Chit Chat Thread

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Pro Adventurer
I'd love to stay there if i could just get a few more hours in , though in retrospect i never sat down and talked to the boss about getting more hours under my belt either.
Hes real protective about the arcade its a big investment for him since the cabinets (especially DDR/ITG/Hourseof the Dead) cost ass loads of money , i think the Dancing games costed just over 8thousand dollars. So i think if something goes wrong hes screwed XD

Heres hoping he trusts me :x

@ tenny , lucky :P my last job (albeit fastfood) was horrible i was constantly stuck training the newbs and since cooking the food is a team effort i was often left to tackle the rush hours pretty much alone whilst the new guy just stared at the patties and pretending to not notice i needed a hand.
Never the less good luck with the job ^^

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
OH THANK GOD YOU GUYS ARE HERE! It's been one hell of a week I couldn't complete my fics with homework and projects! D:>

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
I'm lost and I don't know what to start writing on, that dissidia sequel or a remake of my friend's old illiterate fic of Zaraki x Unohana with freedom to recreate it. ):


Higher Further Faster
Thanks, Gabe. :) I worked at a larger grocery store a few years ago and yeah, got some newb highschoolers to train in and I hated them all. >_<


Pro Adventurer
Why not help me with my story?
I had read a story on 4chan last night on /x/ , the OP got called to work early though and the story was drastically cut short , ive started up on my rewrite on it , wanna take the reigns? :P

@tenny , atleast your not stuck working in a wal mart or something.
Theres a nice charm to local shops ^^


Kissed by Fire
i suck at writing stories. it would be too predictable and there would be no dialogue. =/

i believe in you, gabe.


Higher Further Faster
Yeah I think I'll like this place.

And the building is old which I love. ^_^ It's very charming indeed.


Pro Adventurer
i suck at writing stories. it would be too predictable and there would be no dialogue. =/

i believe in you, gabe.

me to which is why im asking for help X)
I think i was notorious during ACF's drama fests for making tl;dr posts with more typos then punctuation marks :P

@tenny this place sounds awesome :O


Kissed by Fire
And $9/hr isn't half bad.

I just thought of a good idea for a story. A guy can't pay off a loan to another guy so he becomes the guy's butler. what do you think? or there's the other one, there's a horde of cows bent on destroying the world. eh?

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
These are for some literature contest. he wants to introduce animu in this country and it's for a fund raiser. He says I get to choose between my older dissidia fic or his illiterate version of Zaraki x Unohana. I'm a bit torn lol


Kissed by Fire
no way man. the one where farmer joe's cows get fed up with straw and plot to take over the world that one.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Hmm. yes yes! I've kept an old one about it! maybe this will delight the children! THIS IS DELICIOUS!


Kissed by Fire
Make sure to show me the rough draft.

if you make big bucks off it... i need a good part of the share.

edit: and don't forget Eddie. Eddie's the cow with an attitude.


Kissed by Fire
Its got to have a good starting.... think think think.

The dew drops settled on Farmer Joe's brow as his eyes wandered off into the sunset....
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