Chit Chat Thread

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Great Old One
This thread has gone rather strange.

Anyone know Andrew Zimmermen? I saw him eat a tarantula today. :awesomonster:

About to upload the photos and videos from last night. Maybe I'll display some on my picture site.
That's awesome! It must have been great.

What's disappointing is that I mostly filmed 'guitar guy'; Jeff's human sidekick. He appeared before Dunham and pulled some good jokes plus played the guitar quite well; he even played a remix of the Swedish national anthem. You can imagine the crowd going wild from that, although they were already going wild for all the other material.

Funny thing is that before guitar guy showed up a lot of people were eager to see Jeff. So much that whenever the lightning in the building changed some idiots started clapping their hands, believing that our dear ventriloquist would appear. This repeated itself for about 4-5 times. Then when guitar guy appeared he said,
"You'd think we could afford an announcer, huh?"

Other than me and my eldest brother, he was the driver, we didn't see any familiar faces among the (approximately) 6000 other ticket buyers. Seems like the show had sold out just days before.

THEN FAILURE STRIKED! An introductory clip including many of the puppets was played but with an alternating and really annoying sound in the background which made the words completely inaudible. First we thought it was part of the act but then realised that things had indeed gone wrong. The building was silent and dark for a while, but then
Walter (his voice only) confirmed that they were having technical problems.
"As you could tell we were having some technical problems, apparently we have some fuckin' Norwegians running the town here. And if there are any Norwegians here tonight...HAHAHA! ... So sit around, talk your Swedish and listen in English and we'll be out in a little bit." The crowd was SO understanding and clapped endlessly. The atmosphere had NOT been ruined even by a failure such as that. Everyone quickly forgot about it as soon as Jeff Dunham appeared. (Heck, I had almost forgotten it now when writing about this)
And it was GLORIOUS!!

To be continued...
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We have come to terms
You're around more often, Shanks. What up with that?

And why does Joker in avi have knobby chin, but Joker in siggy does not?
Dunham appeared solo for a while and made a lengthy but great masterpiece of a joke about how apparently he and his co-workers accidentally landed their personal jet plane in a military facility. Just wonderful.

Then he took out Walter. (All lines below are Walter's, recalled via a recording I made)
"Oh my lord where the hell are we now?!
The hell is this place? It looks like a giant fuckin' IKEA!!
Did they assemble this place right before we got here?
Obviously the instructions sucked.
Ever see IKEA instructions? ...Why is there a bear building my cabinet?"
Then he does his old joke about the handicap spot and running people over, so Jeff asks if Walter is afraid of the police here.
"Have you seen them during the summer? 'Cops on bicycles'. (*Because as we all know the Swedish police are just a bunch of p***ies) I wonder how they arrest somebody, 'alright, pull it over *ching ching, ching ching*'." ...
"Nah I'm kidding around I love Sweden. It reminds me of the inside of my suit case; cold and dark 80 % of the fuckin' time!" *cheers from the whole crowd* ...
"It's great to be in a place that is known for Hockey and filthy pornography THANK YOU!"
Jeff tells him that Bjorn Borg, the Tennis player, is from Sweden.
"Oh yeah, wasn't he also the blonde chick from ABBA?" *limited laughing, Walter looks at the crowd*
"...I thought that would kill, it got nothing!" *great laughter*
(recording ends)

Later he proceeded with jokes about the Vasa museum; the museum dedicated to the great Swedish ship Vasa which sank on its first voyage about a 100 meters of shore (roughly 380 years ago).
"Oh, so Vasa is Sweden's Titanic?" ...
"Why would you dedicate a museum to a failure?! That's like building a museum for Windows Vista!" *applause*


Great Old One
Darn, that must have been one good helluva show. Wish I had been there. :O

And ABBA? Epic. :3
After Walter came Achmed the dead terrorist. Jeff noted that Achmed has a lot of Swedish fans.
"Oh, do I?" *applause*
Because indeed, Achmed gained great fame through YouTube and Sweden is the world's 3rd greatest YouTube visitor. A lot of Achmed fans in the crowd.
"Am I as popular as ABBA? *starts to sing* I am your dancing queen, look at me, I KIIILL YOOOUUU!" Then came a REALLY good one...
"Oh, I got a new twist! I KEEEE YAAA! GET IT? I KEELLL YA! I KEEE (Y)AAA!" He repeated it and the crowd loved it. (IKEA, I keell ya, get it? ^_^)
"Are there any Vikings here? ... You know, they were the first terrorists! Ah, the good old days... It was before raping and pillaging were frowned upon. :)"

Achmed's act was really long and really good. I could spend an hour recalling all the wonderful stuff; but I don't have the energy so I'll move on from here.

After Achmed left the scene Jeff spoke directly to the crowd for a while.
"THIS is the first show I've ever done for an audience whose native tongue is not English, and you guys I can't tell the difference, you are amazing. *thumbs up*" *positive reaction from crowd, obviously*
He then spoke sentimentally about how he can't believe that all this has been made possible, very much through YouTube, and how it almost makes him cry to see it all. He pretty much expressed his thanks to us all; and there was a lengthy applause from the audience.

Who was next? Peanut, of course! This is when the memory in my digital camera became full, but I can still recall some things for ya.
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Oh yeah, before Peanut appeared Jeff Dunham asked the crowd, "Do you guys know Bubba J?" Insane reaction from the crowd; Jeff looked stunned at the fact that so many knew about Bubba J!
"Alright, that is unbelievable to me. Holy crap... Well, the next guy though if you've seen my show you will definitely recognize him. Please help me welcome my buddy; Peanut!"
The first thing Peanut did was to sing in a low but length tone,
"Stoooockhooooooooolm. Stooooooockhoooooolm. Yes I loooooove, Stockhooolm, Sweedeeeeeeen!" You can imagine how well that sold. :)
(Stockholm is the capital of Sweden)

Shortly Peanut was accompanied with 'Jalapeno on a stick'. Many classic jokes but still just as wonderful. My memory is a bit fuzzy here for some reason.
Peanut "I think you need a bigger stick."
Jalapeno "That's not what your mother said."

Oh yeah, just remembered something from before Jalapeno appeared. There was a lengthy skit about Peanut pretending to order chinese food using the phone; extremely funny despite the classical joke about bad english accents. This one you had to be there to really understand the funny of, but the bad accent ended up sounding like this;
"NOFYUCK?! YOULIKETASTEOVAGINAITLIKEFISH!!" If only you had been there... Peanut repeated this line several times and the crowed just couldn't stop laughing. I felt like I would start to cry uncontrollably; judge our filthy humour how much you like (Jeff actually did that at one point earlier in ths show ;) ).

When Peanut and Jalapeno left the show seemed to be over. Jeff left, the stage darkened, everyone rose from their seats and applauded high in the air. It felt like the show couldn't end any better! HOWEVER!... Jeff re-appeared and we realised it was not over!
Dunham told us that they had received alot of e-mails about Bubba J and in fact the guys backstage wanted Dunham to continue the show with Bubba. Believe this; they usually end the show right there after Peanut and Jalapeno but the demand was so high that he decided to continue!

Bubba J was a great hit naturally. I can not properly retell the jokes. Funny thing is that Dunham claimed to not clearly remember the jokes since he hasn't used Bubba J in such a long time. Don't know if it was true or not, but he took up a note and seemed to read from it.
Bubba "You know, it's kinda sad when the audience knows your jokes better than you." *laughter*
And here comes what was probably THE best part of the ENTIRE SHOW...
Dunham was using his old material, when suddenly people in the front row started ending each line for him! Dunham couldn't leave this unnotified, and after he had made this observation the number of people ending his lines increased dramatically!!!

Bubba would start saying something, then at the end be completely quiet when the audience ended the joke for him!!
Bubba "It's like a thousand voices in my head!"
Dunham actually made up a few new lines inbetween, so he took this turn of events really well! But he did say (something like) "This is the craziest/weirdest show I've ever had!!"
The ego of the crowd, including me, just blossomed when he said that. ^_^
In Bubba's jokes about Wall-mart he actually replaced it with IKEA, so that was a fun twist.

Then the finale came.
Bubba: "Welcome to IKEA..."
Crowd and Bubba J: "...GET YOUR SHIT AND GET OUT!"

Just...insane what a good ending that was! Once again the stage darkened, the crowed rose from their seats and applauded high in the air. I could barely believe it, but this ending was so much better than the first "ending".

Me and my brother left the building completely overcome with euphoria. Everything had just been...perfect. I hope Jeff Dunham's tour through Europe goes well.


Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
You're around more often, Shanks. What up with that?

And why does Joker in avi have knobby chin, but Joker in siggy does not?

shit came up. I'm a little confounded that's all.

Because the sig is a fanart while the avi is from Return of the Joker.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
epic and undeniably good. it blends both comic, animated and tdk's jokers into one psychopath. it's basically a Nolan-world comic.


Higher Further Faster
Yeah it is. I've been feeling quite deflated, too. I keep filling out applications and sending in my resume to different places and never get any phone calls back. *sighs*

I've also allowed myself to gain a lot of weight. Hopefully having a new job will reverse that. :P


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Yeah it is. I've been feeling quite deflated, too. I keep filling out applications and sending in my resume to different places and never get any phone calls back. *sighs*

I've also allowed myself to gain a lot of weight. Hopefully having a new job will reverse that. :P

Amen sistah. D=
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