Blizzard rolls out server-side hotfixes to fix some immediate issues. They fixed the resurrect bug, and nerfed a shitton of classes, reducing duration of skills and nerfing protection skills / spells. Because a client update needs more testing and whatnot (and finishing) before that, tooltips will still show the original values.
I thought they spent the last half year or more beta testing and balancing this?

but good thing they're actively working on improving the game already.
In other news,
D3 sets PC game launch record; 3,5 million sold on launch day, 1,2 million people entitled to play the game due to a WoW annual pass, 39% of games played in Korean gaming halls was D3, and after a week the counter is up to 6,3 million players (minus the koreans, because they don't actually own the game etc)