It's just the default option, it can be changed *shrug*
There are arguments for and against keeping some sort of time limit in place but please don't imply it's a trust in members thing, that way lies resentment. Members have the ability to edit posts in their own threads which would address the thing you raised and we have had incidences in the past with people editing old posts and putting shit in. It's especially worth considering here because there's a "silent edit" option.
I know that that way is the way of resentment, which is why I brought up that it
feels like us suddenly having a new cap on editing windows after moving without prior consensus or an explanation is a trust thing. Given that I don't think it was something mentioned that'd be present when moving to the new boards in any of the threads (though I could be mistaken), I wanted to be straightforward in how the sudden appearance of a system comes off – not WHY it's actually there. It's why I split that sentence out from everything else.
Either way, it does seem like something that ought to be split out into its own thread, so that people are more aware of that it exists and what the specific functions and merits of it are. That way, it can be discussed in the open and we can reach something that we know everyone's comfortable with.
While we're on the topic, are there any other changes or other configurable feature differences like this that make sense to bring up & discuss?