Countdown Clock


Pro Adventurer
Yeah. I had this "Oh it's like 9 months to the Remake! Yey!" and know "Oh... 250 days... 250! Omg, that's like... almost a year!"


I'm so sorry this happened to you. I understand the sentiment behind "this is how the internet works." but it's still so shameful and the least someone could've done is ask your permission to use your work. God, this sort of thing really infuriates me.

Is there anything we can do about this? I feel it's only right to try and contact the webmaster or something. I'd do it myself but I'm not very fluent in French.

Kai Schulen

... ... ...▼
Trainer Red
Seeing that they're using other people's fanarts as their image banners probably without permission of the original artists does not surprise me.

It's worth a shot contacting them to take it down. and if that fails, go petty and contact the original artists of said images and tell them that their art is being used without their permission.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
Hello everyone.

I'm the person who is responsible to use the work that will be created by Radigar if I all correctly understand.

So in first place, I present my apologies to all The Lifestream community and in particular, I present my sincere apologies to Radigar for the bad feeling my action has created in his mind.

Obviously, the good part of though was to be honored: I find this work really pretty and good, but this is not what you have experienced and I have really, really sorry about this. Really because I perfectly understand now the other part of the feeling:

Now, my guilty: I have asked permission from anybody about the FFVIIR Countdown.

As a developer, I respect the work of my peer, it's why you can find in these files:


a mention to the sources:
/* This file come from : */
/* This file come from : */

I was probably blinded by the following bias
- thinking because my website was in french: the author, The Lifestream or English people don't care about not English information.
- thinking because not specific author was identifing on the source file, the work was not the one of real people.
- thinking because other people use my work without mention me, that authorised me to do the same.
- thinking because I spent lot of time to understand how it work and update it, that minimize the original work.

Sure it's an explication, but not an excuse: I admit it.

And I assume Trainer Red said probably true, contrary to the Counter, some images in the banner was take at a time (2004) I was really young and I dont care about Intellectual Property (not by evil, but by ignorance). For the counter it was not the same reason, it just probably because of the bias explained above called « la barrière de la langue » in french.

So, right now, I added in the UI interface the source of the counter as the author wished because now I'm confronted to the bad feeling of Radigar, I understand the source in the code was not enough.

I sincerely hope this will encourage Radigar to be proud of his work and to know his requirement about is work is are perfectly understandable and legitimate.

The new credit link is set. If you want I provide another link, do not hesitate to ask to me.

And, even if I have an email that invite me to add the credit link, I will ask the (right) question I was ask in first place:

The Lifestream community, could I use your FF7R coundown work base to create a french version I can provide to some french fan of FFVII as you in the following way ?

Kai Schulen

... ... ...▼
Trainer Red
Wow, now I feel like an evil bastard. :closedmonster: I apologize for sounding like a jerk. I can't speak for everyone else, but no hard feelings on my part! It's really wonderful that you asked for permission, I've seen many people before who get angry about being asked to take down their reposts. :closedmonster:

(also, I've tracked down the original artist for one of your content banners, miche, although they don't have the original piece in their pixiv gallery anymore.)
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Pro Adventurer
Hello everyone.

I'm the person who is responsible to use the work that will be created by Radigar if I all correctly understand.

So in first place, I present my apologies to all The Lifestream community and in particular, I present my sincere apologies to Radigar for the bad feeling my action has created in his mind.

Obviously, the good part of though was to be honored: I find this work really pretty and good, but this is not what you have experienced and I have really, really sorry about this. Really because I perfectly understand now the other part of the feeling:

Now, my guilty: I have asked permission from anybody about the FFVIIR Countdown.

As a developer, I respect the work of my peer, it's why you can find in these files:


a mention to the sources:
/* This file come from : */
/* This file come from : */

I was probably blinded by the following bias
- thinking because my website was in french: the author, The Lifestream or English people don't care about not English information.
- thinking because not specific author was identifing on the source file, the work was not the one of real people.
- thinking because other people use my work without mention me, that authorised me to do the same.
- thinking because I spent lot of time to understand how it work and update it, that minimize the original work.

Sure it's an explication, but not an excuse: I admit it.

And I assume Trainer Red said probably true, contrary to the Counter, some images in the banner was take at a time (2004) I was really young and I dont care about Intellectual Property (not by evil, but by ignorance). For the counter it was not the same reason, it just probably because of the bias explained above called « la barrière de la langue » in french.

So, right now, I added in the UI interface the source of the counter as the author wished because now I'm confronted to the bad feeling of Radigar, I understand the source in the code was not enough.

I sincerely hope this will encourage Radigar to be proud of his work and to know his requirement about is work is are perfectly understandable and legitimate.

The new credit link is set. If you want I provide another link, do not hesitate to ask to me.

And, even if I have an email that invite me to add the credit link, I will ask the (right) question I was ask in first place:

The Lifestream community, could I use your FF7R coundown work base to create a french version I can provide to some french fan of FFVII as you in the following way ?

I really appreciate you going through this thread, it honors you and I thank you. It has comforted me to read your message and I can come to understand the situation because like you, language also means a small barrier to me. In addition I know how the internet works and these things happen often. I wrote my finding here to vent me of somehow in some way.

Maybe it bothered me too much because I used to visit your website as one of the FF7 reference sites in French and years ago I had collaborated with a partner of yours named Menencia. So I didn't think this would happen this way.

As I said before, finding my work in other website made me feel flattered but at same time something furious for how everything happened by not even having a formal request to TLS. Of course I have no problem sharing with you the widget and that it appearing in your website adapted to french.

No hard feelings. Thanks for your words and for adding the credits, this made my day.
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