True, but was she always that way? The tragedy of her character is that the game implies that the world made her that way.
How come I have no trouble imagining Seifer as an Oedipus Rex? :\
Just because I'm bored and am trying to avoid papers, I'll try to take a stab at the heroes since not many have. Note, I haven't played FFII or FFV, and never finished FFI so I'm drawing alot from Dissidia/what's already been said in this thread.
There was really no other choice for the #1 spot. As a human/esper hybrid, her magic ability is almost godlike. She can literally a small militia of men in mere minutes, something I have trouble the rest of the cast would be able to do. Plus, that is without even refining her abilities.
Admittedly, I'm putting Zidane here due to his powered-up strength. If Kuja could so effortlessly destroy whole cities in a single magical outburst, Zidane could comparatively do much more damage. I have no doubt imagining that he could probably reach DBZ levels of power. In terms of potential, I think he's the only other hero to rival Terra.
Warrior of Light
I put WoL here because in terms of his depiction in Dissidia, it just seems... he should be rated high? Also, his origins seem to indicate that he is more than just a mere human. I have the impression that he not only weilds the lights power and fights on its behalf - but he may even have been born out of the light. Can't say this for sure as I haven't finished the game, but his entity is just really freaking intimidating and I think out of all the heroes, he "exudes" the greatest power
A skilled fighter who wields a massive sword. He's an incredibley strong and fast and can do extreme damage with his masterful swordsmanship. He's pretty much the superman of FF. While Cloud's scope does is not on par with the above three, his sheer strength alone greatly exceeds those of an average person. I'd describe him as a "superhuman" fighter, while the above three are closer to mystical/godly power.
5. Cecil
He is able to balance the light and the darkness, and was the most deadly knight in all his kingdom's history.In fact, in terms of fighting competency, I think he's probably on par with Cloud. I ranked him below Cloud because Cecil is by all means an averge human, but I think if it did come to a showdown, Cecil has more than a fair chance at beating Cloud down. It's kind of hard to say. I could easily tie them for the 4th spot.
Pretty much Cecil's predecessor in the fact that he's a normal human that deligently trained himself to his peak. I can definitely see Squall having similar military praise as Cecil after a few more years of training. I think he's only a hair away from Cecil+Cloud in strength, but unfortunately his potential is limited to normal human status. He isn't pumped up on makoroids and doesn't have this innate ability to wield abstract magical forces.
Haven't played FFII, but from what I can tell, he's a classically trained fighter like Squall and his versatility with weapons gives him extreme range in battle. He also gives the impression of being able to take advantage of his surroundings. Power-wise, he's probably not too different from Squall, but Squall is ranked higher because of years of refinement he's had in fighting.
Onion Knight
While I think I maybe giving him a little too much credit, it somehow didn't feel right placing Tidus and Bartz above him. He's pretty balanced in speed, magic and physical attacks - this gives him versatility. He's similar to WoL in that he is a Warrior of Light (in the original FF3) but Dissidia presents their power in entirely different manners. OK is more of a magic-based knight, but I don't find anything too above human about him. He's able to go toe-to-toe with all these Godlike villains as just a kid? Imagine what he could do when he's older! As is, I find him to be the most awkward character to place.
I feel bad for placing this guy so low. I haven't played FF5, but from the posts here ExDeath seems... really fucking crazy powerful. I assume, unless the ending is a total downer, that Bartz and co. were able to take him down. However, I couldn't put him above the other characters because he doesn't seem to have the same fighting background with the other characters. His special mime ability puts him on par with anyone he comes to battle with, and this ability is definitely more impressive than Tidus' abilities. His spot is easily interchangable w/ OK. I think I could pretty much tie them like I tied Cecil and Cloud?
Unfortunately, I couldn't help but put Tidus down at the bottom. But just because he's last doesn't mean he still can't kick ass. He's easily the fastest character of the group. I put him at the bottom because he's the only character that starts the game with pretty much no prior fighting experience/ability. His athletic skill does give him a firm basis to be a good fighter, so that still pretty much makes him better than you
My general ranking scheme pretty much goes from: borderinf demi-gods --> superhuman --> normal humans at peak strength --> reluctant/untrained warriors. I am also working on the basis that magical strength>physical abilities. I did however disregard that with Cloud and Cecil, just because Cloud is just that crazy-strong..