I'll be around at 10pm GMT on Saturday night
Is that 10pm GMT as in 10pm UK time, or 10pm GMT 11pm UK time?
(God, I hate BST.)
Anyway, around 10pm BST is the latest for me, I'm afraid. I've been losing sleep lately, and it's making me extremely irritable (as in, toddler) and feeling ill. And unfortunately...
Also anyone who cannot attend I suggest doing what mumble is and just leaving your MSN online and we will add you to the convo.
Can't do this, cos the house net is turned off whenever my mother's boyfriend drags himself to bed (usually 11, 11.30), so I'd lose the connection. =/
On the plus side, I'm usually awake at times most people consider early (yeah, even if I'm sleep deficient), so I'll be able to get the low down from the Antipodeans.
I do know that we WILL have to rename a lot of stuff so that SE doesn't sue the pants off of us. One of the first things I noticed when I got tricked into reading a few posts before joining (
) was that a lot of names of things and people are from one of their games, which might be trouble down the line.
It depends to what degree the names were borrowed. A mix and match name counts as an original idea (although Patriq Josefson comes from Paterson Joseph, as Mateus Smythe is Matt Smith, and Grant Richardson is Richard E Grant).
Although, as we've seen in recent years, having a pre-existing character called Harry Potter does not mean that legally JK Rowling ripped you off.