SPOILERS Character Deaths in Future FF7:R (*Open Spoilers*)


Lv. 1 Adventurer
Hello everyone. I'm sure everyone has their own ideas on who should live and die in the future FF7 Remake games. Personally, I think since they have said that things are now in flux they should kill at least one classic playable character just to try to recapture the surprise element present in FF7. I understand if people would prefer everyone to live or to just keep the deaths the exact same. But this topic is on who I think should die in FF7: Remake games. I should note these deaths are based on what I think would be most touching and tragic and not based on a dislike of any character. This is just what I would do if I were working on the game.

I think either Cid or Barret are the best picks of characters to die. It is useless to kill off potentially skippable characters with Vincent or Yuffie. Killing off Tifa would be too obvious a switch from Aerith and if they killed off Aerith as well then they would destroy the entire female portion of the cast. Red XIII could have a sad death but I don't think he is a great pick because Red's biological family is already dead and his love interest came in the ending of the classic FF7. Cait Sith has already died before and killing Reeve would probably just make Cait Sith haters celebrate.

Barret being killed off would be sad because not only is he a beloved character but he is the adopted Father of Marlene. All of the most heartbreaking deaths leave a family or lover mourning. With Marlene to lose not just her biological parents but Barret too is just a total gut-punch. Barret is probably the second most spiritual character in the game, with Aerith obviously being the first. A scene where a dying Barret tells the party to look after Marlene and says he is going to go see Dyne would be incredibly moving.

Then there is Cid. Cid has his dysfunctional relationship with Shera. I'm thinking a dying Cid could apologize to Shera after saving her from an attack and thank her for everything as he takes the final puff of his cigarette and expires. It would be both a redemption arc and a tragic death in one. It could be reminiscent of the death of Wolfwood in Trigun.

On to the inevitable, to kill off Aerith or not to? I don't think Aerith needs to die in the sense that it hypes up Sephiroth as a threat or makes you hate him. Sephiroth already burnt Clouds home town and is considered one of the most iconic villains in gaming. So why kill off Aerith? Well even accounting for the new timeline I still think it needs to happen. It is considered canon in the Compilation timeline (and pretty overtly hinted in the original) that Aerith lead the Lifeforce to help fight Meteor and it combined with Holy saved the planet. If we assume that the planet can't pull this feat off without Aerith being dead then she has to die or else everyone dies. So Aerith knows she has to die. I would have Aerith die closer to the 3/4ths portion of the game after Barret or Cid has already died and people are beginning to think Aerith will be spared by the adaption. This time the death should completely be her choice (not necessarily a complete suicide but she embraces it). This also shows why Fate was trying to enforce things on the players in the Remake. Also if by some timeline shenanigans Zack joins the party he would add another mourner into the mix.

So what do you all think? Should any of these characters die, someone ?lse should die, or this should be the ideal timeline where all the major players live.


Save your valediction (she/her)
I think the creators have a mind to still market AC/C as a direct sequel to both FF7 and FF7R, despite the fact that they are two very different universes. For that reason, I think Aeris and Zack will remain dead, no one else who appears alive in AC/C will die (except perhaps Mog), and the images from AC/Cs opening montage will remain in tact.

Of course, seeing how obstinately contrarian FF7R's writers were with Part 1, it's just a fool's hope that they'll decide to start showing some "respect for the original."


Noooo Mog will live!


Throwback to OG prominent ending theory, Nanaki lives. This time joined by Vincent and Reeve, maybe Yuffie. Everyone else is a goner. Not sure on supporting cast yet.


Pro Adventurer
ex-soldier boy
I think the creators have a mind to still market AC/C as a direct sequel to both FF7 and FF7R, despite the fact that they are two very different universes. For that reason, I think Aeris and Zack will remain dead, no one else who appears alive in AC/C will die (except perhaps Mog), and the images from AC/Cs opening montage will remain in tact.

Of course, seeing how obstinately contrarian FF7R's writers were with Part 1, it's just a fool's hope that they'll decide to start showing some "respect for the original."
Well, they were very faithful to 90% of it. I would even call it more than just hope. The probability of it isnt exactly small.

I would even go as far to say making these conenctions to the prequels and sequels are a correction. They were planned after the original's release, and because of that, sometimes it doesnt really add up with the OG.


Pro Adventurer
Of course, seeing how obstinately contrarian FF7R's writers were with Part 1, it's just a fool's hope that they'll decide to start showing some "respect for the original."

Oh, come on now. I didn't love every narrative decision that they made in Remake, but so much of what this game is wouldn't be possible if they didn't have a deep respect for the characters and the world that they created.


Pro Adventurer
I'm of the opinion that killing Aerith again just wouldn't be as dramatic as before especially if it happens in a 1:1 to the original. But then also if it still happens but then happens differently this time its still basically the same thing just with a slight twist this time and I don't think this is something you should rehash like that. There's also the element of if she does die then it'll basically tell the rest of the story as most people playing I assume will know how everything else happens. I'm not on board with the whole everything will still happen just play out differently this time. That's not as exciting to me because its still the same thing but this time you're just left to wonder when and where certain events will happen this time. Will that be as memorable as the og7 game? I think the idea of a sequel and a remake is way more exciting because it puts everything on the table and preserves that anticipation of what happens next rather than just waiting to see the old game played out in better graphics but also with some twists this time. I think FF7R should have its own unique story. If it isn't different this time then honestly I think they should've just done a remaster and not bothered with the whole plot ghosts and will of the planet stuff at the end.


Pro Adventurer
I forgot to mention also I don't like the idea of false hope being used for anything going forward. It would be a jab at people who wanted to have certain characters have a different fate this time and I don't think it would be received well. Its just another way to retell the old but try to throw you off but still has the same ending.


Pro Adventurer
I think every death that happened in the original will necessarily happen in the Remake, only the timing and circumstances may be altered. In some cases it will simply be a matter of prolonging a character's life to expand their role and make it more impactful, in others it will be done to play with the expectations of veteran players and create entirely new moments of hope and heartache, while still delivering on the key story beats.

For example, take Avalanche. In the original they were only barely realized, and their deaths were only momentarily impactful to the player, more a plot device to fuel character motivation than a point of true emotional impact for the player. Now that the characters have been more fully realized, their deaths will be more impactful, but at the same time it would be a shame to kill them all off so unceremoniously now that players have developed an attachment to them. Especially since there are three of them; why kill off all three at the same time, when you can tell a more deeply tragic tale over time?


Higher Further Faster
My thought is this: killing Aerith could come at the end of an installment. But you wouldn't want to kill her off before fighting the final boss. That's why I think they could do a fake out and have her survive what would have been the way it goes in the original game, have a final boss fight against Jenova, then after that's all over and everyone is celebrating, Sephiroth stabs her in the back out if nowhere.

Give people that hope then promptly take it away. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
My thought is this: killing Aerith could come at the end of an installment. But you wouldn't want to kill her off before fighting the final boss. That's why I think they could do a fake out and have her survive what would have been the way it goes in the original game, have a final boss fight against Jenova, then after that's all over and everyone is celebrating, Sephiroth stabs her in the back out if nowhere.

Give people that hope then promptly take it away. :monster:

I don't think the false hope thing would go well. If they're going to try to redo her death then the same elements would have to be present for it to go in line with the og story and false hope of her living had nothing to do with it. "Surprise! She still dies it just happened at a different moment in remake" just seems like an easy and simple way to try to pull it off again and try to have it leave as much of an impact as it did before which I don't see working out too well.


Kaiju Member
I don't think the false hope thing would go well. If they're going to try to redo her death then the same elements would have to be present for it to go in line with the og story and false hope of her living had nothing to do with it. "Surprise! She still dies it just happened at a different moment in remake" just seems like an easy and simple way to try to pull it off again and try to have it leave as much of an impact as it did before which I don't see working out too well.
Maybe, but one man's "bait-and-switch" can be another man's "shocking twist".
I'm still chuckling over the fact that they did to Barret what millions of fans only wished they'd done to Aerith in the OG:

- stabbed in a surprise attack by Sephiroth (but from the front this time)
- no time to mourn or even recover from the shock, because we're flung straight into a boss battle with Jenova
- victory in the boss battle! We turn around and
- Miracle! Barret's not dead! He's healed!

Fate won't heal Aerith, though.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
As horrible as this sounds, I want SE to keep Aerith's death. If that's not done, then they ruined the whole thing. The complete story is hinged on her death. So yeah, Aerith has to die.

Also, I personally found Cait Sith #1's death to be sad. I think his death is negotiable, but I rather see them keep it then not. Again, it's a plot point that's important.

All I can say is... these games are going to be heart string pullers.


Higher Further Faster
I don't think the false hope thing would go well. If they're going to try to redo her death then the same elements would have to be present for it to go in line with the og story and false hope of her living had nothing to do with it. "Surprise! She still dies it just happened at a different moment in remake" just seems like an easy and simple way to try to pull it off again and try to have it leave as much of an impact as it did before which I don't see working out too well.

Maybe, but idk, I'd find it kind of funny tbh :monster:

Castiel Strife

Pro Adventurer
Here’s what they’ll do to really eff with our minds. Zach ends up being alive, so they kill Cloud and the Cloud in AC is actually just Zach who has assumed Cloud’s identity. There. Mind blown. O_O

But on a serious note, I hope they just keep it the same and have Aerith’s death with perhaps a slight twist. Maybe Sephiroth misses or Cloud pushes her away or what have you, and then you fight Sephiroth and you think you’ve won but he sneaks up behind her and stabs her right through the chest. I always thought that would be an okay way to do it. Maybe it’s false hope, but it’s just too big of a death to completely remove, and honestly even to replace. I could see them killing Tifa instead but... I just don’t know how I’d feel about that.

Adding a death makes more sense than taking one away, but I do agree with a poster above me who talked about them still wanting to be able to market AC. Are they just going to completely disregard that? It’s possible, but I don’t know. I’m hoping that this remake will make them want to continue the story with a sequel game, even if they don’t kill anyone else off in this game there could be a surprise death in a later installment, maybe after the events of AC.


Double Growth
- stabbed in a surprise attack by Sephiroth (but from the front this time)
- no time to mourn or even recover from the shock, because we're flung straight into a boss battle with Jenova
- victory in the boss battle! We turn around and
- Miracle! Barret's not dead! He's healed!.

One difference being that he was clearly being healed even before the boss battle started.

Personally I would much prefer if they maintained the boss battle immediately after her death, whenever it happens, especially if they keep using the sad music for it. But that does sound unlikely.


Kaiju Member
I was a bit puzzled as to whether he was being healed or not healed before the battle; the party look surprised and delighted to find him alive afterwards. But eh, it's not a big deal.
Well the party probably didn’t know what was happening, all they saw were ghosts catching Barret and starting to blow magical dust into his chest. But to any genre-savvy player, they could probably figure out he was being healed.


Pro Adventurer
Here’s what they’ll do to really eff with our minds. Zach ends up being alive, so they kill Cloud and the Cloud in AC is actually just Zach who has assumed Cloud’s identity. There. Mind blown. O_O

But on a serious note, I hope they just keep it the same and have Aerith’s death with perhaps a slight twist. Maybe Sephiroth misses or Cloud pushes her away or what have you, and then you fight Sephiroth and you think you’ve won but he sneaks up behind her and stabs her right through the chest. I always thought that would be an okay way to do it. Maybe it’s false hope, but it’s just too big of a death to completely remove, and honestly even to replace. I could see them killing Tifa instead but... I just don’t know how I’d feel about that.

Adding a death makes more sense than taking one away, but I do agree with a poster above me who talked about them still wanting to be able to market AC. Are they just going to completely disregard that? It’s possible, but I don’t know. I’m hoping that this remake will make them want to continue the story with a sequel game, even if they don’t kill anyone else off in this game there could be a surprise death in a later installment, maybe after the events of AC.

It just really seems not in the interest of Sephiroth to do the same thing this time around if we're dealing with a Sephiroth that knows what happened before. If FF7R is a sequel and a remake then anything is on the table. I don't think rehashing an iconic scene like that would play out the same emotionally in a sequel remake setting. In a remaster setting it would make more sense but because we have plot ghosts, whisper harbinger, the ff7r ending and Aerith acting VERY different this time than before that anything could happen now. The question is, what will they do if Aerith doesn't die? I think that could be the challenge they take up this time. It all depends if they want everything to play out the same way it did in OG7. In that case, then all you can really do to have the same stuff happen but it be different this time is just to mix up when and where things happen. To me that is not very exciting and certainly not worth the wait. I hope they are very bold with this and as long as they present it well anything can be well received.
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