I've work too, but it's hard to concentrate since I'm missing my woman. >>"
I do but I miss her something fierce.
4 months at the earliest.
LDR and all that. *sighs* But it's worth it. I've never met such a selfless, kind woman. I swear I'm surprised I haven't been pelted with e-tomatoes for all the gushing I do about her. xD
Fixed so that I identify with these posts >;It often starts with a silly little crush.
Yes we have many other means of contact. Text. Email. IM. Phone calls. Letters. Voice and Video call. And indeed it's worth it for a woman of her caliber.
you sad souls.
fuck you.Play nice.
And bring me baked treats, dammit.
Please? ;.;
I know that.
Aren't you going BACK to Ausland later this year/sometime next year, tho?