to a possible sheltered life.

I cannot see Vincent Valentine being someone who would agree to do what is not right, not without great just cause; as well, I cannot see Vincent being one who'd be associated with people who did wrong, going back to the sheltered life theory that I proposed. Of course, I cannot prove a sheltered life, and what I consider as innocence and naitivity may truly be deceiving.

Personally, I wonder if Kamui is on the right track: Vincent was in a state of rebellion. As we're all very well aware of, as Grimoire drifted off in death, he mentioned apologizing to Vincent. Again, I cannot prove anything, but I do wonder if Vincent's 'Turk'hood was the cause of whatever needed to be apologized for. (Whatever it was seemed to have always been on Grimoire's mind.)

As well, 'cause I am sort of living proof, for some, being sheltered from the unknown only increases the delight in pursuing that. It's not wise, but it is in some people's nature to be curious to a fault. Also, a structured and rigid atmosphere is as bad for someone as a totally chaotic atmosphere, on a constant basis.

Perhaps these make the case with Vincent.

Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
It's also entirely possible that the Turks simply weren't as corrupt then as they were decades later. Veld didn't seem to be a bad man who would delight in murder, either, yet he also worked with Vincent in those times, as we learn in BC. Perhaps, circa Jenova Project, they were more like the secret service and CIA, and as ShinRa itself became more powerful and corrupt, so did its agents.

Of course, on the other side of the coin, we can clearly see that ShinRa's scientists were already pretty corrupt.


Laying the Beatdown
Kamui, Amaya, Ammy
Random note: Was Hojo ever not corrupt? :P *kills Hojo*

Okay now that that's out of my system. I think that the Turks were more like the CIA back in the olden days, because he was sent to protect the people at the mansion. Then that kinda fell apart. I always suspected that it was his "disappearance" that played a role in the restructuring of the Turks. Because if one of your top agents goes missing and never shows up again then you're liable to restructure the organization to prevent things like that. Then as was stated, as Shin-Ra gained more power, rivals who wanted to take them down emerged. So it was only natural that they became the ninja side of the company.

Hmm, I wonder if he did harbor some sort of regret about his father. He didn't blame Lucrecia for his father's death, but I wonder if he blamed his father to some extent for causing Lucrecia to leave due to the guilt she harbored.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
[quote author=KamuiKeyblade link=topic=221.msg6513#msg6513 date=1231347481]
Random note: Was Hojo ever not corrupt? :P *kills Hojo*[/quote]

I'm not standing up for his attrocities, but - Hojo was very, very, very mentally unstable and ill. :(


Moogle Hunter
VictoriaValentine, SirYab
Yesh Hojo definitly be of the phychos! As for Vin's fasha I wish that dirge actually PUT them in a scene together so we would at least get a itty bitty view of their relationship. Can't really say if Vincent is pissed at his dad or anything but I can't see why he would be, it's not like he can say "DAMN YOU DAD WHY DID YOU SAVE HER NOW I CAN'T HOOK UP WITH HER CAUSE SHE'S GUILTY!!" Although that would be a funny concept =D
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