"I slice your ass in 4."
- Raq, Raquel.
What's her face getting into a Morpheus fighting pose. I was waiting for the fingers to twitch, but alas.
Pfft. Absolute fail then because I didn't even connect it to The Matrix. I thought it was a special Hitomi thing.
Yes, . And a boner in between Tifa's legs, for that matter.
You dirty you. Though, I wouldn't be suprised if the ending episode is all the FF and DoA girls getting each other off and lesbo hugging..
What's her face doing a Loz move, pounding the floor to create a shockwave. Same movements and such.
Again, I didn't connect this to Loz. I just figured Oum wanted the spell to look cool.
I've met quite a few people who seem to think that people just put materia into their bodies, like the Shinentai. =/
It's what Kadaj does in AC/C.