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Pro Adventurer
I R Bored , this is the story from 4chan last night that i wish to salvage and finish :o

It was July 3rd, 2011.

Nobody's quite sure how everything started. One moment, it was a regular day, just like any other. Then, the explosions started.

At first people thought we were attacked by terrorists or some enemy military. It didn't take long for us to realize the fires weren't being started by weapons or bombs, and that the only soldiers were the National Guardsmen trying to evacuate the city.

For us, it felt like the end of the world. Some thought Hell itself had come to swallow up the world. The mysterious fires and explosions began happening all over the world. Nobody could explain it, though everyone seemed to try. Methane gas eruptions, alien weapons, God punishing us. Everyone wanted to point the finger somewhere, at least until their area was hit by the fire.

For the rest of us, we just wanted to survive.

The blazes burned the world for days. Long after the fires started catching on their own, the damage they left blazed and smouldered without end.

I haven't seen the sun since those first few days. Everything is hot, dry and smells of fire and death. The survivors in this area managed to find some shelter in the nearby hills; a large cave has served as a home for the thirty or so people here over the past few weeks.

Water is starting to get scarce, and food has been short since we came. It is suspected that there may be some unburned food and drinkable water in the city's ruins. Last night, three men went to the city to see if they could find anything, now that most of the fires have died in the downtown region.

As long as the forest is the only place still burning, I think we might be safe soon.

The patrol never came back; it's been three days, and people have assumed they either were killed or left us to die. A second team is going into the city to see if we can't find them, and hopefully something for the survivors to have for food and water.

Unfortunately, we don't have many people willing to help. I'm going down there with two others later tonight.

The fires have burned the sky red for weeks. The city still glows with heat and fire in some of the buildings. It won't be easy to find anything down there, but we've got to try.

We reached the city early in the morning; I'm with two other men who volunteered.

It's already clear to me that we're not the only ones who survived. Graffiti marks some of the walls, too fresh to have been from before the attacks. Most of it seems to be from fear; the Nietzsche quote "God is Dead" strikes me in particular.

We've been searching for hours, but we haven't found anything; charred skeletons, destroyed vehicles, other signs of death and chaos. But so far, nothing useful. Only more and more strange signs of post-fire life. The three of us are holding out in a burned-out convenience store for now, so we can decide what to do.

It wasn't very long before we saw them.

We've been here for only an hour or so. Mark, David and I saw them come out from an apartment building, run down the street, and get away before we could say or do anything.

People. There are people still alive here. We're going to follow them; we're not sure where they were going, but they seemed to be in a hurry. One of them, she was carrying something. A large sack of some sort on her back. We're not sure what was in it.

Following the trail, we've found more signs of life. Unfortunately, they're not what we were hoping for. Several bodies lie in the streets, not killed by the fires. They look as though they were... torn apart.

My guess is that some stray dogs have gotten predatory in the chaos. Mark thinks people are resorting to cannibalism. All I know is, we're going to have to be on our guard, unarmed in a place like this.

It wasn't long before we found more advanced decay in the dead.

Some of them were burned, some torn open. Others were shot, stabbed, or simply looked as though they starved to death.

We lost track of the people we were chasing; unfortunately we're also lost. While some landmarks are still around, we've noticed the landscape to be sufficiently different to disorient us, even in our hometown. For all I know, this building was my apartment once. We're inside a small building right now, after David said he thought he saw something moving on the third floor.

We're about to move up the stairs. David's going up first, and he'll tell us when it's all clear.

I'm not quite sure what to say... It had only been about five, ten seconds where he was out of sight. When David went up the third flight, we heard him shout. It was cut off, and then we heard noises. Disgusting crunches, wet sounds. Running upstairs, we found no sign of David; only a massive, wet smear on the floor, dripping down the stiar and staining the carpet. Blood. A lot of it.

We didn't bother to investigate the blood any further. Mark ran downstairs screaming. I followed after him when I heard him trip and fall.

Mark's mostly okay. Scared, a little cut up from falling, but okay. We're both scared. Whatever happened up there, we weren't quite ready to find out. All we knew was that David was gone, and something had killed him.

We were going to turn back to the cave, tell the others. But we're still unable to find our way amongst the burned out buildings and ruins. Guesswork has only managed to make us even more lost.

Mark and I will have to live through the night here. We've found a large bus that crashed into a subway entrance; despite the awkward angle and the location, it's probably safer than anything else around us. Mark says he'll take first watch, and wake me when he's too tired...

It was pitch black when Mark woke me. He was shaking, and I could hardly see but his voice displayed his panic well enough.

"C-c'mon man! We gotta go!"

I didn't know what was wrong, but it wasn't the right time to stop and ask. A large crash shook the bus, and a low growl signalled us that something was above us, near the entrance of the tunnels. Mark kicked open a cracked potion of the windshield, and we slipped into the subway. Whatever was in that bus after us, we had to get away. Mark and I ducked into the subway tunnel, hugging the wall so we wouldn't fall on the tracks. It was dark, too dark to see anything. But after the noises died down, we assumed we were safe.

Mark wants to go down the tunnels, find a new way out. I'm worried that we'll get lost or killed in the pitch black of the tunnels. Hopefully we'll figure something out before whatever that thing was finds us.

When morning came, we were pretty sure we were safe; nothing had come to eat us, after all.

As we crawled back up through the bus, I noticed that it looked like something had been frustrated. The bus was full of holes, like claws or blades had torn it open, several seats ripped up or totally gone. Emergint rhrough the now mangled bac of the bus, we were back in the ruins where we started. Lost, but alive for now.

We decided that we weren't getting out any time soon. And if that was the case, we'd need to prepare ourselves for a long escape. Weapons, maybe. Flashlights, food and water. We'd need to find some way to survive this. Our canteens were almost empty, and we had no strength to fight.

I'm beginning to feel like this will be the end for us, and everyone else.

It was about an hour until we came into contact with survivors.

We were trying to be cautious; anything that snuck up on us would have us for dinner, and we weren't ready to resist it on an empty stomach and nothing to fight back with.

Turning a corner, there were six; soldiers, armed and sitting on a collapsed peice of wall. One of them was looking around the area through a rifle scope. The others seemed more relaxed, though they all kept their guns ready.

Mark must have lost his sensibility at the sight of them. He rand towards them, waving his arms and shouting "help, we're over here, we're over here". The soldiers sprang up and aimed their rifles at him, but instead of shooting him, they started sweeping their aim across the street like they were looking for something.

I found out what they were looking for just as Mark stopped running.

It moved too fast for me to get a good look at it. It was as big as a car, black, and looked like some sort of weird movie monster. It had these claws, and legs like a bug's that came out from weird angles. Whatever it was, it moved so fast Mark didn't even have time to look to see it.

The thing jumped out from under some toppled rubble, grabbing Mark mid-leap and silencing his screams the moment they began. The soldiers opened fire, but it was gone before anything else could happen- it had darted into a building, several loud crashes as it seemed to run away from them.

The soldiers were too preoccupied to see me until after it had gone silent for maybe thirty seconds. I didn't move; I only stood there, let them see me. It wasn't until one called me over that I began to approach.

The soldiers filled me in on what little they know.

None of them have gotten a good look at whatever the creature is, either. It's always been too fast, too dark, or just a really bad idea to turn around and get a look at it. They're pretty sure there aren't many of them, but believe it isn't the only one around.

They say they don't know how the fires started. They don't know where anyone is, and that they only have a small food supply of their own. They were getting ready to move out of the city and find survivors with food and water themselves.

I was given a flashlight, my canteen was refilled, and they gave me a pistol in case anything happens. They told me that I wasn't supposed to muse it unless I had to, but the circumstances had shown me that I had more important things to worry about than shooting everything that moved.

We ate inside a large, crashed APC. They had been using it as a sort of headquarters since it was too far gone to be repaired or driven. Most of the inside was stocked with a few boxes of food, ammo and water bottles. Not anywhere near enough for us to last a week, let alone the survivors up in the hills.

It was starting to look like we'd not make it back in time for them, if we made it back at all. I wanted to help them, but it was hopeless; we didn't know where we were, much less where sufficient supplies were and how to get them out of town.

The soldiers will be scouting a supermarket tomorrow; I've been given the opportunity to go along. Hopefully there's something left in there.

We're going to the market today. The soldiers seem to think that we'll have no trouble, because the building is mostly unharmed from the fire.

As we got into the parking lot, I noticed something; several vehicles had been turned over, most of them seemingly set up in an intentional pattern; they were a wall of some sort. The others took note and got ready; perhaps there was someone holed up in the supermarket.

Moving in quietly we had to be careful. The people here might try to open fire on us, or that... thing may have come through and taken care of them. For all we knew, it could have been waiting inside for us.

When we got inside it was dark, empty, and dead. The shelves were cleaned out, though several cans of beans and soup were on the floor, as well as a few wrappers and containers opened and emptied. We snagged up as many unused items as we could.

It wasn't until we reached the back room that we found some relief; there was a stockpile here, food and water enough to last us a while. However, there was something disheartening about all this; a sheet was wrapped around a large lump, blood staining the cloth. Beside it, a rotting corpse, the head missing. Whatever had happened to that man, we weren't too eager to find out.

One of the soldiers went to examine the body and the thing in the cloth. Meanwhile, the other soldiers starting collecting all they could, planning for a second trip.

I went to see what the first was doing. Inside the cloth we found a small child, a young girl. She was barely recognizable as human; I thought it was a small dog before I saw her face. the man's corpse was mostly fine; other than the missing head, it seemed like he was in good health when he died. The soldier said it looked like his head was torn off, and that some of the spine was missing inside the neck.

I decided that we'd have to worry about more important things. Following the other soldiers, we took a decent amount of food from that place before I stayed behind, letting the others do their job while I kept an eye on the APC.

Hopefully nothing goes wrong while I'm here.

I was in the APC for a good ten minutes before I came to regret being alone.

It started when I heard some noises in the street; hurried footsteps, gasping breath. I went out to investigate, and I saw the woman from before; her massive sack on her back, running and almost stumbling, before finally falling over. I moved to help her, pistol in hand in case she turned violent. As I got closer, though, it seemed like more and more was wrong with her. She was pale, burned, bloody and looked almost deformed. The sack, I noticed, was staying on her back even after she fell.

It wasn't until I got close enough to see it that I realized I should have run.

Her sack was, in fact, a peice of her back; a massive growth, topped with an orange and red sore, oozing pus and blood, the hole seeming more like an orifice than an injury. Her own grayed skin looked like it had been dead for hours, though her breathing implied she was still alive. She stood slowly, clumsily, and looked up at me; the most horrified expression I have ever seen was on her face, as she let out a loud scream, her back spurting blood as the opening in her swollen back flexed and stretched. From out of it, a dozen long, segmented limbs came out, black and insectile, too long to have possibly been inside her body the whole time. They seemed to act as legs for her then, her body dangling, screaming in the air while the black legs suspended her. Her chest rippled, and the from out of it a single, long arm-like appendage grew, a pincer at the tip as it writhed and swung about, the woman still screaming, though now reduced to a gurgled choke through her own blood. I began to back away, and the creature reared back, about to come down on top of me. I closed my eyes, knowing that this must be the end for me.

It was weird. At that moment, I felt everything slow down around me. The screaming felt drowned out, the sounds of the soldiers running towards the area from the sounds all but lost to me. I didn't even realize what I was doing as I saw the sharp legs of the creature coming at me.

I stepped back, seeing it cut through the ground where I had been standing, a few rounds of the soldiers' guns whizzing past me and ricochetting off the black legs. The creature's howls faded, and I drew out the pistol I had been given. The legs weren't going to break. The only soft part was the woman. I don't know why I thought of this, but just as my mind felt everything begin to move normally again, and I regained my senses, I ran forward. Underneath the creature, where I could get a better shot of it, ducking to the ground and rolling in order to avoid the pincer claw that swung clumsily at me. I emptied the magazine while laying on my back, looking up at the woman this thing was half emerged from, the screams echoing each shot. The creasture reeled back at this, long enough for my better-armed comerades to get in close enough. I saw the woman shot to peices, the creature toppling over as she was ripped apart by fully automatic fire.

I was lucky; the creature wasn't anything like the one that had killed Mark. I can only assume it wasn't fully grown..


Kissed by Fire
Shanks: seems like something that could be made into a movie like the end of the world or something... there's lots of those lately. Maybe the world's going to end soon...

I'm still confused... what in the world is ACC?
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Pro Adventurer
Basically the same movie on blu ray and with a few more scenes.
just like the original definetly not worth the wait :P

When i torrented AC like a week before it was released in japan i felt like such an ass for having waiting years for that piece of crap ;_;

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Dunno if your insinuating copypasta or lunch room pasta XD

The horror genre kind of stories are called creepypasta. something that grips your soul to the point you can't sleep.

If it's anywhere like Knowing, I'm not participating in it and I'll focus on romance.


Pro Adventurer
i still havent seen knowing :P

@lpod , maybe i dunno i know it will look great on my tv (42" HD flatscreen/wide :)) but is it really worth seeing some pretty pictures again for 20 bucks?


--Tamashi no Rufuran
Emiya Shirou, Oz Vessalius, LPod, Belldandy, L-Phone
lol, pictures only for 20 bucks? :awesomonster:

lol, with speaker? pwnage :wackymonster:


--Tamashi no Rufuran
Emiya Shirou, Oz Vessalius, LPod, Belldandy, L-Phone
I R Upgraded :bounce: < i miss this one :(

lol, i can buy ACC pirated within a month, so why bother buy the original?
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