Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy


Double Growth
Dunno about Dissidia, but my XIII game has voices in English though. All the rest is in French, but not the VA. Which is not a bad thing, considering the French dub for games/animes (aka ahaha it's for kids, let's suck!).

Really? I never got around to watching it but I seem to remember hearing that the French dub of AC was pretty good.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
SeeDcadetuniformSeeDcadetuniformSeeDcadetuniform comeonSeeDcadetuniform


Kingdom Hearts appearance :awesome:

KH bonus alt confirmed for Squall.

hahahahahahahaha, hilarious

Fuck you. :monster:

Lol, Force was right.
I kinda feel bad for Tres now. He really wanted that cadet uniform.

I still have hope. I mean, it's DLC. There's really no reason they can't have more of it even after the game's release.

Sure, it's good his KH look is an option, but not over the SeeD cadet uniform. I like both, but gah.

Dale told me about this set this morning.

Seriously, Cloud Squall and Gabranth? Three characters that otherwise appear in other play arts FF sets. No love for the underexposed characters like WoL, Bartz, Firion etc.

Checking the online shop, they had 'Trading Arts' for Firion, Cecil, Bartz, Terra and Sephiroth, Warriror of Light, Cloud, Squall, Zidane and Tidus:


I guess the difference is that these aren't posable? (The pictures don't look it, and there's the whole 'random figure in a box' thing.)

It'd be nice to see more variety, though. Like more villains beyond Sephiroth.

More Play Arts figures for characters who already have them is shameful. That pisses me off almost as much as Squall not getting the right DLC outfit.

The Trading Arts figures are pretty lame by comparison, though I'm glad a Firion and Terra of some kind exist. They really need proper figures, though.

And Ultimecia needs some kind of recognition. Even Laguna and Seifer have had figures before. Granted, Edea has too, and she was technically Ulty for most of the game, but that doesn't really count.
Last edited:


Pro Adventurer
JP site updated with KH Squall info... render ripped:

Did a little bit more digging on the EU site, grabbed from the promo larger-ish Laguna and Sephiroth images:


Celes Chere

When Tifa appeared, her haters and bashers had a field day

Yeah, it's really strange that Tifa's hated more than Tidus or Vaan (these characters seem to be complained about a lot), but is also really popular at the same time. O_o I don't think Rosa would be hated on as much if she were added, because she doesn't really HAVE many fans. xD


Double Growth
Rosa has haters?

But then, I didn't even know people bashed Tifa's inclusion. Seriously? It's a freaking fighting game, why should she not be in it?



Pro Adventurer
More renders ripped from the new JP main page:










Celes Chere

But then, I didn't even know people bashed Tifa's inclusion. Seriously? It's a freaking fighting game, why should she not be in it?

lol said:
But yeah, notice how Aerith shows up in games where she's not involved in the fighting but Tifa seems to be thrown into the fighting in fighting games? I dont understand it. Aerith has always shown far more spine than OMGIneedCloud!Tifa. Yeah, cuz a strong female character only equates to being good at martial arts.

Tir McDohl

rune bearer
lol said:
But yeah, notice how Aerith shows up in games where she's not involved in the fighting but Tifa seems to be thrown into the fighting in fighting games? I dont understand it. Aerith has always shown far more spine than OMGIneedCloud!Tifa. Yeah, cuz a strong female character only equates to being good at martial arts.


edit: Ooops, beat to it. :o

Elisa Maza

I wonder now that Aerith IS included in battles, what is this person saying? Oh, wait.

And just because I want it...

lol said:
But yeah, notice how Aerith shows up in games where she's not involved in the fighting but Tifa seems to be thrown into the fighting in fighting games? I dont understand it. Aerith has always shown far more spine than OMGIneedCloud!Tifa. Yeah, cuz a strong female character only equates to being good at martial arts.


Obligatory, because Linkara = <3


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Because I'm pretty sure there can't be too many image macros in response to this shit:
lol said:
But yeah, notice how Aerith shows up in games where she's not involved in the fighting but Tifa seems to be thrown into the fighting in fighting games? I dont understand it. Aerith has always shown far more spine than OMGIneedCloud!Tifa. Yeah, cuz a strong female character only equates to being good at martial arts.


Fire and Blood
Really? I never got around to watching it but I seem to remember hearing that the French dub of AC was pretty good.

Not so sure. I did buy ACC, but I seldom watch it in French. It's just... yeah, usually, dubs are really bad. I can't stand them. And for anything, really: good dubs are rarer nowadays in France.

And thank you, Cloud_S for sharing those. I wish they'd have it in bigger quality. :/ *wants to make Tifa icons :awesome*

As for Tifa being playable in a fighting game:: hell YEAH. Wish I had a PSP. DX And those haters can suck it up :P


The Wanderer of Time

I realized something: Prishe has it worse than pretty much every single FF protagonist. She's hated and shunned by almost everyone, she's been locked up for most of her life, her hometown has already been more or less destroyed, she's a wanted criminal in half the world, she's being hunted by the Sin Hunter assassins and possibly Bahamut himself, she believes she will one day be responsible for the end of the world, she expects her own party members to kill her for the greater good someday, and her entire life has been manipulated by someone she trusted as a little girl all so that she can one day be sacrificed to Promathia, the God of Chaos. And she's still more upbeat than most FF protagonists.

And you know what? She almost never complains about it all. Her backstory isn't even revealed until halfway through the story, and everyone else in the party is shocked because she never complained about it before. Even when her immortality is revealed, she jokes about it ("If I were a Tarutaru, no one would have ever noticed."
. She chooses to bottle up all of her problems, and the only indication she gives is at the very end of the story, when she privately admits to the player character that when Promathia tempted each of them with what they wanted most, he offered to simply end her life.

So yeah, my respect for her has now gone up.

For those of you who are curious, I watched all the cutscenes on WotgAshiee's youtube channel. She has every Chains of Promathia cutscene on there. Here's the first one that introduces Prishe:

Oh, and another thing: I noticed that Prishe's cussing never extends beyond "hell" and "damn". Guess even I was mistaken in my memory of her foul mouth.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Oh wow now I suddenly care about the extremely obscure and badly designed character.


Celes Chere

I don't think it's that people hate Prishe necessarily, it's just that we don't know who the FUCK she is. :lol: And even while it's cool knowing this information about her, there's more than a handful of other well known characters that they could have chosen from. <=/


But yeah, notice how Aerith shows up in games where she's not involved in the fighting but Tifa seems to be thrown into the fighting in fighting games? I dont understand it. Aerith has always shown far more spine than OMGIneedCloud!Tifa. Yeah, cuz a strong female character only equates to being good at martial arts.
CRY MOAR!! :awesome:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Yeah, it's really strange that Tifa's hated more than Tidus or Vaan (these characters seem to be complained about a lot), but is also really popular at the same time. O_o I don't think Rosa would be hated on as much if she were added, because she doesn't really HAVE many fans. xD

She's got her fans. But fans of FFIV tend to be mellower about the game and its characters than most other FF games in my experience.

Rosa has haters?

But then, I didn't even know people bashed Tifa's inclusion. Seriously? It's a freaking fighting game, why should she not be in it?


Tifa shouldn't be in it because the people who have a hate on for her do it for quasireligious shipping reasons. Likewise most Rosa haters.

I've barely seen any Rosa haters, just that Rydia fans (who dislike- not hate- Rosa) are more vocal. I love them both tbh but having Rosa as a full character would be totally awesome.

I have never seen anyone hate on Tifa for being included. <_< 'Course the only Dissidia board I go to is the gamefaqs one from time to time, but the only hate I've seen there is for Vaan.. until he became a meme or something :monster:
I've seen a little bit for Prishe but other than that yeah.
Maybe she did at first I dunno, but I don't remember seeing any.

Two words: CxA forums.

CRY MOAR!! :awesome:

That's what it boils down to folks, continued 13 year butthurt.
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