So, according to the internets, the AH prices for items are currently undergoing what seems to be hyper-inflation; items are more and more expensive, etc. This can of course in part be explained by the fact that more players - that stick with the game, that is - reach the higher difficulty levels, earn moar gold, and thus add more to the economy and are able to afford more stuff.
But it's also due to bots and the like.
Here is a shitty online interview with a botter that has a hundred accounts and plays 200 games simultaneously (you can play on US and EU servers simultaneously on a single account, apparently), making 300 K per account per hour, or 60 million per hour, and in all likelihood 24/7.
And this is why the real gold auction house will never work or last long; botters will fill it with items for cheap (or transfer from the gold AH from their botted moneyz to the real one for real moneyz), and it will all be shit.
Then again, Blizzard will be making money off of it, so I don't actually think they mind. But then, the fuck do I know