Characters you want in Dissidia


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Sam Vimes said:
Dash - as long as he is moving across the ground, Neku automatically dodges all attacks.

'All' is too much. 50% chance of auto dodge. That or it dodges him into air, making him vulnerably to follow up unless the player pays attention.

And Quex, you VERY missed the point of the thread, since PLAYSTYLES AND MOVELISTS is the basic point.
Brainstorming, that's the ticket!
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"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Hmm... OK, say we rephrase it to:

Dash - while Quickmoving, Neku automatically dodges all attacks. Each dodge interrupts the Quickmove.

As with my previous Hanekoma move list, I'm trying to represent a part of TWEWY's own gameplay. There, the only way for Neku to dodge was to dash across the screen. ...Actually, we could stretch it to saying that Neku can only dodge while moving in EX-Mode, and he doesn't otherwise learn the abilities to dodge attacks. (And that "only" was italicised in my thoughts. Such people need watching. Preferably from a safe distance.)

Below, a move set for Sho Minamimoto, another The World Ends With You character, and thus the discord to Neku's harmony. :)



Grim Heaper - a Master of mathematics and modern art. (It’s x 2) DIE!

A note on Minamimoto’s HP attacks and EX-gauge: Minamimoto doesn’t use ordinary HP attacks. Instead, he summons Taboo Noise to fight on his behalf. When summoned, a Taboo Noise will appear at roughly the midway-point between Minamimoto and his opponent. Minamimoto may only summon ONE Noise at a time - when he tries to summon another Noise, the current Noise is destroyed.

Minamimoto may dismiss any Noise at any time after fifty seconds have passed since it was summoned. To dismiss a Noise, Minamimoto just has to press the button/combo used to summon it. Dismissing a Noise fills Minamimoto’s EX-gauge by 1/8th - this is the only way other than EX-Cores that Minamimoto can fill his EX-gauge (i.e., he cannot collect raw EX-Force). Trying to dismiss a Taboo Noise before fifty seconds have passed will destroy it, gaining Minamimoto no EX-Force.

Taboo Noise can be targeted by the foe - each is presumed to have a HP value equal to the enemy’s base Bravery value.

Sine! - close - Minamimoto kicks out at the enemy.
Cosine! - close - Minamimoto throws a punch at the foe. Added effect: chase.
Tangent! - mid - Minamimoto releases an orb of darkness. Added effect: wall rush.

Hectopascal - close - Minamimoto elbows the enemy back to earth. Added effect: wall rush.
CRUNCH! - close - Minamimoto uses his knee on the opponent .
SOHCAHTOA - mid - Minamimoto teleports away from the foe (no damage).

Summon Choir Frog - N/A - summons a Taboo Frog Noise to harass the enemy. Blows bubbles from a distance.
Summon Grunge Wolf - N/A - summons a Taboo Wolf Noise to harass the enemy. Repeatedly dashes at the foe.
Summon Wall of Grizzly - N/A - summons a Taboo Grizzly Noise to harass the enemy. Makes slow swipes at the foe.

Summon Death Metal Mink - N/A - summons a Taboo Mink Noise to harass the enemy. Creates whirlwinds from a distance.
Summon Eurobeat Boomer - N/A - summons a Taboo Boomer Noise to harass the enemy. Repeatedly leaps into the air to fall upon the foe.
Summon Neoclassical Drake - N/A - summons a Taboo Drake Noise to harass the enemy. Burns the foe from afar with gouts of flame.

EX-Mode: Taboo Sigil
Minamimoto reincarnates himself from Reaper officer to Taboo Noise!

EX-Mode effects:

Sacrifice - dismissing Taboo Noise in EX-Mode recovers HP instead of filling the EX-Gauge.

So Zetta Slow - Minamimoto receives a speed boost in EX-Mode.

Leo Cantus - range: self. Minamimoto turns into an anthropomorphic lion Taboo Noise, dashes at the foe and swipes once. Auto-breaks the opponent's Bravery if it hits. Using this attack drains half of the EX-Gauge (that is, it works along the same lines as e.g., Sephiroth’s Heartless Angel).


Lv. i Flare - a flare attack that strikes all of imaginable reality. (Circle gauge)


Lv. 1 Adventurer
Yeahhh ima have to go with Lightning =D

Paradigm Shift: Switch between l'Cie commando and ravagers role.

Ground Brave Attacks:
Powerchain: Hits using Lightnings experimental saber

Ruin: Casts a quick non-elemental magic spell with small localized explosions
-chain to HP attack Ruinga- Creates a massive Non-Elemental magic spell

Blitz: A physical area attack that hits in a 360 degree radius
-switches to Ravager: Ravage: A wider form of blitz dealing magical damage.

Launch: Sends the enemy into the air initiating chase sequence.
-Switches to HP Attack: Smite: Sends the enemy crashing into the ground.

Air Brave attacks:

Attack: Using Lightnings blade, slashes the enemy with quick succession
-Switches to HP attack: Smite: Sends the enemy crashing into the ground.

HP Attacks:
HP both Air and Ground-
Thundaga- (switches to ravager)An explosion of static electricity rains down upon the enemy.
Scorge: Shoots a massive amount of energy from her guns cannon

EX MODE: Paradigm Merge
Crystarium Expanded: All attacks radius increases
Enthunder: All physical attacks hit in a cone range
Army of one: Using R2 and Square Lightning Dashes at the enemy to unleash a flurry of attacks raises brave by double lowers the amount of brave damage the enemy takes by half
Omega Weapon: All attacks hit two more times

EX Burst: Summon Odin (Gestalt mode)
Zanzetsuken Cleaves the enemy in half
(Perfect leaves surviving victims in break status)


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Since Duodecim's coming out, It's time to revive this thread with characters you might want in the sequel!

Remember, basic style, EX mode, and EX burst, at minimum, are desired.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Ryu: are we allowed to make up movesets for characters from other developers, who would (therefore) never actually make it into Dissidia? I know I've done WEWY characters, and they're unlikely to be included, but WEWY is still a SE game.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Even if I were to add a poll, it'd be friggin gigantic. I think 'posting character concepts of chars you want in the game' works best.


wangxian married

If Princess Zelda and Princess Peach could fuck your shit up in SSB, then Square should also have enough imagination for the chicks with the chakram, dual pistols, endless materia/GOD MODE, and the power to summon the god of the underworld to hold their own.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Zee- We aren't against Casters here. I've been meaning to make Rogue for awhile.

Rouge- Hailing from Saga Frontier, Rouge is not one of the main characters you can start the game with, but he one you can finish it as. The 'good twin' between him and his Brother Blue, the two sought, independently, to collectively master all the magic of the world. Succeeding at this, the two brothers fought to the death and their souls merged to one, creating a master magi. Afterwards, Rouge descended to hell and destroyed its lord in retribution for their destruction of his homeland.
Now Rouge finds himself once again a separate being from his Brother Blue, and faces him on the field of battle once more.

Rouge's title is Magician of the Realm. He is based on a mixture of offensive, support, and trap spells. He learns Magic from the Shadow, Realm, Tarot, and Space domains of magic. He gains access to Light, Mystic, Rune, and Time in his EX mode 'Master Magician'
His EX burst is Overdrive, the ultimate Time magic spell, and there are several 'correct' paths, but the correct starting move has to be Shadow Servant and the correct ending move has to be Stasis Rune, with at least one case of Tower in between.

He will either have an R+Square move that grants him reraise status, or a stock of reraises and r+Square will switch him between Rogue and Blue and their moveset, though that might be too complicated even with the spiffy magic combos I envision.

Yes, I'm aware of the irony of the Warrior of Cosmos, of Light, getting the shadow magic. S'why I did it.
His Manikin is the Counterfeit Caster. Blue's is Casting Counterfeit. Blues's title is Realm Magician.

Rouge's big hitters are
Shadow Servant- adds extra hits to a combo, and will take one hit for Rogue (Doesn't help him much with combos, natch, but damn useful for stuff like Chaos)
Tower- Ludicrously powerful Tarot magic, nearly inescapable thunder strikes down from the sky. Does 1.5 BR damage. Puts Blue into Break status if it hits or not.
Psychic Prison- A ranged attack, can't be blocked. If it hits, enemy can't attack for next few seconds or they take Br dam (Maybe dam based on type of move used) as 'Backfire' hits them
Vaporblast- Another Long range, multihit attack.
Short range, good chance of stun. At mastery, can cause repeat stun
Vermillion Sane- AOE, good combo. HP damage.
LifeWave- Funfun Giant glowy spear attack. Rush.

There's a lot more spells he can use, but those will do for now.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Right, I'm going to do another few movesets for BlazBlue characters, so this is just the first. I'm also doing an outline/rough script for a D.O. story for Ragna.

The question mark next to the affiliation is due to something I'm going to bring into the D.O. story - namely, that the BB characters (Ragna and Jin, primarily) both claim to be on the side of Harmony, but both disbelieve the other.


Origin: BlazBlue
Affiliation: Harmony?

[Grim Reaper]
Bearing the title of a forgotten hero, he has the highest bounty on record.

Uppercut - close - Ragna executes an uppercut. Good vs. aerial attacks.
Straight Punch - close - Ragna hits straight out.
Not Over Yet [ground] - close - Ragna doesn’t back down. Good vs. opponents on floor.

Axe Kick - close - Ragna lashes out with his leg.
Spin Kick - close - Ragna kicks with all his might. Added effect: wall rush.
Not Over Yet [air] - close - Ragna doesn’t let up. Added effect: chase.

Death Spike - long - summons a blade of darkness from the ground.
Hell’s Fang - mid - Ragna executes a diving punch towards the enemy. Added effect: chase.
Devoured by Darkness - close - Ragna grabs the foe with a monstrously deformed arm. Added effect: HP Drain, Distortion Drive.

Inferno Divider - mid - Ragna cuts at the air with a blade of darkness.
Gauntlet Hades - close - Ragna’s fist becomes wreathed with darkness. Added effect: chase.
Carnage Scissors - close - Ragna swings his blade twice. Added effect: wall rush, Distortion Drive.

EX-MODE: Azure Grimoire
Ragna creates a Dimensional Interference Field and unleashes the power of the Azure Grimoire.

Blood Kain - Ragna’s health slowly decreases while in EX-Mode.

Soul Eater - all of Ragna’s HP attacks gain the HP Drain added effect while in EX-Mode (½ damage caused restored).

EX-BURST: Black Onslaught
Ragna’s sword transforms into an enormous scythe. Each strike envelops Ragna in greater shadow, until his form is indistinct…

Distortion Finish! - AP:50 - defeating a foe with an attack with the Distortion Drive effect gains the same EXP bonus as defeating them with an EX-Burst.

Unlimited - AP:120 - places the character in EX-Mode at the beginning of the match.

“This’ll sting.” - any attack.
“Shatter!” - any Brave attack.
“Outta my way!” - any HP attack.
“Not bad.” - when his attack is countered.
“Seriously?” - when hit by Brave attack.
“Nice shot.” - when hit by HP attack.
“It’s not over yet…” - using Not Over Yet, ground or aerial.
“Death Spike!” - using Death Spike.
“Let darkness consume you…!” - using Devoured by Darkness.
“Inferno Divider!” - using Inferno Divider.
“Gauntlet…HADES!” - using Gauntlet Hades.
“Carnage…Scissors!” - using Carnage Scissors.
“Unleashing Armagus!” / “Blood Kain!” / “Blaze Blue.” / “Releasing restriction #666...” - entering EX-Mode.
“I’ll show you there’s no hell… only darkness.” - using Black Onslaught.
“Hey, you. Get out of my way.” - win quote.
“Loser!” - win quote.
“Damn you all…” - lose quote.

Vs. Warrior of Light: “Don’t come over all high and mighty with me!”
Vs. Garland: “Shut up about fate and meet your own.”
Vs. Firion: “Roses, huh? I know someone who grows ‘em.”
Vs. Emperor: “Tch. What a poser…”
Vs. Onion Knight: “I‘m not into beating up kids.”
Vs. Cloud of Darkness: “You’re not… a ghost, right?”
Vs. Cecil: “Don’t let your darkness consume you.”
Vs. Golbez: “I don’t think it’s too late for you…”
Vs. Bartz: “Do you ever sit still?”
Vs. Ex-Death: “I’ll send you to the Boundary!”
Vs. Terra: “What did I do to make a lady want to kill me?”
Vs. Kefka: “Will…you…stop…LAUGHING?!”
Vs. Cloud: “You have a promise to keep, too, right?”
Vs. Sephiroth: “I‘ve had enough of puppet shows.”
Vs. Squall: “Oh, great. A vigilante.”
Vs. Ultimecia: “I’ve done this too many times for you to turn back the clock.”
Vs. Zidane: “Uh… are you from the Kaka clan?”
Vs. Kuja: “Uh… that’s an…interesting outfit ya got there.”
Vs. Tidus: “OK, if you wanna make this a game…”
Vs. Jecht: “OK, old man. Let’s do this.”
Vs. Shantotto: “Don’t expect me to underestimate you.”
Vs. Gabranth: “I have authority problems.”

Opening 1 - “I've got a ton of questions for you.”
Win 1 - “Shut up and stay down.”
Win 2 - “Why the hell am I so soft with him!?”
Lose 1 - “How... How did I you...!”
Lose 2 - “No… not again…”
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu

Rouge's title is Magician of the Realm. He is based on a mixture of offensive, support, and trap spells. He learns Magic from the Shadow, Realm, Tarot, Mind and Space domains of magic. He gains access to Light, Mystic, Rune, Evil, and Time in his EX mode.
EX mode: Master Magician
EX burst: Overdrive, the ultimate Time magic spell. It has several 'correct' paths, but the correct starting move has to be Shadow Servant and the correct ending move has to be Stasis Rune, with at least one cast of Tower in between. Properly does a 20 hit combo. A 'failure' does as many hits as it can, but drops Rouge into a ludicrous break status that reviva doesn't help and which takes an exhorbitantly long time to recover from.

Attacks BR
Energy Chain- long range, linear, no track, high propagation. Starting Br move. Has no Blue equivalent.
Vaporblast- Another Short range, multihit attack, good chance of stun. At mastery, can cause repeat stun. Fake BtoHP's with lifespear.
Shadow Servant- adds extra hits to a combo, and will take one hit for Rogue (Doesn't help him much with combos, natch, but damn useful for stuff like Chaos) [Technically a Brave attack]
Psychic Prison- A ranged attack, can't be blocked. If it hits, enemy can't attack for next few seconds or they take Br dam (Maybe dam based on type of move used) as 'Backfire' hits them. Long range attack, instant fire, slow propagation, strong tracking. Works best at short range.
Fool- Either Rouge or Foe's BR will quickly sap for a period.

Vermillion Sand- AOE, draw in. HP. Like Golbez's rock.
Reverse Gravity- short AOE, unblockable, dodgeable. Rouge alters the rules of gravity in a local area, causing the enemy to fly away from him taking damage. Wall rush, chase.
LifeWave- Short range spear attack. HP dam. Wall Rush. Also a from brave move.
Darksphere- Long Range ball of darkness. Slow propagation, high seek. Cecil's move but doing HPdam instead.
Tower- Ludicrously powerful Tarot magic, nearly inescapable thunder strikes down from the sky. Does 1.5 BR damage. Puts Blue into Break status if it hits or not. HP attack.

Moves gained in EX mode/ Blue's moves.

Stasis Rune- Neither Rouge nor Opponent's BRV can change for an extended time. If fails, instant break for Rogue. Altermove of Fool.
Lightsword- Very HIGH Bdam, short range, instant, chase, wall rush. Altermove of Shadow Servant. Fake BtoHP's into Megawindstorm Altermove of Shadowservant
Chaoststream- Highly random Brdam effects. Long range. Extreme track til last second, can be dodged and blocked. Chance of control reverse. altermove of Vaporblast
Phantasm Shot- Random side effects depending on the phantasm. Better than average chance of each, random selection based on mag stat. Altermove of Psyprison
[Black Cat- short term reverse direction effect]
[Nightmare- very short term stun effect]
[Jackal- takes additional brave damage over time]
[Cockatrice- Low chance of instant break]
[Reaper-Higher chance of instant break]

Megawindblast- AOE, Blockable, not dodgeable. Altermove of Dark Sphere
Shield Rune- HP counter attack against any ability with the range descriptor. Altermove of Tower
Time Eclipse- Autotargets foe, who must dodge at right time. If hits, deals high Brdam with chance of instant break. Altermove of Reverse Gravity.
Ravashot- 3 HP attacks at 1/3 total Brave each. Each has break chance on enemmy. Long range. Altermove of Lifewave
Mirrorshade- Image of Blue flies out, tries to Kamikaze enemy. Long range, fast, high track, block, dodge. Altermove of Vermillion Sand.

EX effects- Unison Soul- Rouge gets access to counterpart versions of Blue's spell.
Soul Rune- All of Rouge's stats increase while in EX mode, but there's a long period after his EX mode ends where all his stats suffer a penalty.

R+ Square- Reviva- Puts Reraise status on Rouge, so he instantly raises from Break status. Very quick firing. Last casting will remain even if EX mode ends.

Battle Quotes
"Energy chain!" Energy chain.
"Kyrin's gift!" Vaporblast
"Power of the realm!" Vermillion Sand
"Your power against you!" Psychic Prison
"HIYA!" Lifewave
"Darkness consume you" Dark Sphere
"Shadow, to me" Shadow Servant
"Be crushed!" Reverse gravity
"It tolls!" Tower
"Fool!/ Moron!/ Idiot!/ etc." Fool
"The soul of a Master Magician" EX activation
"The secret magic, REVIVA!" Reviva, natch.
"I shall win at my liesure. Overdrive!" Overdrive. During the EX, he just calls out the attack names save Stasis Rune, which he has

a special statement for if it is last cast. "Sealed as assuredly as my victory." as the rune begins to glow.

Blue's quotes used for Rouge's use of his spells, and vice versa.

Win quote- I will fight for the sake of the realm, for all realms.
Lose- I'm sorry friends. I cannot return to aid you.
Win- Every battle improves me, makes me readier for the final confrontation.
Lose- Even in a loss, there is something to be gained.

People specific quotes
Vs. Warrior of Light: “Purpose is well and good, but learn to lighten up”
Vs. Garland: "Are you the puppetmaster, or the puppet?"
Vs. Firion: "You also walk the path of constant improvement"
Vs. Emperor: "You are not the first ruler of Hell I have destroyed"
Vs. Onion Knight: "For focusing on both sword and spell, you are master or neither."
Vs. Cloud of Darkness: “Such single minded purpose. You remind me of family”
Vs. Cecil: “You also know true power rises when opposing forces cooperate”
Vs. Golbez: “Lunar magic? Can you grant me the gift?”
Vs. Bartz: “Lute? No, couldn't be.”
Vs. Ex-Death: “The void is no impediment to one with knowledge of Gate”
Vs. Terra: “A half Mystic? I thought there was but one.”
Vs. Kefka: “If you think that's funny, you should see your spells.”
Vs. Cloud: “We must both fight on, for the sake of those still living”
Vs. Sephiroth: “Yes, but can you cut with a mere iron pipe?”
Vs. Squall: “Even when you go it alone, always remember your friends.”
Vs. Ultimecia: “Such a one trick pony.”
Vs. Zidane: “Your birth and mine are much alike.”
Vs. Kuja: “What monster did you absorb to get that barrier?”
Vs. Tidus: “No light magic? So unfitting for that name.”
Vs. Jecht: “Nearly as refined as Gen, but what about your skill?”
Vs. Shantotto: “Riki?”
Vs. Gabranth: “Metal Black?”
Vs. Tifa: "Can you do the Dream Super Combo?"
Vs. Lightning: "Is that an IRPO model you're holding?"
Vs. Kain: "You leap and Dress like Alkaiser, but you lack the hero's surety."
Vs. Chaos: "I have destroyed your ilk before. It shall be child's play to do so again."

Vs Self- It's like a return to Omble, but more better lit!
Vs Blue 1- It doesn't matter, but I intend to win this time too.
Vs Blue 2- Do you get the feeling we're being manipulated this time too?
Win- Once again we are as one.
Lose- (Spoken by Blue) There should be no pride or shame in losing to oneself.
Win (close)- I'm glad you spent so much in Fascinataru, bother.
Lose (close)- (Spoken by Blue) Such power, it is a wonder we were not both destroyed.
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The Wanderer of Time

Aqua's fighting style is "Magical Mistress". Aqua combines Keyblade attacks with close-range magic to create graceful combo attacks, and she moves and attacks at a fair pace. Maximizing Aqua's Brave damage requires the player to properly time the press of the button to continue the attack and do more damage, otherwise the attack ends prematurely.

Brave Attacks

Quick Charge
(Ground) - Leap forward and attack opponent with an overhead strike. Time button press correctly to knock opponent away
Barrier Dash (Ground) - Charge forward cloaked in energy to hit multiple times.
Light Surge (Ground) - Attack with a twirling Keyblade attack. Time button presses to link two more attacks and finish with a powerful blast of magic.
Triple Firaga (Ground) - Fire a fireball at opponent. Time button presses correctly to fire up to two more fireballs.
Mine Shield (Ground) - Charge energy to create crests of energy around Aqua that explode and launch opponent into the air. Charge for radius.
Transcendance (Aerial) - Create an anti-grav field to damage opponent and knock them up into the air.
Magic Hour (Aerial) - Slam down on opponents cloaked in an aura of light. Time button presses to attack up to two more times.
Thundaga Shot (Aerial) - Conjure a lightning bolt to strike opponent. Time button presses correctly to call down up to two more bolts.
Teleport Spike (Aerial) - Create six orbs of light in the air and launch them towards opponent. Time button presses correctly to launch all orbs successfully.

HP Attacks

Magic Pulse (Ground) - A quick, short-ranged spin attack that sends orbs of light into the air around Aqua
Sky Climber (Ground/Aerial) - Enlarge Keyblade and jump on it, then charge forward at high speed to ram opponent. Can hold button to aim at opponent before charging
Prism Rain (Aerial) - Hold button to charge energy, release to fire up to seven beams of color that track opponent.
Ghost Drive (Ground, chains from Mine Shield) - Shoot four spears of light up at opponent, then teleport to attack with Keyblade.

Aqua's EX Mode is Keyblade Master, where she dons her armor (with cape this time) and her Keyblade transforms from the Rainfall to the Stormfall. In her EX Mode Aqua gains the special abilities Spellweaver and Restore Barrier. Spellweaver enchants Aqua's Keyblade with a magical aura to power up her attacks, and Restore Barrier automatically protects Aqua from lesser projectiles and gives her a small increase to her Brave when such projectiles are blocked.

Aqua's EX Burst is Lightbloom. The player must rapidly rotate the analog stick to fill up a power meter as Aqua spins to blast enemies with orbs of light-enchanted water. If the player is able to fill up the meter within the time limit, Aqua finishes the burst by enchanting her Keyblade with an aura of light and dashing past to the opponent to deliver the final strike with her weapon.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu

Blue's title is Realm Magician. He is based on a mixture of offensive, support, and trap spells. He learns Magic from the Light, Mystic, Rune, Evil, and Time domains of magic. He gains access to Shadow, Realm, Tarot, Mind, and Space in his EX mode.
EX mode: Master Magician
EX burst: This will also be Overdrive like Rouge's, and work much the same with different visuals.

Blue's starting Br move is Sun Ray, long range, linear, no track, etc. etc.
Otherwise Blue's move list is the opposite of Rouge's, literally. He gets Rouge's moves in EX mode as Rouge gets his.
As well, Rogue's version of moves have greater range and AOE while Blue has faster casting times (Space v time, natch)

R+ Square- Sacrifice- Eats a small fraction of Blue's HP, but Puts Phoenix Pinion status on Blue, so he converts Brave into HP if he would die. Long casting time. Last casting will remain even if EX mode ends.

Battle Quotes
Sun Ray- Shine!
Stasis Rune- Seal and preserve!
Lightsword- Burning sword!
Chaos stream- Tear yourself apart!
Phantasm Shot- Random, based on cast effect
[Black Cat- short term reverse direction effect] Suffer misfortune!
[Nightmare- very short term stun effect] Quiver in fear!
[Jackal- takes additional brave damage over time] Gnaw at his bones!
[Cockatrice- Low chance of instant break] Petrify and crumble!
[Reaper-Higher chance of instant break] Reaper, strike!

Megawindblast- Cleansing fire!
Shield Rune- A pitiful strike!
Time Eclipse- Time stops its march!
Ravashot- (a Roar)
Mirrorshade- Mirror Shade!

EX effects- Unison Soul- Rouge gets access to counterpart versions of Blue's spell.
Awakening- All of Rouge's stats increase while in EX mode, but he takes increased damage.

Soul Rune has a special statement for if it is cast in an Overdrive. Blue coldly states "Victory preserved forever." as the rune begins to glow.

Win quote- I am getting ready to face him again.
Lose- I am the strongest... how?
Win- Did you think you stood a chance against the man who defeated time?
Lose- I shall return, with stronger magic, and crush you.

People specific quotes
Vs. Warrior of Light: “Light, Dark. It's just a means to an end.”
Vs. Garland: "If I kill you, will I gain control of Chaos?"
Vs. Firion: "Your mindless optimism is infuriating."
Vs. Emperor: "Hell shall not rise again."
Vs. Onion Knight: "Run along, child, this is serious business."
Vs. Cloud of Darkness: "Your devotion is laudable, but your goal meaningless"
Vs. Cecil: “A fool's errand, family.”
Vs. Golbez: “Helping your brother, whatever for?”
Vs. Bartz: "Your lack of focus will be your undoing"
Vs. Ex-Death: "I'm sorry. I just can't take a tree as a serious threat."
Vs. Terra: "We are all alone when it most matters."
Vs. Kefka: "You spells are inelegant, your casting inefficient, and your jokes unfunny"
Vs. Cloud: "Magic cast from trinkets is no magic at all"
Vs. Sephiroth: "You have a spell to destroy a planet and you choose to use a sword? Are you stupid?"
Vs. Squall: “Are you powerful enough to make it on your own?”
Vs. Ultimecia: “You've been replaced.”
Vs. Zidane: "Your chipper attitude reminds me Rouge. It explains why I want to hurt you."
Vs. Kuja: “All style, no substance”
Vs. Tidus: “I have never had a father. What do they matter?”
Vs. Jecht: “No, my friend, I am the best.”
Vs. Shantotto: “Do you honestly think you can teach me?”
Vs. Gabranth: “Do you enjoy being used?”
Vs. Tifa: "Martial arts, so vulgar and inefficient."
Vs. Lightning: "You cannot accomplish your goals if you cannot let go of attachments."
Vs. Kain: "Jumping that high in that armor? I refuse to believe there's no magic involved."
Vs. Chaos: "I've killed a devil, now it's time to kill a god."

Vs Self- Has my likeness turned against me?
Vs Rouge 1- I deserved to win last time and I shall do so now!
Vs Blue 2- Nothing outside our conflict matters right now.
Win- We are one. But correctly, now.
Lose- (Spoken by Rouge) Now do you see your folly, Blue?
Win (close)- If you had given up more to gain more power, it might still be your body we inhabit.
Lose (close)- (Spoken by Rouge) You should have saved us both the trouble and acquiesced, brother.
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Master Vincent Glomper
Noctis... mmm :joy:

But yeah, he's about the only one that comes to mind after it was released that Tifa will be in the next one. Life would be good =)


The Wanderer of Time

Roxas's fighting style is Keyblade Warrior. Roxas uses mid-powered melee combo attacks and long-range magic attacks based on his control over light. This means that, like Terra and Golbez, Roxas is skilled in both long-range and short-range fighting, but he is most proficient at close-range. His attacks are not overly strong, and his HP attacks are slow.

Roxa's first alt costume is his dark robe. His second alt costume is Ventus's attire.

Brave Attacks

Cross Swing (ground)
- Swing Keyblade back and forth twice and cleave up to knock opponent back.
Circle Slice (ground) - Quick short-ranged spin attack the slam opponent away
Cross Combo (ground) - An extended Keyblade combo that hits from all directions.
Light Flash (ground) - A quick dash forward that leaves a plume of light behind you
Light Sweep (ground) - Create a Nobody crest in the air that fires an array of energy beams down and forward in a cone-shaped pattern.
Aerial Upper (aerial) - Charge upwards and slam opponent down
Orbital Slice (aerial) - Charge forward spinning Keyblade horizontally
Slapshot (aerial) - Swing Keyblade left and right to hit multiple times
Light Force (aerial) - Create six Nobody crests in a line forward that fire energy beams to drive the opponent down
Light Barrage (aerial) - Fire five energy orbs that arc up and down.

HP Attacks

Light Pillar (ground) - Create six pillars of light that circle Roxas and fire outwards.
Light Wave (ground) - Slam Keyblade into the ground and send a wave of light energy forward
Event Horizon (ground/aerial) - Charge Keyblade with light energy and charge forward swinging several times
Light Prism (aerial) - Fire a beam of light at opponent to knock them away. Can charge for range.

Roxas's EX Mode is Eternal Memories, where he duals wields the Oathkeeper and Oblivion Keyblades. In his EX Mode Roxas gains the special ability "Synch Blade", which increases the number of hits his melee combos do and boosts the damage he does, greatly increasing the power of his attacks.

Roxas's EX Burst is Magic Hour. Four Nobody symbols appear circling the enemy and light up randomly. The player must tap the Triangle, Circle, Square or X buttons, depending on which crest is highlighted, to bombard the opponent with beams of light. A power meter fills up as the Burst is executed - if the player is able to fill it within the time limit, Roxas finishes the burst by crossing the Oathkeeper and Oblivion over his head and charging pasting the opponent, slashing them in an X-shaped pattern and consuming them in an explosion of light.


The World Changes With You
Kalvanas - DeviantArt
Okay so, if Yuna was to be in the new Dissidia I'd like it to be kind of like this:

Either based from FFX:

Exburst Mode: 'Call of The Aeons' Yuna's final exburst attack - you would see her assembling all of the different staffs used for each Aeon, with a quick image of each aeon as the power travels down each staff and combines them into one mega staff - then she spins the staff as if she's sending someone like in FFX and it deals mega damage...okay so that idea kind of died but still it would look cool

Weapon: well obviously, Staffs x3 I hope they maybe edit the weapons slightly for different ones that you equip - so if she equips a new staff it would look slightly different in game play or something - same with the others but not too different because obviously their weapons are part of who they are

Right, based from FFX2:

Exburst Mode: 'Real Emotion' Yuna's DressSphere Changes from FFX2 would be involved in the Exburst, perhaps if you have to press certain buttons to change into certain Dressspheres and deal damage, then the higher the chain you get the more likely she'll change into her Floral Special Dresssphere from FFX2...

Sorry I don't have much on them but I tried to make it more like what you asked for ^^'
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