Oh yes, shooting enemies around a corner by using Fire!
This definitely helps you clear some areas with zero damage where you'd otherwise be forced to go out in the line of enemy fire and inevitably get shot.
...Also how did I NOT notice until just now that a magic projectile is only first fired when you LET GO of the L1 button?! It is not fired when you press the button, only once you let go. Wow.
- Redid the "green cart" segment in Chapter 10, where you first defeat pursuers and then a Dragonfly. Wailed away first at the Dragonfly, but in the last section where it is in your line of fire I did not shoot it AT ALL. Despite this, the Dragonfly malfunctioned and exploded. Its HP, which you can't see, had already been depleted. ...Just had to check now if the aircraft survives if you don't shoot it at all.
Conclusion: The aircraft will survive if you don't shoot it at all. So there is an invisible HP bar that gets depleted but then the Dragonfly just goes on as scripted until it reaches the end of the line.
- Did some more tests in Chapter 8 (Midgar). The two WRO soldiers who you must NOT approach in order for them to survive can handle their own. It takes a few minutes, but eventually the enemies in front of them will be defeated. They will then also shoot the soldiers on the tower. After a few minutes these soldiers will be defeated by the WRO soldiers too. Waiting around is pointless so you might as well shoot the DG soldiers yourself, but it's cool to know that the WRO soldiers will survive on their own.
- The Deepground Commander only calls three waves. Big-sword guys, bazooka guys and sentry bots. After that, the Deepground Commander will only focus on hunting you down. The sentry bots still dropped MANY Adjuster items. One even dropped a Limit Breaker.

...Also how did I NOT notice until just now that a magic projectile is only first fired when you LET GO of the L1 button?! It is not fired when you press the button, only once you let go. Wow.
- Redid the "green cart" segment in Chapter 10, where you first defeat pursuers and then a Dragonfly. Wailed away first at the Dragonfly, but in the last section where it is in your line of fire I did not shoot it AT ALL. Despite this, the Dragonfly malfunctioned and exploded. Its HP, which you can't see, had already been depleted. ...Just had to check now if the aircraft survives if you don't shoot it at all.

- Did some more tests in Chapter 8 (Midgar). The two WRO soldiers who you must NOT approach in order for them to survive can handle their own. It takes a few minutes, but eventually the enemies in front of them will be defeated. They will then also shoot the soldiers on the tower. After a few minutes these soldiers will be defeated by the WRO soldiers too. Waiting around is pointless so you might as well shoot the DG soldiers yourself, but it's cool to know that the WRO soldiers will survive on their own.
- The Deepground Commander only calls three waves. Big-sword guys, bazooka guys and sentry bots. After that, the Deepground Commander will only focus on hunting you down. The sentry bots still dropped MANY Adjuster items. One even dropped a Limit Breaker.
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