Chit Chat Thread

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I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Aw... later then, Miss A. :(

LOL I feel loved :monster: Maybe being a bby isn't such a bad thing.

And I still want to kill the zombies. :awesome: not canon.
Cthulhu is not great justice.
Star Trek was never cool.
There are no zombies.

Any more delusions all you want me to epically destroy? :monster:

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
You did not destroy anything.

Those are just your opinions, not facts. :monster: Nice try.
You did not destroy anything.

Those are just your opinions, not facts. :monster: Nice try.

And your claim that Clack being canon would be fact?

Pure and utter bullocks. Square is yet to release a franchise in which anyone is openly homosexual! Sure, there are the occassional cross-dresser adventures but never have the narrative clearly suggested a gay couple!
My guess is that it never will.

Clack FAILS, and I'm tired of this pairing dominating the discussion of each and every topic!

There will be no dawn...for Clack.:bmonster:

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Yes, it is fact. :monster: I don't how it's so hard to realize this. :wacky:

You do realize that with your post, you just started to make Clack a dominant topic again? :awesomonster:


We have come to terms
Does that mean you're selecting the farting/puking monkey or the weird hypnotist dinosaur thing with the long neck?
Screw you guys, I'm going home.
*notices I'm already home, tells home to go away*

Edit: Don't pressure me about the meaning of jungle rage! :(


We have come to terms
I'm talking about Primal Rage. Was hoping to segue into that or some other random topic to avoid the continuation of the current.

*pssst, just play along*


Yop not canon.

This. The only true couple in FFVII is all the possible lesbian couples, preferably all at once.
Cthulhu is not great justice.


Star Trek was never cool.

Yes, it was. :facepalm:

There are no zombies.

There never are, until one day you wake up and your 3-year old kid is eating your brain. Unless you're prepared, lock and bolt your door, and have an 'In Case Of Zombies, Break Glass' case hanging on your wall, containing either a red crowbar or a shotgun. Or both, preferably.
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