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tits or gtfo
Moo, Meuterei, Destroyer of Worlds
Ohh, rite I keep forgetting this is a FF board (I don't actually even play these games, sorry)


--Tamashi no Rufuran
Emiya Shirou, Oz Vessalius, LPod, Belldandy, L-Phone
i don't play FFViii anymore. lol, i didn't finish it. junction system and fuck, sucks :awesomonster:


tits or gtfo
Moo, Meuterei, Destroyer of Worlds
I wanted to give up on FF8 so bad, but I forced myself to finish it just so I could see how terrible it was from start to finish, true story. This was 10 years ago, of course.
i don't play FFViii anymore. lol, i didn't finish it. junction system and fuck, sucks :awesomonster:
FFVIII is full of anti-win. Not just the battle system, but the dull and slow-moving story. Barely even a few tracks are memorable. Needlessly complicated sidequests with ridiculously small rewards.

This is a game where the strival for realism was fail. Gain money through salary?! Heck no, I want monsters to drop gold/gil coins for no apparent reason! I want treasure chests galore!

And the Pocket station add-on... Geez, such a tease that it should be unavailable to most people. When I got the game I kept wondering "Where is the Pocket station?!"
Does the European version support it if imported from Japan?

FFVIII is only bearable when you get the Non-Encounter ability from Diablos, so you know that you can run through this thing as quick as possible.


tits or gtfo
Moo, Meuterei, Destroyer of Worlds
how did squall ended up ultimecia? lolz. :aah:

Naw, not Squall... I think it was Rinoa... but it's rather hard to remember, I haven't touched the game since 1999. Then some bizarre ass time warp thing happened and you couldn't go to town and buy shit anymore, oh and [spsoiler]Seifer is a retard[s/opoiler] :monster:

Edit: Oh and we're all apparently from the same orphanage but we don't remember it

Fake edit: Edea can stop bullets with her MIND DUDE SRSLY :awesome:

(awful game was awful)


--Tamashi no Rufuran
Emiya Shirou, Oz Vessalius, LPod, Belldandy, L-Phone
Seifer's always been a retard since from the start :comedian:

lol, i know the whole plot. but i want to know what happened next after adel captured rinoa and stole her cloth. WTF.

shady: srsly, i didn't bother making my SeeD rank high enough to receive salary. 'Cause i can't take it. :faint:
And don't even get me started on the awful card game.
Sure, fun at first with well enough simple rules. With patience you can get some really good items and magic early on.
BUT soon enough the rules mix and jumble together with some really crappy rules that never seem to work in your favor. Even with a guide on how to control all the rules it was EXTREMELY tedious; so needlessly complicated and I had to restart the game many times because the rule changes are random.

I much preferred FFIX's card system.


tits or gtfo
Moo, Meuterei, Destroyer of Worlds
lol, i know the whole plot. but i want to know what happened next after adel captured rinoa and stole her cloth. WTF.

Isn't that the part where they shoot her off into space? I think it is (yes I'm serious, there's a part where they actually shoot Rinoa off in a rocket into outer fucking space)


--Tamashi no Rufuran
Emiya Shirou, Oz Vessalius, LPod, Belldandy, L-Phone
FFIX's card system FTW. i love it, actually. :awesome:

Mega: yeah, they have to shoot her off into the past in able to protect others from her when being possessed by ultimecia. WTF.


tits or gtfo
Moo, Meuterei, Destroyer of Worlds
Eh, FF8's card game was actually pretty decent as long as you didn't let rules change. There was a trick to it. It's one of the few things that I didn't hate about that game, actually.


Higher Further Faster
Yes, and my sensors detect a severe lack of myself and of TLS in there. If anyone has access, make sure to add a link to TLS in thar, :monster:. sure about that? It might bring in a more or less unfavorable crowd... :/
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