Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

Elisa Maza



Info is slowly coming in on the Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy's appearance for Final Fantasy V's Gilgamesh. Jump has a brief look at the character in its coming issue.

The big feature for Gilgamesh is that his weapon will change each time you attack. This presumably means that you won't know what weapon you'll get. But you're not alone, as Gilgamesh apparently doesn't know himself!

The magazine also shows Gilgamesh's Excalibur move and an event scene with fellow FFVer Bartz.

I'm taking this appearance over Cloud's abomination-for-an-outfit in KH ANY day. Seriously, the FUCK were those clothes??
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Pro Adventurer
I agree, OT3 FTW :awesome:

Rosa should be a support character, that'd be awesome

YEEEES. Rosa needs more love and attention. She's a seriously awesome character, and yet she gets not much love. Kick out Aerith and replace her with Rosa. >:

Also KH Squall, yes. I love how Squall acted in KH. He was much nicer, and not so much a jerk.
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
YEEEES. Rosa needs more love and attention. She's a seriously awesome character, and yet she gets not much love. Kick out Aerith and replace her with Rosa. >:

Also KH Squall, yes. I love how Squall acted in KH. He was much nicer, and not so much a jerk.

Support nothing. Rosa should be a full character. I demand it.

Also, KH Squall lacks the severe developmental issues that causes 8 Squall to turn to coldness as a defense mechanism.

Tea-chan, those clothes were basically Cloud raiding Vincent's hamper since his own clothes were in the wash.


Double Growth
Recent updates all frontpag'd.

So I guess Gilgamesh will function a lot like he did in FFVIII? Sometimes dealing 1 damage, other times dealing a ton (I guess they wouldn't include an insta-kill).
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Joe, Arcana
Dale told me about this set this morning.

Seriously, Cloud Squall and Gabranth? Three characters that otherwise appear in other play arts FF sets. No love for the underexposed characters like WoL, Bartz, Firion etc.


Double Growth
Actually I have the Warrior of Light figure from the first Dissidia. But yeah I have never seen a Bartz, Firion, Terra, or OK figure.


Pro Adventurer
In regards to the Pre-order Bonuses, visiting the NA site lets you pre-order from GameStop, Amazon, and Best Buy. Best Buy will most likely have KH Squall, seeing as we are not getting a legacy edition.


AI Researcher


Member of S.T.A.R.S
Blazefire Edge
Does anyone really know whats Happening Tidus...Because from what I've found, He's still who he is, but also on the Side of Chaos. O _ O
Which I don't want to see a Character Move like that, but you know. XP


Double Growth
It the one subtitled trailer, Jecht says to him, "So you went and got yourself brainwashed." So I guess he was brainwashed?

(Also welcome frontpage-user :monster:)


AI Researcher
What's with all the European versions having English in-game text/menu? (According to the official sites.) Was the original game like that? I've seen videos in different languages, though the voices were English.

I might have gotten the Spanish one if it had been cheap enough, but if this is the case, I wouldn't bother.

I'd very much like to see some more Kuja
Why do I want this as much as I do? :sadpanda:

Also Cloud of Darkness and Ultimecia.

And I don't even buy figures.


Double Growth
What's with all the European versions having English in-game text/menu? (According to the official sites.) Was the original game like that? I've seen videos in different languages, though the voices were English.

I might have gotten the Spanish one if it had been cheap enough, but if this is the case, I wouldn't bother.

...You wouldn't bother getting the Spanish one if it had English menus? Why would that matter?


AI Researcher
...You wouldn't bother getting the Spanish one if it had English menus? Why would that matter?
I'm not going to learn Spanish from English menus :sadpanda:

And what I meant (but didn't end up saying) was are all the menus in English, but the rest of the text (subtitles, item/attack descriptions, etc.) in whatever-native-language-it-is?

And if you translated all that text, why leave the menus?


The European versions are usually fully translated in multiple languages, subtitles, menu etc.

Unless the game is called FFI, II, IV TAY or Chrono Trigger. :wacky:


Fire and Blood
Dunno about Dissidia, but my XIII game has voices in English though. All the rest is in French, but not the VA. Which is not a bad thing, considering the French dub for games/animes (aka ahaha it's for kids, let's suck!).

Elisa Maza

I don't think that bashers should be a concern. When Tifa appeared, her haters and bashers had a field day, but she is in and she did bring buyers. -_-
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